Personal Fitness Syllabus

Personal Fitness will provide an understanding of the components of physical fitness and health problems associated with inadequate fitness levels. It will assess an individual’s fitness level so that one may exhibit a positive attitude toward lifelong physical activity. The goal is to encourage students to develop an optimal level of fitness and understand its concept as well as the significance of lifestyle on one’s health. Students will finish the class with an understanding of the benefits of activity throughout one’s life as well as how to design ones own fitness program.

Grading Procedures: (students grades will be broken down into the following standards)

Tests/Projects/Daily class work/Quizzes 10% (tests will consist of individual performance tests)

Dress out grade 35%

Participation 35%

Benchmark/SLO test 20%

a. You will be required to dress out and participate daily in all class activities

b. Each day is worth 20 points (10 for dressing out and 10 for participating in the assigned class activities)

c. At the end of each week, the total points earned will be the grade for that week


1.  Students should be in their proper place in line or will be considered tardy when the tardy bell rings.

2.  After roll call, students will proceed to dress out for class.

3.  Unexcused absences will result in no credit for that day… see Grading Policy in the next section.

TCCHS Grading Policies

Students may re-attempt a summative assessment (tests, quizzes, essays, 6 +1, etc.) only one time. The re-attempt must be made 5 days of receiving the grade on the original assessment. Failure to make a valid attempt on the first assessment will result in a loss of the retake privilege for that assignment. Students are expected to turn in assignments on time and demonstrate proficiency. Any additional make-up requires prior administrative approval.

Fitness Gram Testing

All students are required to perform the state mandated Fitness Gram Test. It is a measure of your child’s physical fitness levels. A report will be sent to you with your child’s results. (testing dates: twice per semester)


Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program is a week long course explaining the dangers of using alcohol and other drugs while driving, laws and consequences, and the importance of practicing safe driving. (dates second week of school after fall break)

Thomas County Central High School is NOT responsible for any lost or stolen items. Students should NOT leave any valuable items in the locker rooms.

Dress Code:

1. Non-marking/scuffing athletic shoes (tennis shoes) only

2. No open-toe shoes (flip flops, crocks, sandals, etc.)

3. Athletic style shorts, no less than halfway from the hip joint to the top of the knee

4. T-shirt with sleeves, waist length with no open mid-drift

Department disciplinary policies include but not limited to:

1. Not dressing out and/or participating in class activities

2. Showing of underwear

3. Food, drinks, and gum not allowed

4. Students will follow all guidelines listed in the Parent/Student Handbook

After reviewing the syllabus, please have your parent/guardian to sign and date, along with your signature on the next page.

I have received, read, and agree to follow the rules and regulations stated in this course syllabus.


Student Signature Date Parent Signature Date