Government of Karnataka
Water Resources Department
(Published in terms of the Provision of the Karnataka Transparency in public Procurements Act 2000)
Volume No. 19
15th September 2008
No.WRD 03 MBI 2008 Dt: 15/09/2008
The details of the notices inviting the tender in respect of the Procurement requirements of different procurement entities is published as a part of the State Tender-Bulletin for the Third week of September 2008. The details of the published Tender Notification may be obtained by the concerned Executive Engineers who has invited the respective Tenders.
Email: Deputy Secretary to Govt., (MMI)
Web Site:- Water Resources Department.
Send to:
1. Managing Director, Krishna Bhagya Jala Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
2. Managing Director, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
3. Managing Director, Cauvery Neeravari Nigam Limited, Bangalore.
4. Engineer-in-Chief, Water Resources Development Organisation, Bangalore.
5. Compiler, Karnataka State Gazette Officer, Bangalore.
6. The District Tender Bulletin Officer & Deputy Commissioner, ______.
7. The Chief Engineer, ______.
8. The Chief Engineer, B.T.D.A., Bagalkot.
9. The Superintending Engineers, ______Circle.
10. The Executive Engineers, ______Division.
11. The President, Karnataka Engineer’s Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
12. The President, Karnataka Engineering Service Association, K.R.Circle, Bangalore.
13. The President, Karnataka State Contractor’s Association, Bangalore, for information with a request to give vide publicity of the Tender-Bulletin through the President / Chairman of the affiliated District Contractors Association, ______District.
Volume: 19.1
(A Government of Karnataka Enterprise)
OFFICE OF THE, Executive Engineer, KNNL, HBC Divn., Athani – 591 304.
No./KNNL/HBC/PB-2/TND/KWC 21-36/2008-09/1278 Dtd: 04-09-2008
Sealed percentage tenders in duplicate superscribed with name of work both for manual and e-tendering are invited by the undersigned on behalf of Managing Director KNNL Bangalore for Class-I and above contractors. The Class-I contractors are expected to apply in two cover system (as per KTPP Act 2000) consisting of Technical Bid (Cover No-II) and Financial Bid (Cover No-I). These two covers shall be sealed separately and kept in another sealed cover duly superscribing the name of work and shall be addressed to the undersigned with name and full postal address of bidder. The Category contractors are to apply only for the financial bid. While applying for the tender, the contractor shall invariably mention his option regarding submission of tender by manual or by e-tendering.
The blank tender documents can be obtained through web site and by linking to e-tender and further detailed information can be collected.
Statement showing the work put to tender;
Sl. No / Name of work / Approximate amount put to tender (Rs. in lakhs) / EMD in lakhs / Cost of e-tending form/ tender document (including KST) / Category enrolled under KNNL/ Class-I PWD contractors / Stipulated period for completion (including monsoon)1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7
1 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 21 / 196.00 / 1.96 / 26000 / Class-I & above / 9 months
2 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 22 / 145.00 / 1.45 / -do- / -do- / -do-
3 / Construction of Karimasuti West canalincluding structures in Km. 23 & 24 / 191.00 / 1.91 / -do- / -do- / -do-
4 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 25 / 187.00 / 1.87 / -do- / -do- / -do-
5 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 26 & 27 / 180.00 / 1.80 / -do- / -do- / -do-
6 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 28 / 143.00 / 1.43 / -do- / -do- / -do-
7 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 29 & 30 / 163.00 / 1.63 / -do- / -do- / -do-
8 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 31 & 32 / 190.00 / 1.90 / -do- / -do- / -do-
9 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 33 & 34 / 175.00 / 1.75 / -do- / -do- / -do-
10 / Construction of Karimasuti West canal including structures in Km. 35 & 36 / 187.00 / 1.87 / -do- / -do- / -do-
Note (1) The contractors can request for blank tender document on 06-10-2008 upto 5.30 pm. in the KNNL website link e-tender or in the offices mentioned in note (5) (for manual tendering) on payment of Rs. 26000/- of work towards the cost of blank tender document. This cost shall be paid in the form of Demand Draft (DD) or Bankers Cheque of a Nationalized Bank / Scheduled Bank drawn in favour of “Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited” payable at Athani (Non-refundable).
