Goodrell Middle School Student Handbook


Respect Self, Respect Others, Respect Property

Goodrell Middle School

3300 East 29th Street

Des Moines, Iowa 50317


You may obtain a paper copy of this handbook in our main office.

Principal: Dawn Stahly

Vice Principal: Deb Markert

Behavior Interventionist: Ryan Daugherty

Student Services Coordinator: Kathy Hansen

IB Coordinator: Jamie Sosnowski

Office Manager:Jeri Hill


2011-2012 Class Schedules

Regular Daily Schedule

Per / 6th Grade / Per / 7th Grade / Per / 8th Grade
AD / 7:45-8:00 / AD / 7:45-8:00 / AD / 7:45-8:00
2 / 8:03 – 9:30 / 1
2 / 8:03 – 9:30 / 1
2 / 8:03 – 9:30
4 / 9:33-11:00 / 3
4 / 9:33-11:00 / 3 / 9:33-10:15
4 / 10:18-11:00
L / 11:00-11:30 / 5 / 11:03-11:45 / 5
6 / 11:03-12:30
6 / 11:33-1:00 / L / 11:45-12:15
6 / 12:18-1:00 / L / 12:30-1:00
7 / 1:03-1:45 / 7
8 / 1:03-2:30 / 7
8 / 1:03-2:30
8 / 1:48-2:30

87 minute blocks

42 minute Fine Arts

3 minute passing

Classes will meet on an A-day and B-day schedule.

Wednesday Early Out Schedule

Per / 6th Grade / Per / 7th Grade / Per / 8th Grade
2 / 7:45-8:55 / 1
2 / 7:45-8:55 / 1
2 / 7:45-8:55
4 / 8:58-10:08 / 3
4 / 8:58-10:08 / 3 / 8:58-9:30
4 / 9:33-10:04
6 / 10:11-11:21 / 5 / 10:11-10:42 / 5
6 / 10:07-11:17
L / 10:42-11:12
L / 11:21-11:51 / 6 / 11:15-11:47 / 7
8 / 11:20-12:30
7 / 11:54-12:25 / 7
8 / 11:50-1:00
8 / 12:28-1:00 / L / 12:30-1:00

70 minute block

31 minute Fine Arts

3 minute passing


18 First-year teachers report per contract

19 First-year teachers report per contract

22 All teachers and associates report

23 All teachers and associates report

24 All teachers and associates report

25 FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL – no early



5 Holiday – no classes, offices closed

23 Staff development – no classes for students


12 Conferences – classes will be held: 90

minute adjusted dismissal for all students.

Teachers on duty from 4:00-8:00 for


13 Conferences – no classes, teacher on duty

from 12:15-8:00 for conferences

14 No classes


23 No school for teachers or students

24-25 Holiday – no classes, offices closed


22-31 Winter recess – no classes

23 Holiday – no classes, offices closed

26 Holiday – no classes, offices closed

29-30 Holiday – no classes, offices closed


2 First day of school after winter recess

13 End of first semester

16 MLK In-service day, no classes for students

17 First day of second semester


20 Staff development day for teachers only –

no classes for students


19-23 Spring Recess – no classes


*High Schools conducting ACT testing, check their specific calendars.


28 Holiday – no classes, offices closed

31 Last day of school for elementary and

middle schools. Students dismissed after

half day, lunch will be served in elementary

schools (P.M. In-service for elementary and

middle school teachers)


1 Last day of school for high schools – no

adjusted dismissal (In-service day for

elementary and middle school teachers)

Every Wednesday is an Early Dismissal and students are dismissed at 1:00 p.m.

June 4-8 Reserved for inclement weather make-up days. Additional inclement weather make-up days may be necessary.

When school is closed or dismissed because

of inclement weather, or any otheremergency situation, information is available on Red Apple TV on Channels 85and 97.3, local radio and TV stations aswell as

Goodrell Middle School

Goodrell strives to create an educational environment in which all students can be successful, take risks and become life-long learners that better understand the global society in which they live.

To accomplish this, Goodrell will:

  • Provide a safe, orderly, welcoming climate that holds all students to a common set of expectations.
  • Invest in the social, emotional and academic development of our students.
  • Build relationships between and among staff, students, families, and community members.
  • Offer a rigorous and relevant curriculum that is at times integrated and interdisciplinary.
  • Make data-based decisions that are in the best interest of the students.
  • Foster an understanding and acceptance for each other as well as a respect for intercultural differences throughout the world.

School History

Goodrell Middle School was originally opened as May Goodrell Junior High School in 1955 for students in grades 7, 8, and 9. The school was named after Miss May Goodrell, who was born in 1859 and died in 1939. Miss Goodrell graduated from East High School, was a classroom teacher, and later became one of East High School’s most famous principals. Since the school first opened, Goodrell Middle School has been one of the most successful middle schools in the city, often described as May Goodrell- The Pride of Des Moines. In the fall of 1994, Goodrell became a board-approved magnet school. Students from all over the city can apply to attend Goodrell; however, a majority of the students still come from the former neighborhood boundaries. In 2006, the staff of Goodrell was asked to consider applying to become an International Baccalaureate school to offer the Middle Year’s Program (MYP). The goals and philosophy of the International Baccalaureate Organization (IBO) is that it:

“aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect. To this end the IBO works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment. These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.”

