December 7, 2017
Present:David Aronica, Ted Delisi, Jon Eddison, Les Gage, Sheila Wojcik,
ABSENT:Brenda Brooks-Albright, Kim McMath, Erica Saenz
STAFF:Traci Berry, Paula Campbell, Jerry Davis, Lisa Dennis, Kelly Kamerer, Matt Williams
Guest: Adam McCane, Weaver Auditor
Call to Order
Jon Eddisoncalled the meeting to order at 9:15am. Attendees were reminded that a quorum of Goodwill Education Board directors constitutes a meeting and as such, discussions are subject to the Texas Open Meetings Act (TOMA) and are considered public record. This session is open to the public.
The Goodwill Education Board approved the October 10, 2017 meeting minutes as presented.
MSC (LG/SW); all were in favor, none opposed.
You may recall at the previous meeting, we talked about the Campus Improvement Plans. Our appeal to the IR (Improvement required) rating with TEA was denied, although we are ahead of schedule in our improvement plan. Ms. Berry will be meeting with legislators and scheduling a meeting with the Deputy Commission of TEA, to make this case again.
To address engagement, students are offered home school opportunities; this will not only contribute to our mission but will help our rating by showing we are doing everything we can to keep students engaged.
We have 647 students enrolled. Outreach continues with phone calls and home visits. 159 students participate in the home learning program. These students have weekly contact with a life coach while enrolled in online courses
- Students not in a home program are taking a more flexible route of 1 or 2 classes. We are seeing a higher of part-time students. Although the number of credits earned in Q2 increased, we will reengage with these students February-March to encourage them to go full- time.
- We are excited that teacher, Phil Henderson plans to return in January.
- The initial attendance report done in Skyward was successfully submitted today.
- End of year rush for state testing is happening today.
- Lockhart has increased to 32 enrolled students; once the waiver for 827 (over 25) is approved, another 50 students will be enrolled.
- We utilize two students per term that do not a 5th period, to work on academic projects. This provides teacher assistance has helped to improve the day to day engagement.
Finance reports, LISA DENNIS
- Review of the Management Report for year-end 2017 of District # 227827 and #227828 were conducted.
- For FY17, GCT made a total contribution/donation of 125K. This will reflect sufficient assets for the school rating.
- Revenue was higher than budget. Expenditures ended higher than budget however, this was due to the depreciation not being included in the budget.
- Revenue and Cash Analysis reviewed; all of which were above the standard for our rating.
- Review of the Management Report for FY18; for the two months September-October for District # 227827 and #227828 were conducted.
- Budgeted a flat-line for 150 students. An increase is expected with the additional students from the Lockhart campus.
- Currently at an unfavorable balance for the 827-Adult school; andclose to budget for 828 school. Fewer students have been added than anticipated.
- Showing cost control in expenses: there has not been a need for additional teachers without the additional students, in Lockhart.
- Cash on hand is higher than budget; however significant payments will be made prior to the next report.
List of 2017 Major Donors reflects new significant donors: Applied Materials, Michael & Susan Dell Foundation (2 year award), and Merced Foundation.
Mr. Adam McCane with Weaver, provided an overview of the management letter which includes statement of governance and scope of the audit. The results of the Financial and Compliance Reports for the fiscal year ending August 31, 2017 was unqualified; no instances of noncompliance were found. Only one (immaterial) correction of a journal entry was made, and is referenced in the report. No weaknesses or deficiencies of mitigated controls were found.
The Goodwill Education Board approved the FY17 of 227827 as presented, for presentation to the GCT Board.
MSC (LG/SW); all were in favor, none opposed
The Goodwill Education Board approved the FY17 of 227828 as presented.
MSC (LG/SW); all were in favor, none opposed
-Annual Governance Form of submitted data was distributed to directors for signature.
-A Charter First open forum is scheduled 10:30am, December 15.
Meeting was adjourned at10:03am.