Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board Minutes

January 19, 2016

Ramkota Hotel & Conference Center, Pierre, South Dakota

Tuesday, January 19

Amphitheater 1

Board Members Present:

Stan Anderson

John Brockelsby

Jim Entenman

Ted Hustead

Julie Ranum

Jim Schade

Carmen Schramm

Frank Smith

Ivan Sorbel

Kristi Wagner

Board Members Absent:

George Kessler

Staff Present:

Jim Hagen

Harla Jessop

Wanda Goodman

Natasha Bothun

Chad Coppess

Arline Hammer

President Ranum called the meeting to order and called for nominations for President.

Election of Officers

Jim Schade nominated Ted Hustead for President of the Governor’s Tourism Advisory Board. John Brockelsby moved to close nominations. Stan Anderson seconded. Motion carried on a unanimous ballot.

President Ted Hustead opened nominations for Vice President. John Brockelsby nominated Ivan Sorbel. Carmen Schramm moved to close nominations. Julie Ranum seconded. Motion carried on a unanimous ballot.

Tourism Conference

Natasha Bothun handed out individual Board assignments for the Conference and gave an overview of the sessions.

Badlands National Park

A brief discussion was held regarding an increase in entrance fees proposed by Badlands National Park to begin in 2017.

Board members mentioned that a few of the people they’ve visited with have not totally opposed an increase, but would like to see an incremental increase over a few years, rather than a jump of 100% in some categories.

There is still an opportunity for public input and there have been some meetings held.

Ivan Sorbel will also talk to Oglala Sioux tribal leaders regarding the fee proposals as their Parks & Recreation Department is funded by a portion of the Badlands National Park entrance fees. They’ve used money to pave roads and a new Visitor Center is planned.

Stan Anderson will also check with the Wall City Council on their position on the proposed fee increases.

Next Meeting

Board members will be polled as to the best dates for their next meeting, as previously suggested dates in April now conflict with other meetings.

Meeting was adjourned.