The Goodrell staff determined that the goals of this program closely align with what we strive to achieve with students and voted to pursue the certification. Over the past five years teachers have attended trainings and implemented strategies into their classrooms. In January 2011, Goodrell became one of only two middle schools in the state of Iowa authorized to deliver the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program.

Des Moines Public Schools Mission Statement

The Des Moines Public Schools equips students for life by challenging each one to achieve rigorous standards in academics, arts and career preparation.

Belief Statements
Public Education is imperative to support and sustain a diverse democratic society. To this end, we believe:

  • All students can and must learn.
  • Schools must meet the unique learning needs of each of their students.
  • The home, school and community must serve and support one another.
  • Teaching and learning require a healthy, safe and orderly environment.
  • Resources and services are essential for effective instruction
  • All staff must continue to learn and all schools must continue to improve.



Please see final pages of this document for the District Attendance policy.

Cafeteria/Lunch procedures

All students will eat lunch in the cafeteria during the time they are assigned. If a student does not want to eat hot lunch, they may bring a lunch from home, select a salad/sandwich from the salad bar, or choose from the ala cart line.

All breakfast and lunch items purchased in the cafeteria must be consumed in the cafeteria. Policy states that food purchased from outside vendors (Casey’s, McDonalds, etc.) cannot be consumed in the cafeteria. For special occasions, parents can ask special permission to bring food into the building.

Students are expected to enter the cafeteria, be seated, be dismissed to get their food, and remain in the lunchroom. They also are expected to put their tray away, clean up the table and floor, and wait to be dismissed.

Classroom Conduct

In order to maximize the educational experience, each student needs to act responsibly. A positive classroom climate sets the stage for learning. Students should always come prepared to class with supplies and homework. If a teacher or staff member finds it necessary to send a student from class because of disruptive or uncooperative behavior, the student will be issued a disciplinary referral form and sent to the vice principal’s office. The consequences for office referrals can include, but are not limited to the following: parent phone call, lunch detention, before/after school detention, student and/or parent conference, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, classroom contract, referral to support services, and/or suspension to the Department of Student Services.


Copying another’s work, using other student’s work as their own, or copying and pasting from the internet are examples of cheating and the teacher will issue a consequence. Repeated offenses will be referred to the office.

Disorderly Conduct

Learning can be effective only when a school environment operates within a safe and orderly atmosphere. Students are expected to use courteous and proper language at all times. Disruptive conduct anywhere on school grounds will be cause for disciplinary action. Any student who causes significant disruption or who poses a verbal or physical threat to staff or other students will be consequenced and may also be subject to legal consequences.

Dress Expectations

There is a strong connection between academic performance, student appearance and student conduct. Inappropriate student appearance may cause substantial disruption to the school environment or present a threat to the health and safety of students, employees, and visitors on school property. Students are expected to adhere to reasonable levels of cleanliness and modesty. Students are expected to wear clothing that is appropriate to their age level and that does not disrupt the school or educational environment. Students are not allowed to wear any item that distracts from the educational environment at school. This would include clothing that shows undergarments, too much cleavage, and/or the midriff (such as cutoff shirts, tube tops, spaghetti strap tops, boxer shorts, pajama/lounge pants, sagging pants); apparel that is gang related (such as bandanas displayed, certain team shirts or colors); clothing that advertises or promotes items illegal for use by minors (such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs); clothing that displays obscenities, profanity, vulgarity, racial or sexual innuendoes or any reference that is offensive to others; costumes, wigs, face paint; and items that could be dangerous (chains, handcuffs); and any shoes that do not have a sole on them.

Students are not to wear hats, bandanas, scarves, or other head coverings in the school building. Those people wearing hats or head coverings to school will be asked to remove them when entering the building and leave them off until they leave the building for the day. Students who are required because of health or religious reasons to wear a hat or other head covering in the building need to notify the building principal to be excused from this policy. For sanitary and safety reasons, hairbrushes, combs, and hair picks should be kept in bags or lockers.

Under certain circumstances or during certain classes, field trips, or activities, a stricter dress code may be appropriate and students must comply with the stricter requirement. The building principal will make a final determination of the appropriateness of the student’s appearance.

While the primary responsibility for appearance rests with the students and their parents, the staff and administration reserve the right to decide what is acceptable and what is not. Students will be asked to change their clothing at school to meet the acceptable standard or they will be sent home. Students refusing to adhere to this policy and/or continued violations of this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.

Electronic Devices (Cell Phones)

Cellular phones, beepers, pagers, etc. are not to be used during school hours (7:30 – 2:30) unless permission from a staff member is obtained. If you are in possession of such an item, it must remain out of sight and turned off.

