Grade Pre-K Religion Content

Topic: Prayer

●  Sign of the Cross

●  Our Father

●  Hail Mary

●  Grace Prayer

●  Prayer is Talking to God

●  Reverence

Topic: Creation

●  God’s Gift of Water

●  God’s Gifts of Earth and Plants

●  God’s Gifts of Birds and Fish

●  God’s Gift of Animals

●  God’s Gift of Light

Topic: Ourselves

●  God made us

●  God gave us our feelings

●  Growing and changing

●  Our senses

Topic: Church

●  Belonging to the special family

o  Baptism

●  Celebrating Mass

Topic: The Bible

●  Old Testament

●  New Testament

●  Stories about God and Jesus

Topic: Religious Holidays

●  All Saints Day

o  Discuss the definition of a saint

●  Advent

o  Preparation for the birth of Jesus

●  Christmas

o  Christmas Story

o  Birth of Jesus

●  Lent

o  Preparation for Easter

●  Easter

o  Jesus resurrection

Grade Pre-K Religion Methodology

●  Book/ Resources

o  Discovering God’s World by Sadlier

o  Children’s Bible and Storybooks

o  Music CD by Sadlier

o  Songs

o  Poems

o  Art Projects

o  Websites (example: Pinterest)

o  Circle Time

o  Religious Articles (example: cross, photos)

Grade Pre-K Religion Assessment

●  Observation

Grade Pre-K Language Arts Content

Topic: Letters

●  Alphabet Recognition

o  Uppercase letters

o  Lowercase letters

o  Letter Sequence

●  Letter Sounds

●  Consonants and Vowels

Topic: Reading Comprehension

●  Read Stories

o  Listen

o  Discuss

●  Print Concepts

o  Follow print (left to right, top to bottom, front to back)

●  Making Predictions

●  Recalling Details

●  Literature

o  Author/ Illustrator

o  Real/Imaginary

o  Plot, Character, Setting

●  Listening Skills

Topic: Writing Process

●  Pencil Grip

●  Spatial Awareness

Grade Pre-K Language Arts Methodology

●  Teacher Demonstrates Alphabet using Alphabet line.

o  Sing ABC song

o  Match letter to name

●  Teacher uses Abrams Letter People Puppets.

●  Teacher reads Big Books.

●  Teacher reads letter people stories.

●  Students choral read letter people stories.

●  Students sing along with letter people CD.

●  Teacher demonstrates how to form letters.

●  Students practice making and identifying letters using coloring sheets and tracing sheets.

●  Teacher models how to create letter related art project.

●  Students create art projects

Grade Pre-K Language Arts Assessments

●  Observation

o  Discussions

●  Worksheets

o  Coloring

o  Tracing

o  Projects

Grade Pre-K Language Arts Materials

●  Alphabet Line

●  Big Books & Storybooks

●  Poems/ Finger plays

●  Songs

●  Story CD’s

●  Abram’s Letter People CD

●  Letter people puppets

●  Handwriting without tears pencils

●  Crayons

●  Worksheets

●  Craft supplies

Grade Pre-K4 Math Content

Topic: Numbers

●  Number Recognition 0-20

●  Writing Numbers 0-20

●  Counting up to 50

●  Matching Numbers to objects

Topic: Calendar

●  Months

●  Days of the Week

●  Seasons

●  Time Sequence

o  Yesterday

o  Today

o  Tomorrow

●  Patterns

Topic: Geometry

●  Shapes

o  Circle

o  Square

o  Triangle

o  Rectangle

o  Oval

o  Heart

o  Star

o  Diamond/rhombus

o  Octagon

Topic: Data Analysis

●  Sorting

o  Colors

o  Size

o  Shape

●  Drawing Conclusions

o  Size and shape

o  More and less

●  Graphing

Grade Pre-K Math Methodology

●  Teacher demonstrates counting on number line.

●  Children count with teacher.

●  Teacher demonstrates with counters.

