California State University San Marcos
College of Education, Health and Human Services
Lecturer Advisory Committee
(draft) Minutes
January 20, 2015 / 12:00-1:00 pm / UH 449
X / Laura de Ghetaldi, KINE (Chair) / Vacant, SoNDominick Betro, HD / Sherry Freeborn, SoE
X / Jeannine Guarino, SW / Tama Harper, CEHHS
X / Kristen Nahrstedt, SLP / X / Denise Garcia, Associate Dean (non-voting)
[ X] Yes, a quorum is present.
[ ] No quorum
Old Business
(1)Dom reviewed our accomplishments-LAC committee and regular meetings; mentorship program; mission statement; LAC Handbook; 9/16/2014 Meeting review and travel grants for $500 increments.
(2)It was agreed that the PPT with a short email introduction from you and Barbara Taylor should be sent out to all lecturers.
(3)Jeanne G. was mentioned as having interested in the new LAC chair with voting next spring. Also, it was mention that she was interested in the CCT committee member.
(4)There was discussion about
(a)Adding Temecula to the LAC Handbook
(b)Training Video from Barbara Taylor added to website
(d)Meeting with Chairs
(e)Meeting with other LAC members on the campus
(f)January meeting to be held as an informative meeting for all lecturers.
Schedule for remaining year: Continuing in 2015 with meetings the 3rd Tuesday of every month -Meeting location will be UH Classroom 449. Dates: 2/17, 3/17, and 4/21.
New Business
- Kirsten-reported on the Lecturer Representative Roundtable held 1/16/15 (summary notes were distributed)
- “Roundtable discussion was a great meeting between all the colleges’ lecturer body. Although the turnout was smaller than hoped, good input was contributed in the discussion. CEHHS had good representation and brought some good ideas to the table; including the Mentor Program and the Lecturer Handbook.”
- There will be two more Round Tables this semester. One during U-Hour and one in the Evening to accommodate the needs of the lecturers.
- WPAF training was discussed in in the roundtable too– will there be any scheduled dates in the near future?
- Power Points also recognized.
- It was suggested that a survey be sent out (as has been done in past years) to all lecturers to measure their needs.
- One suggestion was presented to have the newly hired lecturers throughout CEHHS contactLAC member so that they may be welcomed and then alert them of LAC Mentors available.
- Discussion of adding a blurb to the Lecturer Handbook regarding the Mentor Program.
- We could include the Newly Hired CSUSM link in the handbook.
- Nursing has a large group of lecturers and a LAC member still needed. Denise will follow up.
- CFA link is currently updated in the lecturer handbook. *It links to the CFA website*
- The discussion of online Evaluations becoming the norm was brought up. “Probably won’t happen” too many problems with it- low attendance, only those who want to write a poor review, etc.
- The Lecturer Meet and Greet did not have a great turn out.
- When LAC met with Department Chairs and the Dean was involved it was a very positive experience working directly with the college.
LAC goals for the spring semester-discussion
- Connect with Department Chairs and Directors of Schools.
- Really pursue the Mentor Program.
- Possibly look into creating a ‘Lecturer “Cougar Course” Container.’
- Send out the list of New Hires? (should Tama or Laura send out this information?)
- Update link for newly hired in the handbook
- Define the Mentorship Program
- Perhaps email lecturers and ask if they have any Goals of the upcoming year/ semester?
- Use the website more often and in a more effective manner.
- Have meetings less often, using electronic methods such as ZOOM.
- Post the Travel Grant on the LAC Website.
- Create a blurb for the Mentorship Program & the “Red Folder” for assisting students in need (in the Lecturer Handbook).
- Help ensure Chairs connect with a mentor.
LAC meeting dates-Are the meeting dates too frequent? Are individual schedules too conflicting? Day change discussion-should we send out a doodle poll?
- Because we are seen as the “founding fathers” and we have such a great mentorship program, we are an example. After some discussion, the thought of doing a doodle poll was decided. Then it was decided that was not in the best interest of the group. The final decision was to keep the Lecturer Advisory Committee Meetings at the same time, but lessen the duration. Possibly trying the ZOOM format so that more members would be able to participate if they were not in the vicinity during the meeting.
NEXT MEETING: 2/20/2015– University Hall 449