Electronic devices of any kind, including electronic music players and electronic games should not be displayed in the hallways. Use in class is also prohibited unless permission from the instructor is obtained.

Use of these items during the school day (7:30 - 2:30) could result in the item being removed from the student and disciplinary action may be taken.

Fight Policy

(Please see the District’s PARENT HANDBOOK regarding this policy.)

Hallway Conduct

Students are expected to maintain a reasonable noise level when moving through the hallways. No running, loud voices or horseplay are permitted. Food and drink items are not allowed in the hallways. Student must have a signed planner to be allowed in the hallways during class time.

Students should leave the building by 2:45 unless under the direct supervision of a teacher, sponsor, or coach.


(Please see the District’s PARENT HANDBOOK regarding this policy.)

Illegal Substances

The illegal possession of, consumption of, or the sharing, dealing, or selling of controlled substances which includes alcoholic beverages, tobacco, drugs, or drug paraphernalia while in attendance at school or while at school-related events is prohibited. Violations of this policy will automatically result in suspension and notification of police for citation.

Open Enrollment

(Please see the District’s PARENT HANDBOOK regarding this policy.)

Skateboards/ Roller shoes

Using skateboards and/or roller shoes is not allowed on school grounds. This includes the parking lot and sidewalks leading up to the school. If skateboards are brought to school, students should store them in their lockers.


A person commits theft when the person does any of the following:

  • Takes possession or control of the property of another, or property in the lawful possession of another, with the intent to deprive the other thereof.
  • Commits any act that is declared to be theft or fraud by any provision of the Code of Iowa

Violations of theft will result in suspension and possibly the notification of police.

Vandalism or Damage to School Property

Students and/or their parents will be responsible for damage or vandalism to school property. The amount of this obligation shall be determined by the usual and customary cost of replacement or repair. The administration will determine if disciplinary action and notification of police is also appropriate.

Weapons Policy

(Please see the District’s PARENT HANDBOOK regarding this policy.)



Cinch bags (draw string book bags) or over-the-shoulder bags may be carried to class. However, backpacks or packs on wheels will not be allowed due to space restrictions in the classrooms. Teachers will make the final determination on bags in their classroom due to room restrictions and/or issues that may arise with an individual’s bag.


Bicycles that are ridden to school must be parked and locked in the bike rack. The school assumes no responsibility for lost, stolen, or damaged bicycles while on school property.

Change of address

Change of address or telephone number should be reported to the attendance office immediately in order for us to keep accurate records in case of an emergency.

Contacting the School

To Contact a Teacher

For a parent/guardian to contact a staff member at school, please call the main office telephone number at 242-8444. The teacher will be notified and a return call will be made when a teacher is not conducting a class. If you wish to e-mail a staff member you may do so by going to the school website at

Student Phone Messages

Due to the number of students enrolled and in order to limit the disruptions to class, phone messages will not be delivered to students during the school day unless there is an emergency verified by a parent/guardian. You may leave a message on your student’s cell phone, but please make your child aware that their phone should be silenced and it should not be out until the end of the school day. If there is an extenuating circumstance, please notify the office to make arrangements.


Counselors are available to help you in many ways. Please feel free to go to the counselor for help with personal, social, and academic concerns, study helps, or any questions you would like to discuss with a counselor. If you want to see the counselor, stop by the counseling office. Students may request a conference with the counselor or they may see the counselor without an appointment before or after school, at lunch, or any time during the day with a pass. If an emergency arises, a counselor will see you at any time. Come to the Counseling Office and make use of the sources available to you.

Fire/Severe Weather Drills

Drills will be held at various intervals during the school year in accordance with state laws. Instructions for each classroom will be posted and reviewed by your instructor. The fire alarm bell is a steady blast. In a fire drill, students should leave the building immediately and quickly without talking or crowding. For severe weather situations, an announcement is made and students are moved to designated areas.

Hall Passes/Planners

Students must have their student planner signed to be out of class during any class period. Students can be expected to be asked for their planner and be ready to show to any staff member the teacher signature, date, and time. Misuse of the planner may result in disciplinary action. If planners are lost, replacements may be purchased from the main office.


Most teachers assign homework on certain days of the week except Wednesday, which is reserved for family night. While a teacher may assign homework on Wednesday, that homework will not be due on Thursday. Homework requests may be made by contacting the student’s counselor or emailing your child’s teachers. Students should record their daily assignments in the student planner.

Hours and Procedures of the Day

7:10 am - Cafeteria is open for students to wait

7:20 am – Breakfast line is opened

7:30 am – Students are released from the cafeteria

7:45 am – First period begins

2:30 pm – School ends

2:45 pm – Students must be with an adult or off of school grounds


All GoodrellMiddle School students will be issued a current ID card. ID’s are required for library book checkout. Students who have lost their ID during the school year may purchase a new one in the main office for $2.00.


GoodrellMiddle School has Internet services for our students. To be eligible to have access to the Internet, the student and parent/guardian must sign the Network Agreement form.