Cumbrae Swim For The Gillian Saltire Fund
Saturday 13th September 2014
Location: Cumbrae Sail Centre (Millport)
Schedule: Registration 1.00 PM Approx (swimmers and safety crew)
Briefing: 2.00 PM
Swim Start 3.00PM
Route: National Centre Cumbrae to Largs Sailing Club
Duration: 30 minutes to 1.5 hours depending on swimming ability, no swimmer will be allowed any longer than 2 hours in the water.
SASA Swimmers can participate in this swim
Entrants Details
Name:………………………………………………… M F Date of Birth:………………
Home Address:……………………………………………………………
……………………………………………………………. Post Code:…………
Tel. Number:……………………… Email:……………..……………...
Gillian Saltire Appeal – charity number SCO 37787
NB It is expected that each swimmer will raise at least £60 for Gillian's Saltire Appeal charity
Details of previous Open water swims (if any): ………………………………………
Tick if you can swim 1.5 miles in Pool:
Please indicate if you can cover distance in less than 45Min
Further Information:
· The event will be started by organisers and all swimmers and escorts must report for the safety briefing.
· Safety personnel can stop you at any time.
· The event is also weather and temperature permitting. The organisers have the right to amend route or cancel event on the day.
· Swimmers must show evidence of previous Open Water Swim (participation in Cumbrae practise session will count) and confirm they can swim 1.5miles in a pool.
· The organisers and support do not accept liability or responsibility for any injuries, illness, or infections incurred during the practice swimming or the Cumbrae swim.
· All appropriate river authorities have been notified of the event and a risk assessment has been developed which every swimmer will be made aware of.
· Swimmers must supply warm clothing and a blanket at the Largs Sailing Club for their exit from the water and supply identifiable baggage for safe keeping at Largs Sailing club.
· It is also requested that a “buddy” be available at Largs Sailing Club for contact purposes and handing of towel on exit form water.Swimmers 18 yrs or less MUST have a buddy ashore.
Escort Details – will you be accompanied by your own boat / canoe?
Note: - escorts will be at the discretion of the Safety Officer and escorts must also be at the safety briefing meeting
Yes No If yes please complete the Escort specific form.
The details I have given on this form are correct.
I am not knowingly suffering from any disabilities or illness which would render my participation in this event inadvisable.
I consider that, given the nature of the event, that I am a sufficiently competent swimmer who has been in training for this event
I agree to abide by the conditions of the event and accept the organiser’s decisions as final.
Signature of Swimmer:……………………………………………
Signature of Parent / Guardian:………………………………………………………(if under 18)
BUDDY Contact on the Day…………………………... Mobile Phone No……………………
Please return this form to
David Ennis
32B Noddleburn Road
Telephone 01475675115 or 07760173392
Closing Date for Entries:
Friday 1st September 2014 (If form is not completed and returned you cannot enter.
It is proposed to have hot soup supplied on exit and have use of Largs Sailing Club facilities after the swim, followed by an evening at the Yacht Haven.
Please indicate your intentions of staying. Yes No
Do not have alcohol and do not have a bath or shower for at least a day before swim; bright swim cap will be provided and must be worn; grease skin and drink quarter litre of water half an hour before swim….above all, enjoy this achievable challenge.
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