/ P.O. Box 34202, Lusaka, Zambia
Cell: (260) -211- 977 480 033
Telefax: (260) – 211 - 294070
No. 256 Foxdale
Zambezi Road, Chamba Valley
Lusaka, Zambia
(Confidential Questionnaire)
Prospective Student:
Study Programme: o 1st Year o 2nd Year
The above person has applied for enrolment as a student at RHEMA BIBLE TRAINING CENTER ZAMBIA. Serious consideration will be given to your comments on this recommendation form; we therefore ask that you complete it carefully. Since we request an honest evaluation, your remarks will be held in strict confidence. The completed form should not be given to the applicant, but returned directly to RBTCZ.
1. Recommending person’s name: Surname: First Name:
Title: oMr. o Ms. o Mrs. o Miss. o Past. o Rev
2. Name of Church: Denomination/Affiliation:
3. Address: Postal: Postal Code:
E – Mail:
4. Telephone Numbers:
5. Your Position at Church:
6. Are you a Graduate of RBTCZ? o Yes o No If Yes, which year(s)?
B. EVALUATION OF APPLICANT1. Relationship: How long have you known applicant?
When did they become a member?______
Involvement in church?______
What Position?______How long?______
Is the person faithful?______
2. Evaluate applicants character and lifestyle: (Tick ü) 1 = Poor and 5 =Excellent.
1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5
o o o o o Christian Life and Testimony o o o o o Leadership Qualities
o o o o o Dependability o o o o o Consideration for others
o o o o o Moral Attitudes o o o o o Diligence
o o o o o Financial Responsibility-Integrity o o o o o Honesty and Integrity
o o o o o Emotional Stability o o o o o Diligence as a student / worker
o o o o o Ability to work with others o o o o o Tither
o o o o o Response to Authority/Instruction/Discipline o o o o o Spiritual Influence on others
o o o o o Ability to Minister o o o o o Personal Cleanliness
o o o o o Church Attendance
3. What would you consider the applicant’s strong points? (include positive personal traits)
4. What would you consider the applicant’s weak points? (include negative personal traits)
5. Family/Social life: Describe applicant’s marriage/family life:
Describe the companions with whom applicant usually associates:
6. Are you aware of any conflicts the applicant has had in your church or in other churches?(if Yes please explain)
7. Ministry: Is the applicant currently involved in active ministry? o Yes o No o Not sure
If yes, state briefly what this is:______
Please Note: All students are required to be regular, active members of a local church congregation. Service in a local church is an invaluable part of the training program at RBTCZ. It is recommended that each student be actively involved in the helps ministry of their local churches. While we require this, we cannot enforce it. Your help in the development of this student as a minister through overseeing his or her work is important, complimenting and reinforcing his or her class-room teaching, helping that instruction to be practical and not just theory.
8. Do you recommend that the applicant be considered for RBTCZ enrolment? o Yes o No o Not sure
9. Additional comments that would be helpful in evaluating applicant: (Please use extra sheets of paper if necessary):
Signature of Recommending Person: Date: