Governing Board Meeting: Thomas Edison Charter Academy
Board of Education Members Tuesday, May 9th, 2017
Thor Boucher, President
Maritsa Cholmondeley, Vice President
Michael Donofrio, Treasurer
Juan Ruiz, Secretary
Whitney Barlow, Member
Karla ZambranoArmijos, Member
April McGill, Member
Ryan Hazelton, Member
Eric Hoepner, Member
Teacher Representative - Vacant
ROOM 175
Start Time
6:00 pm1.0 Call to Order/ Roll Call
To consider the appointment, employment, evaluation of performance, discipline, ordismissal of a public employee or to hear complaints or charges brought against theemployee by another person or employee.
2.1Public Employment Contracts (Government Code Session 54957)
3.0 Call back to order and announce actions taken in Closed Session
4.0 Response from public comments
5.0 Public Comment
Members of the public may address the Board on nonagenda items that are within the
subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Please fill out a card available at the entrance.
Speakers may be called in the order that requests are received, or grouped by subject
area. Comments should be limited to two (2) minutes with no more than 15 minutes per
single topic so that as many people as possible may be heard. By law, the Board is
allowed to take action only on items on the agenda. The Board may, at its discretion,
refer a matter to school staff or calendar the issue for future discussion. The Board is
precluded from discussing or acting on items raised during Public Comment. At no other
point during the meeting may members of the public address the board or make
6.0 For Information: Principal Report – Olivia Lynch
7.0 For Information: Finance Report – Rina Melendez
7.1Notice of federal programs monitoring review for 2017-18
7.2TECA – Federal Grants Guidance – written policy and procedure review
8.0 Discussion and Action Items
8.1Budget approval
8.2Single Plan
9.0Consent Agenda
9.1Approval of minutes of previous meetings
10.0 Items for Next Board Meeting (2 minutes)
11.0 Future Board Meeting Date
June 13th, 2017 at 6p.m. @ Thomas Edison Charter Academy
12.0 Adjournment
The mission of Thomas Edison Charter Academy is to nurture the artistic, social, emotional, and intellectual growthofeach child so that all students become lifelong learners and innovative problem-solvers. The instructional processwillbe a model of collaboration and community in a safe,socially just,and respectful environment. Studentexperiences will provide opportunities for exploration, expression,challenge, andsuccess.