●  Children use counters to demonstrate number sense.

●  Teacher demonstrates number formation.

●  Children practice tracing and writing numbers.

●  Teacher shows calendar during circle time, children count chorally with teacher.

●  Class sings days of week song.

●  Teacher demonstrates pattern on calendar.

●  Teacher discusses time sequence on calendar.

o  Days of week

o  Months of year

o  Seasons

●  Teacher uses shape chart and objects to demonstrate shapes.

●  Children practice identifying and making shapes.

●  Teacher demonstrates sorting: shapes, colors, & size.

●  Teacher graphs sorting results and discusses results with class.

Grade Pre-K Math Assessments

●  Observation

o  Discussions

●  Worksheets

o  Coloring

o  Tracing

Grade Pre-K Math Materials

●  Number line

●  Calendar

●  Worksheets

●  Counters/manipulatives

●  Charts

●  Songs

●  CD’s

●  Books

Grade Pre-K Science Content

Topic: Insects

●  Spiders

●  Caterpillars/butterflies

Topic: Hibernation

●  Groundhogs

●  Bears

●  Why animals hibernate

Topic Frogs

●  Life cycle of frogs

o  Egg

o  Tadpole

o  Froglet

o  Frog

Topic: Apples

●  Types of apples

●  Parts of apples

●  Growing apples

●  Apple products

Topic: Weather

●  Sun

●  Wind

●  Snow/sleet

●  Rain

Topic: Nocturnal Animals

●  Raccoons

●  Bats

Topic: Arctic Animals

●  Penguins

●  Polar bears

Topic: Plants

●  What plants need

●  air

●  soil

●  sun

●  water

●  Seed to plant

Grade Pre-K Science Methodology

●  Teacher reads books.

●  Students complete worksheets

●  Students create art projects.

●  Students learn songs and poems.

●  Teacher shows frog life cycle using poster or pictures.

●  Teacher shows varieties of apples.

●  Students taste apples.

●  Graph results.

●  Teacher labels parts of apples on board.

●  Teacher reads to class how apples grow.

●  Students complete sequence sheet.

●  Students help teacher make applesauce.

●  Students explore/observe weather outside

●  Students plant bean seeds and observe their growth.

Grade Pre-K Science Assessment

●  Observation

o  Discussion

●  Projects

o  Worksheets

▪  Coloring

▪  Tracing

▪  Sequencing

o  Crafts

Grade Pre-K Science Materials

●  Books

●  Magazines (Clifford, and Mailbox)

●  Worksheets

●  Art Supplies

●  Songs and Poems

●  Websites (Pinterest)

●  Apples

●  Apple tasting supplies

●  Graph

●  Plants

●  Seeds

●  Soil

●  Water

Grade Pre-K Social Studies Content

Topic: Community Helpers

●  Firefighters

●  Nurses

●  School Employees

●  Police Officers

●  Doctor/Dentist

Topic: Holidays

●  Columbus Day

●  Halloween

●  Veteran’s Day

●  Thanksgiving

●  Christmas

●  New Years

●  Martin Luther King’s Birthday

●  Valentine’s Day

●  Presidents’ Day

●  St. Patrick’s Day

●  Mardi Gras

●  Easter

●  Mother’s Day

Topic: American Symbols

●  Pledge of Allegiance

●  American Flag

●  Johnny Appleseed

Grade Pre-K Social Studies Methodology

●  Teacher reads books.

●  Students complete worksheets and projects.

●  Students learn songs and poems.

●  Teacher leads children on school tour.

o  Principal’s office

o  School office

o  Gym

o  Nurse’s office

o  Library

●  Firefighter visits classroom.

●  Teacher recites Pledge of Allegiance.

●  Students learn & recite Pledge of Allegiance.

