
Governing Board-Region 4 South Adult Mental Health Consortium

September 17, 2012

Grant County Social Services Boardroom

Members Present: Nicole Names, Pope County Human Services (by telephone); Mike Woods, Douglas County Human Services; Rhonda Antrim, Traverse County Social Services; Stacy Hennen, Grant County Social Services; Joanie Murphy, Stevens County Human Services.

Members Absent: None

Others Present: Joyce Pesch, Administrator; Kesha Anderson, Crisis Program Manager; Heather Danner, ICRS Team Leader; Alicia Davidson, Prepetition Screening Coordinator; Justin Anderson, Corporate Attorney; Susan Herreid, Consultant.

Joanie Murphy called the meeting to order at 1:40 pm.

Agenda:Chair Murphy asked for additions or changes to the agenda. A discussion on the remaining meeting dates was added as new business item 7.d.

Minutes: The minutes from August 21, 2012, were reviewed. Motion by Mike Woods, seconded by Rhonda Antrim to approve the minutes. Motion Carried.

Findings and Recommendation Summary: Susan Herreid presented her Management Team Interview Feedback – Findings and Recommendations Summary. Susan also responded to questions from Governing Board members. If approved, her implementation would be completed by January, 2013.

Susan stated she would provide an action plan within 2 days. This action plan would be mailed to Nicole Names for distribution to Board Members and the administrator. Joyce Pesch will contact Bill Klein and discuss his participation in the sessions conducted by Susan Herreid.

Discussion continued regarding an additional report that would include the Governing Board in part of the sessions. This would be over and above the other work plan.

Motion by Rhonda Antrim, seconded by Nicole Names, to continue with the process in an amount not to exceed $3,500.00. Motion Carried.

Report on billing: Jill Frisell, Fiscal Supervisory and Lorin Remmick, Fiscal Officer, reported on the status of the billing for the Crisis Program and the ICRS program. Crisis is billed through May 2012; ICRS is billed through April 2012. $181,007.50 worth of services have been entered into Procentive and need to be billed. No accounts receivable information was available on already submitted claims.

AMHI Bills/ICRS Bills: Motion by Stacy Hennen, seconded by Mike Woods, to approve the bills for September, 2012. Motion carried.

Advisory Board Recommendation: The CONVERSATIONS report was to inform the Governing Board of the delay of any action on the “Baby Think it Over” project request for 2012.

RFP Committee Report: The status of the transition and the progress of the workgroup were presented by Joyce Pesch, Administrator. Meeting dates for the remainder of 2012 were announced and the timelines for the contract were discussed. Timelines include: Draft version of the contract for the October 10th Workgroup meeting, Clean draft for the October 17 Governing Board meeting, Final draft available for discussion with Lakeland Mental Health Center representatives at the October 31st Workgroup meeting. Inclusion of an audit requirement into the contract was discussed.

Chair Murphy appointed Nicole Names as the Board’s representative to the Performance Measures subgroup of the RFP Committee.

Reallocation: The Board considered the recommendation from the CONVERSATIONs Advisory Board regarding the reallocation of 2012 grant resources to cover the $60,000.00 cost of the transition agreement with Lakeland Mental Health Center.

Motion by Mike Woods, seconded by Stacy Hennen, to approve the proposed reallocation. Motion carried.

Volunteer Stipend: The Board considered the recommended formula for computing the stipend for Drop In Center volunteers (hosts/hostesses): $7.50 wage x 20% x weekly hours of coverage needed (rounded to the nearest $.50) plus $10.00 per week or mileage and inconvenience x 52 weeks divided by 12 months = the amount of the monthly stipend.

Motion by Mike Woods, seconded by Stacy Hennen, to approve the formula. Motion carried.

Prepetition Screening: County workers will be the primary prepetition screeners when Alicia Davidson, the Consortium prepetition screener, is utilizing her approved FMLA time. Heather Danner remains backup to them. Alicia will schedule a training session for the county workers assuring they understand the process and supplying them with the forms to use. Alicia will also inform the four County Attorney offices and the Courts when she is going to be on FMLA and the County workers will be providing the prepetition screening service.

Transition Work List: The Board reviewed the list of items where they would need to take action – office space, employee fringe plans and MCIT coverage.

Fringe benefits – The one month gap in health, life, and disability plans was discussed at length. Employees would need to convert to a private plan for one month to continue to have life, disability, and AFLAC coverage as the eligibility for Lakeland coverage would not begin until February 1, 2013. The six month waiting period for 401K eligibility was also discussed. It was the consensus of the Board that the waiting periods were not acceptable, and that the issue needs to be addressed in the contact with Lakeland Mental Health Center.

Motion by Stacy Hennen, seconded by Mike Woods, to end the Region 4 South plans for AFLAC, Short Term Disability, and Life Insurance effective December 31, 2012. Motion carried.

Motion by Stacy Hennen, seconded by Mike Woods, to communicate with MCIT and do a reassessment of the coverage needed effective January 1, 2013. Motion carried.

Motion by Nicole Names, seconded by Rhonda Antrim, to give appropriate notice to the landlords for the Elbow Lake and Alexandria office space. Motion carried.

Governing Board meeting dates: The Governing Board meeting dates for the remainder of 2012 were discussed and remain unchanged.

Chair Murphy adjourned the meeting at 3:58 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Stacy Hennen
