Governance & Ethics in Sport

Professor:Dr. Austin Anderson

Office:PAC 312

Office Hours:MWF: 10:00 – 11:00 am; 1:00 – 2:00 pm



Class Location:PAC 208

Class Day/Time:MWF 9:00 – 9:50

Course Description

This course encourages students to integrate management and ethical theory with governance and policy development practices. Introduction to the power and politics, as well as the ethical problems, dilemmas, and conflicts within these sport organizations; the basics of managerial activities necessary for governance and policy development; and the structure and function of the various organizations.

Prerequisite:Sophomore Standing

Professional Standards

This course meets the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) Common Professional Component (CPC) topical areas of: sport governance (A4), and ethics in sport management (B).

Required Text

Morgan, W.J. (2007). Ethics in Sport, 2nd Edition, Human Kinetics, ISBN: 978-0-7360-6428-6

Top Hat Service Subscription (details will be covered on first day of class)

Attendance Policy

Regular attendance and participation is required. Each student will be allowed three (3) unexcused absences. After the Universities schedule revision period is over, a final roll sheet will be created. Roll will be taken prior to the beginning of each class. If there are extenuating circumstances and you may have to leave class early, please let me know prior to the class period, otherwise an early departure will be considered an unexcused absence. Excessive (more than three) unexcused absences will be taken into account and may affect your class participation grade. Arriving to class more than 5 minutes after the scheduled start time will constitute an absence.

Technology Expectations

All assignments are to be word-processed. No hand-written assignments will be accepted.


The student must be familiar with Blackboard in order to access documents relevant to this course (i.e, PowerPoint presentations, assignments, grades).


Each student is required to have an email account. Please check your email at least once a day for any new information regarding this class. You are responsible for monitoring your e-mail messages. Periodically notification of assignments will be sent via e-mail. USI provides free e-mail accounts for all enrolled students. Failure to regularly respond to e-mail messages could result in an unsatisfactory grade for this course.

In-Class Technology

Cell phones are NOT appropriate for in-class use. When you come into classes, phones should be disabled (i.e. turned off) and put away (in a bag) for the duration of the class session. Any use of cell phones during class lecture and activities will be considered grounds for dismissal from class and could negatively impact your evaluation.

Laptop computers and tablets can be accessed for in-class use when working on activities and/or taking notes. HOWEVER, if it becomes clear that students are not utilizing their devices for these purposes, these may be banned for in-class use as well.

If you have a particular issue or situation which may require you to use technology during one or more class sessions, please see the instructor to discuss those issues after class on the first class session, or as any such issues may arise.

Assignments and Activities

Research Paper: Students will work individually to write a research paper on a governance/ethics topic of their choosing. Presentations will be made at the end of the semester, the format of which will be decided at a later date. Details and expectations for the assignment will be addressed later in the course.

Participation: Participation is expected in this class. Participation will be based on your presence in class, your class discussion, in-class assignments, and homework. Particular attention will be paid to participation in Group Discussion Days. Students will be asked to take active leads during particular Group Discussion Days in groups, and grades will depend, in part, upon group performance during those lead discussions.

Quizzes: There will be a total of 4 quizzes given throughout the semester. The quizzes will generally not be cumulative; however, I reserve the right to change this if I deem it necessary. Students will be allowed to use their notes and the textbook on these quizzes.

Pop Quizzes: Pop quizzes from the readings, in class activities, and lecture. Quizzes will be unannounced and may take place at any time during any class period. If you are not present (tardy), you will not have the opportunity to earn these points. Pop quizzes may only be made up for justified absences due to university sponsored events and the instructor has been notified prior to the absence.

Written Exams: There will be a total of 3 exams taken throughout the semester, including a Final Exam during the university scheduled Final Examination time. These exams will take place on the dates listed in the course calendar. ANY ADVANCE CONFLICT SHOULD BE ADDRESSED WITH THE INSTRUCTOR IN THE FIRST TWO WEEKS OF THE COURSE. These exams will be closed-book examinations.