Grade Pre-K Social Studies Assessment

●  Observation

o  Discussion

●  Projects

o  Worksheets

o  Crafts

Grade Pre-K Social Studies Materials

●  Books

●  Magazines (Clifford, and Mailbox)

●  Worksheets

●  Art Supplies

●  Songs and Poems

●  Websites (Pinterest)

Grade Pre-K4 Art Content

●  Tracing

●  Cutting

●  Gluing

●  Painting

o  Finger painting

o  Water-color painting

●  Coloring

Grade Pre-K4 Art Methodology

●  Teacher demonstrates

o  Tracing

o  Cutting

o  Gluing

o  Painting

o  Coloring

●  Children practice

o  Tracing

o  Cutting

o  Gluing

o  Painting

o  Coloring

Grade Pre-K4 Art Assessment

●  Observation

●  Art projects

Grade Pre-K4 Art Materials

●  Pencils

●  Crayons

●  Scissors

●  Glue sticks

●  Glue

●  Paint

●  Paintbrushes

●  Construction paper

●  Craft supplies

Grade Pre-K 3 Art Content

●  Tracing

●  Cutting

●  Gluing

●  Painting

o  Finger painting

o  Water-color painting

●  Coloring

Grade Pre-K 3 Art Methodology

●  Teacher demonstrates

o  Tracing

o  Cutting

o  Gluing

o  Painting

o  Coloring

●  Children practice

o  Tracing

o  Cutting

o  Gluing

o  Painting

o  Coloring

Grade Pre-K 3 Art Assessment

●  Observation

●  Art projects

Grade Pre-K 3 Art Materials

●  Pencils

●  Crayons

●  Scissors

●  Glue sticks

●  Glue

●  Paint

●  Paintbrushes

●  Construction paper

●  Craft supplies

Grade Pre-K4 Music Content

Topic: Music and Movement

●  Sing songs seasonal /holiday /everyday.

●  Dance to music.

●  Use musical instruments.

●  Follow along to music and movements CD’s.

Grade Pre-K4 Music Methodology

●  Teacher sings to teach songs.

●  Teacher demonstrates movements.

●  Teacher demonstrates use of musical instruments .

Grade Pre-K4 Materials

●  CDs – Bean Bag Activities & coordination skills

●  CDs – Musical scarves & activities

●  Additional music and activities CD’s

●  Musical Instruments

●  Websites –

Grade Pre-K3 Music Content

Topic: Music and Movement

· Sing songs seasonal /holiday /everyday.

· Dance to music.

· Use musical instruments.

· Follow along to music and movements CD’s.

Grade Pre-K3 Music Methodology

· Teacher sings to teach songs.

· Teacher demonstrates movements.

· Teacher demonstrates use of musical instruments.

Grade Pre-K3 Materials

· CDs – Bean Bag Activities & coordination skills

· CDs – Musical scarves & activities

· Additional music and activities CD’s

· Musical Instruments

· Websites –

Grade Pre K Library Content

Topic: Introduction to the Library

●  Sitting still,

●  Paying attention

●  Listening skill for story time

●  Color sheets that pertain to different seasons, holiday or current events.

Topic: Introduction to Books

●  Discussing favorite stories and characters.

●  Discussing favorite types of books.

●  Teaching about Authors and Illustrators.

Topic: Book/Movie Comparisons

●  Read book such as Dora, Thomas & Clifford and talk about how they Compare to TV show or movie.

Topic: History of Holidays and Current Events

●  Each month we read stories for the appropriate holiday or person of interest. For example; Martin Luther King, Johnny Appleseed, Veterans Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, etc.

Topic: Library Terminology

●  Teach library behavior words and simple words to describe different types of books.

Grade Pre K Library Methodology

●  Reading to class

●  Whole group instruction

●  Individualized instruction

●  Library/thematic worksheets

●  Listening center

●  Literature chosen by holiday, theme, person of interest or teacher request

●  Teaching parts of a book

●  Author discussions

Grade Pre K Library Assessment

●  Observing children’s library manners

●  Noting listening skills

●  Attention capabilities

●  Knowledge of character identities

Grade Pre K Library Materials

●  Books

●  Worksheets