Signora Saldan
Course Code: 4510/4511
Level: H/X
Goal: This course will immerse students in authentic linguistic and cultural contexts designed to develop effective communication skills in Italian. Listening, speaking, reading and writing in Italian will be included in daily lessons. Students will learn and apply vocabulary relating to everyday life situations. The following themes will be introduced: greetings, family and friends, time, days, months and seasons, food and restaurant, sport and entertainment, shopping for clothes, housing, and geography of Italy. Through the study of these topics, students will be introduced to basic concepts of Italian grammar, syntax and conjugation.
Text/Resources: The textbookAVANTI!and its accompanying workbook is used. Additional Resources: Teacher’s worksheets, audio/video sequences, Internet sites, etc.
Homework: Study and/or written homework will be assigned virtually every day. Students should expect to spend approximately 20 minutes on homework each night. All homework must be completed and written in the Italian notebook. (quadernoitaliano)
Students might have additional assignments such as projects, reports or skits.
Evaluation: Listening comprehension, speaking, writing and reading. Evaluation will be planned regularly: tests (40-50 pts), weekly quizzes (10-20pts), oral presentations (25-50 pts), research / cultural projects (50 pts).
Grading Procedures: Grades will be kept as cumulative points as indicated above and recorded on Pinnacle regularly.
Class Participation: All students are expected to come to class ready to be active participants. A strong emphasis is placed on speaking and communication, everyone participates daily. Criteria for class participation include: being in class on time, bringing necessary materials to class (book, workbook, notebook, pen), and maintaining a serious approach to studies.
Seeking Extra Help: Students are encouraged to seek extra help whenever needed. I am available by appointment after school in room 239 Monday through Thursday from 2:30pm to 3:00pm.
Absences and Make-up Work: When absent from class it is the student’s responsibility to obtain the class notes for the day(s) absenct from a classmate and any handouts from me. If the material is unclear to the student, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with me at a mutually convenient time to clarify any confusion about the material missed. Students are required to make up missed tests according to the Conestoga policy in room 294. Timely make-up of missed tests is essential!
School-wide cut Practice: Regular attendance is essential for academic success. Unexcused absences from classes interrupt the continuity of learning. A class cut is defined as an unexcused absence from all or part of a scheduled class or class activity. A failing grade may be assigned for any graded work that was completed during a class cut. A student who cuts class will receive a 10-point reduction for the marking period. A second class cut in the same marking period will result in a failing grade of 50% or lower for the term.
Other considerations: Italy is a country rich in diverse traditions, and among them religious traditions. Any study of the language and culture of Italy would not be complete without discussion of some of the many religious traditions, and the folklore surrounding the various saints. In keeping with the Federal, State and T/E District guidelines, any such discussions are conducted in a solely instructional manner.
(Student Signature) (Parent Signature)