Grading Scale (final grades will not be rounded to nearest percentage)

A90 – 100%

B+88 – 89%

B80 – 87%

C+78 – 79%

C70 – 77%

D+68 – 69%

D60 – 67%

F59 % and Below

Example:Quizzes (4):100

Pop Quizzes:70

Written Exams (3):250

Class Participation/Group Discussion:60

Research Paper Assignment:120

Total Points:605

PLEASE NOTE: All scores for graded assignments will be placed on Blackboard as expediently as possible once they are submitted. Once grades are posted, the class will be informed either via email or with an in-class announcement. Once the class is informed of the grade posting, students should approach the instructor with any questions about the score within 48 HOURS. After the 48 hour period, posted scores will be “final”.


Part 1: Metaethical Considerations of Sport

8/24Course Introduction and Explanation

8/26Ch. 1—The Elements of Sport

8/28Ch. 1—The Elements of Sport

8/31Ch. 2—Games and the Good

9/2Ch. 2—Games and the Good

9/4Ch. 2—Games and the Good

Quiz 1

9/7No Class—Labor Day

9/9Ch.3—Internalism and Internal Values in Sport

9/11Group Discussion Day 1

9/14Ch. 3—Internalism and Internal Values in Sport

9/16Documentary: Head Games

9/18Documentary: Head Games

9/21Ch. 5—Sport and the View from Nowhere

9/23Ch. 5—Sport and the View from Nowhere

9/25Group Discussion Day 2

9/28EXAM 1 (Chapters 1, 2, 3, 5)

Part 2: Competition and Fair Play: Considerations of Winning, Cheating and Gamesmanship

9/30Chapter 7—The Meaning of Sport: Competition as a Form of Language

10/2Chapter 7—The Meaning of Sport: Competition as a Form of Language

10/5Ch. 9—Sportsmanship as a Moral Category

10/7Ch. 9—Sportsmanship as a Moral Category

Quiz 2

10/9Group Discussion Day 3

10/12Fall Break—No Class

10/14Ch. 10—Sportsmanship

10/16Bigger Faster Stronger

10/19Ch. 14—Cheating and Fair Play in Sport

Part 3: The Limits of Being Human: Doping and Genetic Enhancement in Sport

10/21Ch. 17—Listening to Steroids

10/23Group Discussion Day 4

10/26Ch. 18—Good Competition and Drug-Enhanced Performance

10/28Ch. 20—Sports and Drugs: Are the Current Bans Justified?

10/30Bigger Faster Stronger

11/2Ch. 20—Sports and Drugs: Are the Current Bans Justified?

Quiz 3

11/4Ch. 21—Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic Technology

11/6Group Discussion 5

10/27Ch. 21—Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic Technology

11/9EXAM 2 (CHAPTERS 7,9,10,12,14,17,18,20,21)

Part 4: Gender and Sexual Equity in Sport

11/11Ch. 23—Sex Equality in Sports

11/13Ch. 24—Women, Sex and Sports

11/16Ch. 25—Title IX: Equality for Women’s Sports?

11/18Documentary: Sporting Chance: The Lasting Legacy of Title IX

11/20Group Discussion Day 6

11/23Ch. 26—Being and Playing: Sport and the Valorization of Gender

11/30Ch. 26—Being and Playing: Sport and the Valorization of Gender

Research Paper Due

Part 5: Select Issues in the Social Ethics of Sport

12/2Ch. 28—The Exploitation of Student Athletes

12/4Ch. 29—Violence in Sports

12/7Exam Review

Quiz 4

EXAM 3: MONDAY, DECEMBER 14TH, 9:00 AM (CHAPTERS 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29)


Inclement Weather

The University has a weather alert system (RAVE). Students can sign up at and receive accurate and timely text information about weather related decisions - whether the university is open or closed for business. In the case of inclement weather, students need to exercise sound judgment about driving to class and make a decision based on their safety first.

H1N1 flu

In compliance with the Vanderburgh County Department of Health, the Indiana Department of Health, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations, students should NOT attend class or any campus gatherings while ill with flu symptoms.Students with flu symptoms will be asked to self isolate in housing or go home. It is very important that individuals avoid spreading the flu to others.

