What are we going to do in Standard Biology?
GRADING— Daily Grades—20%
Labs 25%
Projects 20%
Tests 25%
Quizzes 10%
Scale: A (100-90); B (89-80); C (79-70); D (69-60); F (below 70)
DAILY GRADES— We will be busy everyday in this classroom--NO FREE DAYS!! Expect notes, vocabulary, group and individual activities. It will go into an Interactive Notebook which will be your one stop place when it is time to study for quizzes and tests. We will have an online textbook for support in class. Use this link to get your copy: . Flashcards have been provided for you in quizlet. Notebook checks will be done when units are finished. We will store each nb check in your portfolio in the classroom. Grades here will be for completion.
LABS—Labs are to show mastery of each state objective. For this reason, students will get a chance to fix any corrections on these assignment. Green= Mastery of Material, 95%; Yellow = Some Understanding, 75%;Red = Little Understanding of Material, 65%.
QUIZZES & TESTS—Quizzes will be given every week, based upon Board Facts from that week. Tests will be given when we finish a unit. County Tests will be given every 6 weeks as benchmark assessments.
**EXAMS**--This class has an EOC where a Level IV, or proficiency, is about an 87%. Therefore we will be aiming for this grade on all of our quizzes and tests.
MAKE-UP WORK--Students are responsible for any work missed. They should check the haiku page and its calendar first for any downloadable assignments, reading, announcements, etc., and then the Make-Up Work File box in the classroom for hard copies of anything. All tests and quizzes need to be made up.
Late Work:NB checks, projects, etc will have 10 points off for every day this assignment is late.
COMMUNICATION—If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. The best way is through email at An important resource for both students and parents is your haiku account. Daily updates will be sent through remind. com. Text @77608 to 81010. The class website will also have useful items:
TUTORING--Will be held Mon 3:45-4:30, Thur 8:00-8:45, & by appointment. Students that have a D or an F will have to attend mandatory tutoring until their grade is pulled up. Communication with parents will happen every 3 weeks concerning mandatory tutoring.
SUPPLY LIST—one 3-ring binder, pens, pencils. Students might also want their own pack of colored pencils, headphones, and a flashdrive. Also each student should bring a packet of one of the following: white board markers, kleenex, handsoap, qtips.
**I have read all the class intro materials provided and I understand what will be required to succeed in Biology class. I also understand the acceptable policies for using the laptops in Mrs. Allen’s class.**
______(Student) ______(Parent)
Remember—Fill out survey from website and bring supplies by Wednesday!
This classroom is a place that supports and encourages student learning. My goal for each of you (and hopefully yours as well) is to gain an understanding of the biological world around you through the NC standard course of study and to show your understanding by scoring a Level 3 or 4 on the EOC exam, in order to complete your graduation requirement. To effectively accomplish this I feel that student and teacher roles should be clearly defined.
You are responsible for your own learning, while I am responsible for creating a learning environment for you.
To help meet your responsibilities you should: come prepared to class; complete assignments; participate in class; use appropriate language; clean up after yourself; maintain a positive, respectful attitude; follow all other MTHS handbook rules (no electronics, no food, etc).
In order to meet my responsibilities I will: provide activities to present the NC standard course of study; provide activities to review for the EOC exam; grade and provide feedback in a timely manner; maintain a respectful, positive classroom environment.
**To maintain this classroom environment, flagrant displays will call for removal from the classroom and possible D1, while minor infractions will cause deductions from participation grades, unless they are not corrected. I of course will use my judgment for each incident, but will try to be as fair as possible.
Mrs. Allen’s Laptop Contract
●I understand that it is a privilege to have constant access to a laptop.
●I will use my laptop as I am guided by my teacher and school staff members, which means that I will only be on websites or computer programs required for my assignment.
●I understand that I am responsible for using the computer in a respectful manner.
●I must follow Mount Tabor High School rules while I am using the laptop, no Facebook or other social media, inappropriate images, no charging cell phones, etc.
●I will always follow internet safety rules as outlined in the District Acceptable Use Policy that I signed.
●I will only use my computer unless I have permission from my classmate to use theirs.
●I will use care when using the laptop. I will not eat or drink while laptops are in use. I will protect the laptop from being dropped or damaged.
●I understand there will be consequences for improper behavior while using the laptop computer, including discipline referrals or being barred from using a laptop in Mrs. Allen’s class.
Non-negotiable Guidelines for Use
1These devices are a privilege, not a right.
2Handle the device carefully and respectfully. Laptops should be handled/carried with both hands. You are responsible for your device.
3Only use the device assigned to you.
4Protect your device! Take preventative measure so it does not get damaged, scratched, bumped, or bruised!
5Make sure you place your laptop in your corresponding numbered location in the laptop lock box so it can charge & be kept safe.
6Do not eat or drink near your device.
7Remain on task!
8Listen and follow directions given by the teacher. “Click it” means close your laptop & direct your attention to your teacher.
9Respect everyone’s ideas and be a good listener! Allow everyone to contribute.
10Students will be held accountable for all other school guidelines & policies.
Biology Contract
Please fill out the following information on the form on my website or Print your info below, sign below (& the lab safety contract), and return to Mrs. Allen ASAP! Thanks and I am looking forward to a great year!
Student Name ______Period ____
Student Email ______
Parent 1 Name ______
Parent 1 Email ______
Parent 2 Name ______
Parent 2 Email ______
Best Phone # ______
Is there anything you feel I need to know? (Career or interest in a biological area, IEP or 504 modifications, family issues, allergies, medical conditions, etc.) Please write below.
