Mr. Joseph Eaton
Room #101
School Phone: 270 487-6217
Students will be presented with core content concepts, vocabulary, and ideas over World Geography and Economics through a variety of differentiated instruction. Throughout this course we will utilize both traditional classroom experiences as well as non-traditional activities to expose students to a well – rounded educational experience, and prepare them for future endeavors in the classroom as well as the real world. We will center our studies around the Kentucky Core Content document and ACT preparation.
Units of Study in Geography 1st Semester Units of Study in Econ 2nd Semester
Unit 1 Looking at the world (3 weeks) Unit 1 Economic Systems (3 Weeks)
Unit 2 U.S.A & Canada (3 Weeks) Unit 2 Market Economy (3 Weeks)
Unit 3 Middle East (2 Weeks) Unit 3 You as a Consumer (3 Weeks)
Unit 4 Latin America (2 Weeks) Unit 4 U.S. Economy (3 Weeks)
Unit 5 Europe & Russia (3 Weeks) Unit 5 Global Economy (3 Weeks)
Unit 6 Africa & Asia ( 2 Weeks) Unit 6 Labor & Employment (2 weeks)
Unit 7 Australia & Antarctica (2 weeks)
** Unit order and time subject to change due to arising circumstances throughout the year**
Grade Evaluation
(Formative): Daily Work (20%) - Point value of these assignments will
vary based difficulty and amount of assignment. This will include homework, in class assignments, flashbacks and exit slips. *Points of these assignments will vary based on difficulty.
Quizzes (20%) – These are “mini tests” that are often multiple
choice and are worth – 50 points.
(Summative) Unit Tests (40%) 100 points
9 Weeks Test (20%) 100 Points
**Assignments will vary due to time constraints and availability of resources***
Grading Scale: A 90-100; B 80-89; C 70-79; D 60-69; F 59- Below
o Pencil
o Freshman Binder with Geography/Economics
o Paper
Classroom Expectations
Mr. Eaton
Freshman Geography/Economics
1. RESPECT (Yes Sir & No Sir)
· No Foul Language
· No NEGATIVE Attitude
· Show Courtesy
(I am responsible for myself)
· You are freshman in High School now so it is time to start taking responsibility for yourself and your activities.
(Look on the bright side)
· I know this is not possible every day but an effort to stay positive can change your day and change someone else’s.
(Pencil, Paper, Homework/Assignments, etc.)
5. PUNCTUAL (In all aspects of class)
· In class on time
· Assignments turned in on time
· Tardy slips will be wrote to anyone coming into class late without proper documentation showing a reason for being late.
6. Destruction of this classroom is unacceptable and will result in immediate disciplinary action.
· Writing/carving on walls, desks, tables, floor, door, ceiling is not acceptable.
· Gum is placed in trash can and nowhere else
· Throwing objects of any kind is not accepted
7. Some new rules may be introduced and altered due to classroom conditions and actions. If I see there is a need for a new rule in a classroom I will make the necessary changes to meet that need.
8. MAKE UP WORK: If a student misses a day of work, notes, test lab time, review, or anything during the day they are absent it will be their responsibility to make it up. I WILL NOT come and search for them and tell them they missed work. As a student it is their responsibility to ask what they missed and get the work from me. If I put a dead line on an assignment and it is turned in late I WILL DEDUCT POINTS. After two weeks from the assigned date, a student will not be able to make more than a 60% on the late work.
· If a situation arises that a student misses for an extended period of time and has missed a lot of work then we can work something out.
· BUT I will not tolerate laziness and failure to make your work up if there is not a legitimate excuse.
These rules are formed after the 9th Grade Expectations that are already in place. If these rules are followed this class will be a success both for you (the students) and me. If you have any questions regarding these rules/guidelines then feel free to ask me about them.
I will not hesitate to write students up that fail to follow these rules.
“Nothing is more harmful to the service, than the neglect of discipline; for that discipline, more than numbers, gives one army superiority over another.”
George Washington
By signing this paper you are agreeing to abide by these rules in my classroom and make an effort to apply them outside of this classroom both in school and out of it.
Student Signature: ______
Parent/Guardian Signature: ______