Most students should be able to complete a successful semester despite a flu-induced absence. Faculty may provide students, who are absent because of illness, with alternatemethods of instruction and a reasonable opportunity to make up missed work. The opportunity to complete assignments and exams supports the University's desire to enable students to make responsible decisions, including the decision to avoid spreading a contagious virus to other students, staff, and faculty, without endangering their academic work.Students should arrange as quickly as possible to make up missed assignments or exams.In case of faculty illness, an announcement will be made related to an alternate instruction delivery plan.

Students should inform their instructor by email as soon as possible that they are absent because of flu symptoms and report their flu-like symptoms on the Student Health Center web page Information about the H1N1 flu can be found at the USI web site

ADA Accommodations

To qualify for accommodation assistance, students must first register to use the disability resources in the Counseling Center, Orr Center Room 1051, 812/464-1867, Students who have successfully registered with the Counseling Center are asked to meet privately with the course faculty as early in the semester as possible to discuss any requested accommodations. To help insure that accommodations will be available when needed, students are encouraged to meet with course faculty at least 7 days prior to the actual need for the accommodation.

Academic Dishonesty (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 34)

Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, cheating, submitting another person’s material as one’s own, or doing work for which another person will receive credit will subject a student to disciplinary action which may include dismissal from the University.

The benchmarks of any great university are high academic standards for both faculty and students. For this reason, truth and honesty are necessary to a university community. The University expects both students and faculty to adhere to these principles and to foster them daily. Put simply, this expectation requires each student to do his or her academic work without recourse to unauthorized means of any kind. Both students and faculty are expected to report instances of academic dishonesty. Faculty should explain the special hazards regarding academic honesty in their discipline. Faculty should also plan and supervise academic work carefully so honest effort will be encouraged. All of the prohibitions mentioned below also apply to the use of electronic, photographic, Internet-based, and other media for intellectual and artistic expression”.

Cheating (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 279-280)

A student must not intentionally use or attempt to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise.

  1. A student must not use external assistance during any examination unless the

instructor has specifically authorized such assistance. This prohibition includes (but is not limited to) the use of tutors, books, calculators, notes, formula lists, cues on a computer, photographs, and symbolic representations. Prohibition also includes transmission of information on any recording or communication device, such as cellular telephone, Internet appliance, digital camera, audio recorder, or personal digital assistant.

  1. A student must not copy from another student’s work, including (but not

limited to) a test paper, project, product, performance, or electronic document or file.

  1. A student must not take a test for someone else or permit someone else to take

a test for him or her. A student must not knowingly allow another student to copy one’s work in a test.

4. A student must not submit, during the same semester, substantial portions of

the same academic work for credit or honors more than once without

permission from all of the instructors who may be involved. In the event a

student seeks to submit in a current course a substantial portion of the same

academic work submitted in a previous course, then only the current instructor

need approve.

5. A student must not allow others to conduct research or to prepare any work for

him or her without advance authorization from the instructor. This prohibition

includes (but is not limited to) submitting another’s work as one’s own, or

using commercial term-paper companies or files of past papers maintained in a

residence hall or apartment.

6. Several people must not collaborate on a single project and turn in multiple

copies, all represented implicitly or explicitly as individual work.

Fabrication (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 280)

A student must not intentionally falsify or invent any information or citation in an academic exercise.

Plagiarism (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 80)

A student must not intentionally adopt or reproduce ideas, words or statements of another person without acknowledgment. A student must give due credit to the originality of others and properly reference the following:

1. Quoting another persons’ actual words;

2. Using another person’s ideas, opinion or theory;

3. Borrowing facts, statistics, or other illustrative material, unless the information

is common knowledge.

Interference (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 280)

A student must not steal, change, destroy, or impede another student’s work. Impeding another student’s work includes (but is not limited to) theft, defacement, or mutilation of common resources so as to deprive others of the information they contain.

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 280)

A student must not intentionally or knowingly help or attempt to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

Penalties and Procedures Related to Academic Misconduct (USI 2011-2013 Bulletin, 2011, p. 280)

An act of academic misconduct, even a first offense, places the student in jeopardy of the most severe form of sanction – expulsion from the University. Other options include an F for the assignment and/or class.

University of Southern Indiana (2011). University of Southern Indiana 2011-2013 bulletin. Evansville, IN: University of Southern Indiana.

**Syllabus is subject to change with full disclosure to the students**