If the contractor options for e-tendering, he should enter the particulars like Demand Draft No., date, amount and name of bank in the website and also the original DD should be submitted at H.B.C. Division office Athani before 13-10-2008 along with a letter specifically mentioning the name of the work.
(2) The blank tender documents and also e-tender documents in e-mode will be issued on 25-10-2008 upto 4.00 PM in the below mentioned offices (Note-5)
(3) However on receipt of application along with DD the blank tender document will be issued in the office of the undersigned upto 03-11-2008.
(4) Date of submission of completed e-tender document & also for manual tendering is on 10-11-2008 upto 4.00 PM
(5) In the following offices applications for tender documents will be received & also blank tenders will be issued & completed tenders will be received on respective dates mentioned above.
i) Registered Office, Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited, 4th Floor, Coffee Board
Building, No.1, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore –560 001.
ii) Central Office, KNNL, WALMI Building, Dharwad.
iii) Chief Engineer, KNNL, Irrigation (North)Zone, Belgaum.
iv) Superintending Engineer, KNNL, GLBC Circle, Jamkhandi.
v) Executive Engineer, KNNL, HBC, Division, Athani.
(6) / Opening of technical bid is on 13-11-2008 at 11=00 AM, at the office of the E.E. KNNL, H.B.C. Division, Athani and date of opening of price bid shall be intimated after the technical bid evaluation.(7) / The following certificate shall be scanned and attached to e-tender document and also should be enclosed to the technical bid.
i) / Contractor certificate enrolled under KNNL selected list of contractors.
ii) / Income Tax PAN certificate.
iii) / Karnataka State Sales Tax clearance Certificate.
iv) / Employee provident Fund (EPF) Registration certificate.
v) / All the above original certificates shall be produced at the time of opening of technical bid for verification.
(8) / EMD should be in the form of D.D. or Bank Guarantee of a Nationalized or scheduled Bank drawn in favour of E.E.KNNL HBC Dn. Athani payable at Athani. The contractor opting for e-tendering, the EMD shall be scanned and attached to the e-tender document and original EMD shall be submitted in person to the E.E. KNNL HBC Dn. Athani on or before 13-11-2008 before 11=00 AM. Tenders received without valid EMD shall be rejected. The validity of EMD shall be for a period of 180 (One hundred eighty days) from the date of opening of tenders and shall be submitted along with tenders. (Should be enclosed to the technical bid)
(9) / “Bidders for the works who have already executed the work and /or who are executing the woks under Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited should enclose performance certificates from the concerned Executive Engineer for having satisfactorily executed/or satisfactorily executing the works undertaken by them under Karnataka Neeravari Nigam Limited. Such tenders received without performance certificates or with unsatisfactory performance are liable for rejection” (Should be enclosed to the technical bid)
(10) / The class I contractors who have not enrolled under KNNL, must have ownership or on hire basis of the following machineries. The contractor bringing the machineries on hire basis shall produce the hire contract agreement as per Hire Purchase Act from the owner of machineries along with proof of the ownership of the hirer. If the machineries are hypothecated to financier, an undertaking from the financier to hire the machineries also to be produced. All these documents shall be enclosed with the Technical Bid.
a) Hitachi or JCB - 2 Nos.
b) Dozar – 1 No.
c) Road roller - 1 No.
d) Tipper - 6 to 8 Nos.
(11) / The class-I contractors should have experience in executing the similar nature of work in any one of the financial year of preceding 3 years to an extent of not less than 50% of amount put to tender.
(12) / Any documents submitted through post / courier is at the risk of contractor (i.e., KNNL is not responsible for postal delay).
(13) / Corrigendum will be published in the website for all modifications/corrections if any.
(14) / The contractor should attach his/her scanned signature to the Schedule 'B' before submitting.
(15) / The intending contractors should note that, if any of the lands (either in part/parts or in whole) required for the work is not yet acquired by the Nigam, it shall be the responsibility of the contractor to take possession of such land and start the work by consent of the owners before commencement of work at no extra cost to the Nigam and no claims whatsoever relating to non-availability of land would be entertained.
(16) / If any of the dates mentioned above happens to be a general holiday, the next working day will be holds good.