**I have read all the class intro materials provided and I understand what will be required to succeed in Biology class. I also understand the acceptable policies for using the laptops in Mrs. Allen’s class.**
______(Student) ______(Parent)
Remember—Info sheet and supplies are a grade and are due back on Friday!
What are we going to do in Honors Biology?
GRADING— Daily Grades—20%
Labs 25%
Honors Projects 20%
Tests 25%
Quizzes 10%
Scale: A (100-90); B (89-80); C (79-70); D (69-60); F (below 70)
DAILY GRADES— We will be busy everyday in this classroom--NO FREE DAYS!! Expect notes, vocabulary, group and individual activities. It will go into an Interactive Notebook which will be your one stop place when it is time to study for quizzes and tests. Readingsand their attached assignments will be done outside of class through an online textbook. Use this link to get your copy: . Flashcards have been provided for you in quizlet. Notebook checks will be done when units are finished. We will store each nb check in your portfolio in the classroom. Grades here will be for completion.
LABS—Labs are to show mastery of each state objective. For this reason, students will get a chance to fix any corrections on these assignment. Green= Mastery of Material, 95%; Yellow = Some Understanding, 75%;Red = Little Understanding of Material, 65%.
QUIZZES & TESTS—Quizzes will be given every week, based upon Board Facts from that week. Tests will be given when we finish a unit. County Tests will be given every 6 weeks as benchmark assessments.
**EXAMS**--This class has an EOC where a Level IV, or proficiency, is about an 87%. Therefore we will be aiming for this grade on all of our quizzes and tests.
MAKE-UP WORK--Students are responsible for any work missed. They should check the haiku page and its calendar first for any downloadable assignments, reading, announcements, etc., and then the Make-Up Work File box in the classroom for hard copies of anything. All tests and quizzes need to be made up.
Late Work:NB checks, projects, etc will have 10 points off for every day this assignment is late.
COMMUNICATION—If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. The best way is through email at An important resource for both students and parents is your haiku account. Daily updates will be sent through remind. com. Text @776084 to 81010.The class website will also have useful items:
TUTORING--Will be held Mon 3:45-4:30, Thur 8:00-8:45, & by appointment. Students that have a D or an F will have to attend mandatory tutoring until their grade is pulled up. Communication with parents will happen every 3 weeks concerning mandatory tutoring.
SUPPLY LIST—one 3-ring binder, pens, pencils, . Students might also want their own pack of colored pencils, headphones, and a flashdrive. Also each student should bring a packet of one of the following: white board markers, kleenex, handsoap, qtips.
**I have read all the class intro materials provided and I understand what will be required to succeed in Biology class. I also understand the acceptable policies for using the laptops in Mrs. Allen’s class.**
______(Student) ______(Parent)
Remember—Fill out survey from website and bring supplies by Wednesday!
What are we going to do in Seminar Biology?
As a seminar student, I have an expectation that all readings, notes, practice and any other HW assigned will be completed. This will allow us to have more discussions and activities than the traditional Honors Class. Come to class prepared and with questions and this will be a great semester for everyone!
GRADING— Daily Grades—20% Honors Projects 20% Labs 25%
Quizzes 10% Tests 25%
Scale: A (100-90); B (89-80); C (79-70); D (69-60); F (below 70)
DAILY GRADES— We will be busy everyday in this classroom--NO FREE DAYS!! Expect case studies, labs, vocabulary, group and individual activities. It will go into an Interactive Notebook which will be your one stop place when it is time to study for quizzes and tests. Readingsand their attached assignments will be done outside of class through an online textbook. Use this link to get your copy: .
LABS—Labs are to show mastery of each state objective. For this reason, students will get a chance to fix any corrections on these assignment. Green= Mastery of Material, 95%; Yellow = Some Understanding, 75%;Red = Little Understanding of Material, 65%. We will use a composition notebook for our labs.
QUIZZES & TESTS—Quizzes will be given every week, based upon Board Facts from that week. Tests will be given when we finish a unit. County Tests will be given every 6 weeks as benchmark assessments.
**EXAMS**--This class has an EOC where a Level IV, or proficiency, is about an 87%. Therefore we will be aiming for this grade on all of our quizzes and tests.
MAKE-UP WORK--Students are responsible for any work missed. They should check haiku page and its calendar first for any downloadable assignments, reading, announcements, etc., and then the Make-Up Work File box in the classroom for hard copies of anything. All tests and quizzes need to be made up. Late Work:NB checks, projects, etc will have 10 points off for every day this assignment is late.
COMMUNICATION—If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. The best way is through email at An important resource for both students and parents is your haiku account. Daily updates will be sent through remind. com. Text @seminarb to 81010.The class website will also have useful items:
TUTORING--Will be held Mon 3:45-4:30, Thur 8:00-8:45, & by appointment. Students that have a D or an F will have to attend mandatory tutoring until their grade is pulled up. Communication with parents will happen every 3 weeks concerning mandatory tutoring.
SUPPLY LIST—one 3-ring binder, pens, pencils, composition notebook. Students might also want their own pack of colored pencils, headphones, and a flashdrive. Also each student should bring a packet of one of the following: white board markers, kleenex, handsoap, qtips.
**I have read all the class intro materials provided and I understand what will be required to succeed in Biology class. I also understand the acceptable policies for using the laptops in Mrs. Allen’s class.**
______(Student) ______(Parent)
Remember—Fill out survey from website and bring supplies by Wednesday!