Gradespeed Basic Training
Getting Started—The page is posted at:
First Time Login—
Use 5 digit employee ID number as username
First time login: Leave password BLANK
On change password screen, create a password with at least 6 characters
Retype password to confirm
Gradebook screen
current class info
- Section & period
- Teacher name
(click on it to change password)
- Info about semester/
grading cycle/dates
- Use to send grades to counselor at end of grading period
- Only click ONCE for all classes
- Clicking it locks you out of making changes for the grading period
- Only click when COMPLETELY finished with changes for a grading period
Seating Chart
- Go to seating chart view
- Rearrange students
- Can load pictures
- Can take attendance from this screen
Lesson Plans-not using this feature
Class--Drop down menu displays sections for current grading period
Arrows—to navigate across page if more assignments are entered than visible
- Used to go to Assignment entry screen
- Cannot be used until Categories are set up
Reports-can access the different reports available to print for the teacher
Progress Reports
- Used to print progress reports to give to students
- Can be used to print Interim Progress reports
- Use the Elementary Print Options to combine classes on one report
Categories-Set up categories
- Percentage must equal 100%
- Can drop assignments in a category
- Student Advantage-works when grades are dropped
- Total Points Logic is for Teachers who used Total Points instead of categories
- Only shows attendance for current day
- Once submitted CAN’T be changed by teacher
- Can use report to view attendance for previous days or other sections
Cumulative Grades-brings the Cumulative Grades Screen into view
Practice, Practice, Practice!
Add, Edit, Delete Assignments, Entering Grades
Progress Reports
Other Info
Click on student name to view student demographic info and grades
Entering Grades—Codes other than numbers:
- left blank: grade cell is ignored in the calculation
- I=inc: grade cell is ignored in the calculation
- E=exc: grade cell is ignored in the calculation
- M=msg: Missing assignment calculates as a zero
- r= revised: Can be added to any changed assignment to indicate that it is a redo or changed grade
- a=alternative assignment (for modified SPED assignments)
- Don’t forget Type for adding extra credit for nudging up a grade
If you want all assignments you don’t enter to be factored as a zero when you enter an assignment, make the default M (msg-missing) because a blank is not factored into the grade and missing is.