(17) / The officer competent to accept the tender shall have the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever.
(18) / The detailed tender notification can be had from the KNNL website and linking to e-tender OR in the office of the undersigned (Ph No. (08289) 251034
(R. M. Halli)
Executive Engineer,
KNNL HBC Division, Athani.
Volume: 19.2
(A Government of Karnataka undertaking)
Office of the Executive Engineer, KBJNL, LI Division No.2, Mattihal-586210
IFT.No: KBJNL/MLID-2/PB1/MIT/2008-09/683 Date: 9.9.2008
1) On behalf of the Managing Director, KBJNL, Bangalore, the Executive Engineer, KBJNL, MLI Division No.2, Mattihal invites tender from Class-I Registered Contractors of KPWD/ any State Government or Central Government or Enrolled in Category-I of KBJNL select list of Contractors for the work of Filling of MI tanks as detailed in table below. The two cover tender procedure as per rule 28 of KTPP act may be followed. The tenderers are required to submit two separate sealed covers, one containing EMD and the details of their capability to under take the tender (As detailed in instruction to tenderers clause 1 and 4) Which will be opened first and the second cover containing the price bid which will be opened only if the tenderer is found to be qualified to execute the tendered work. The tenderers are advised to note the minimum qualification criteria specified in Clause 4 of the instruction to tenderers to qualify for the award of the work.
Table showing details of work put to tender is as under:
(Rs. in lakhs)
Sl.No. / Name of work / Approximate amount put to tender / Earnest Money Deposit / Transaction fee (Only for the tenderers who wish to participate / Stipulated period for completion of work (including mansoon)
1 / Survey, investigation, planning, Design, Supply, installation, testing and commissioning lift irrigation system for Filling up of 16 M.I.Tanks and 5 Bandaras in Bijapur and 7 MI Tanks in Bagalkot Districts on turn key basis consisting of the following:- In take canal, transition, sump/jack well cum pump house, pumping machineries, transformer sub-station, rising main, delivery chamber, gravity main, construction of pipe line network, electrical works, EOT/HOT cranes, supply of spare parts and tools and maintenance of system for two years after the date of completion. / 8868.00 / 88.68 / Rs.7500/- / 36 months
Instruction to Tenderers
1.1 COVER-1 (Technical bid) shall contain the following documents.
i) A copy of the KBJNL Categorization certificate or the certificate of registration issued by any KPWD state/Central Government as the case may be.
ii) The requisite EMD
iii) Latest copy of the Income Tax return mentioning the PAN and TAN Nos.
iv) Latest copy of Sales Tax Clearance certificate.
v) EPF registration certificate.
a) In respect of contractors who are not registered with the EPF (Employees Provident Fund) authorities, the contractors should produce an undertaking that he shall, within 7 days of the close of every month submit to the Executive Engineer a statement showing the recoveries of contribution in respect of employees employed or through him and shall also furnish such information as the Executive Engineer is required to furnish under the provision of the scheme to the commissioner EPF.
b) However, having given an undertaking to this effect if the contractor does not furnish the information, the Nigam will deduct the necessary amount from the amount due to the contractor. Not with standing the above, the contractor will be liable for any consequential penalty/damages levied by the EPF authorities.
vi) The details of certificate for Tie-up if any, with manufacturers of pumping, machinery and electrical works for execution of Electro mechanical components of Lift Scheme.
vii) Technical bid containing document in support of fulfilling pre-qualification criteria stipulated separately.
viii) The bidder should also furnish the list of works on hand with all details such as bid cost, date of entrustment, stipulated date of completion, actual date of completion, completed cost of work etc.,
1.2 COVER-II Shall contain the financial bid.
2. The Cover-I (Technical bid) will be opened first and thereafter Cover-II (Financial bid) of only those bidders who fulfil the pre-qualification criteria and other conditions as mentioned at para 1.1 will be opened.
3. Issue and submission of tender documents.
3.1 E-Tendering
3.1.1 Aspiring bidders who wish to undergo training to e-tendering should submit their request in writing to undersigned on or before 13.9.2008 and the training will be conducted for such contractors on 14.9.2008 at 11.00 am at the centre for e-governance MS building, Bangalore-1.