Good Neighbor Authority

The Good Neighbor Authority allows the Forest Service to enter into cooperative agreements or contracts with States and Puerto Rico to allow the States to perform watershed restoration and forest management services on National Forest System (NFS) lands. Congress recently passed two laws expanding Good Neighbor Authority (GNA): the FY 2014 Appropriations Act and the 2014 Farm Bill. Each law contains slightly different versions.

  • The Farm Bill permanently authorizes the Good Neighbor Authority for both the Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) extending it to all 50 States and Puerto Rico. It excludes construction, reconstruction, repair, or restoration of paved or permanent roads or parking areas and construction, alteration, repair, or replacement of public buildings or works; as well as projects in wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, and lands where removal of vegetation is prohibited or restricted.
  • The Fiscal Year (FY) 2014 Appropriations Act included a five-year authorization for the use of GNA in all states with NFS lands to perform watershed restoration and protection services on NFS and BLM lands when similar and complementary services are performed by the state on adjacent state or private lands. Other than the adjacency requirement, there were no exclusions as to type or location of work.

The Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 (PRA) was enacted to minimize the paperwork burden on the public resulting from the collection of information by (or for) the federal government. The PRA generally governs how federal agencies are allowed to collect information from the public and helps ensure that only necessary information is collected. The Forest Service must go through the PRA process for Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to review and approve the Good Neighbor Agreement templates and the associated burden on the States.

On December 9, 2014, the Forest Service published aFederal Register Noticerequesting public comment on the collection, GNA templates, and associated burden on the states. As indicated in the Notice, comment is invited on:

  1. Whether this collection of information is necessary for the stated purposes and the proper performance of the functions of the Agency, including whether the information will have practical or scientific utility;
  2. the accuracy of the Agency’s estimate of the burden of the collection of information, including the validity of the methodology and assumptions used;
  3. ways to enhance the quality, utility, and clarity of the information to be collected; and
  4. ways to minimize the burden of the collection of information on respondents, including the use of automated, electronic, mechanical, or other technological collection techniques or other forms of information technology.

The Good Neighbor Agreement templates include the following.

Good Neighbor Agreement (The Farm Bill Authority) under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 10.691(PDF, 237 MB)

Description:Standalone Instrument incorporating a Statement of Work (SOW) and Financial Plan allowing authorized forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration services under one agreement.

Authorized Activities:Only authorized forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration services are allowed under this SPA which includes activities to treat insect and disease infected trees; activities to reduce hazardous fuels; and any other activities to restore or improve forest, rangeland, and watershed health, including fish, and wildlife habit. Services not allowed under this SPA includes construction, reconstruction, repair, or restoration of paved or permanent roads or parking areas and construction, alteration, repair, or replacement of public buildings or works; as well as projects in wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, and lands where removal of vegetation is prohibited or restricted. Temporary roads necessary to complete restoration or improvement work are allowed. Timber Sales are not incorporated under the standalone instrument and must be executed in a SPA under Master Good Neighbor Agreement (See below).

Master Good Neighbor Agreement (The Farm Bill Authority) under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 10.691(PDF, 173 MB)

Description:Non-Obligating master agreement instrument incorporating the general terms and framework of the collaborative agreement citing Supplemental Project Agreements (Non-Timber) instrument and Supplemental Project Agreements (Timber) falling under the agreement.

Supplemental Project Agreements (Non-Timber) under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 10.691(PDF, 285 KB)

Description:Obligating Good Neighbor Agreement incorporating specific project roles and responsibilities, statement of work(s), financial plan(S), reporting requirements, payment provisions, and other conditional provisions necessary to complete work on and off NFS lands. Allows flexibility to incorporate large, medium, and small projects under the master agreement. Timber Sales are not allowed under this instrument but may be executed under Supplemental Project Agreements (Non-Timber).

Authorized Activities:Only authorized forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration services are allowed under this SPA which includes activities to treat insect and disease infected trees; activities to reduce hazardous fuels; and any other activities to restore or improve forest, rangeland, and watershed health, including fish, and wildlife habit. Services not allowed under this SPA includes construction, reconstruction, repair, or restoration of paved or permanent roads or parking areas and construction, alteration, repair, or replacement of public buildings or works; as well as projects in wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, and lands where removal of vegetation is prohibited or restricted. Temporary roads necessary to complete restoration or improvement work are allowed. Timber Sales are not allowed under this instrument.

Supplemental Project Agreements (Timber) under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 10.691(PDF, 479 KB)

  • Also,APPENDIX E Timber Removal Requirements(PDF, 692 KB)

Description:Obligating Good Neighbor Agreement incorporating specific project roles and responsibilities, statement of work(s), financial plan(S), reporting requirements, payment provisions, and other conditional provisions necessary to complete work on NFS lands. Allows for flexibility to incorporate large, medium, and small projects under the master agreement. Timber Sales and other authorized services are allowed under this instrument. Any income is generated as a result of this agreement, the program income shall be applied using the additive alternative as described in 2 CFR 400.307.

Authorized Activities:Only authorized forest, rangeland, and watershed restoration services are allowed under this SPA which includes activities to treat insect and disease infected trees; activities to reduce hazardous fuels; and any other activities to restore or improve forest, rangeland, and watershed health, including fish, and wildlife habit. Services not allowed under this SPA includes construction, reconstruction, repair, or restoration of paved or permanent roads or parking areas and construction, alteration, repair, or replacement of public buildings or works; as well as projects in wilderness areas, wilderness study areas, and lands where removal of vegetation is prohibited or restricted. Temporary roads necessary to complete restoration or improvement work are allowed. Timber Sales are allowable activities under this instrument provided that the Forest Service retains responsibility for approval of silviculture prescription and marking guides.

Good Neighbor Agreement (The FY14 Appropriations Act Authority) under Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) No. 10.TBD(PDF, 239 KB)

Description:Standalone Instrument incorporating a Statement of Work (SOW) and Financial Plan allowing agreements with State foresters in all states with NFS lands to perform watershed restoration and protection services on NFS lands when similar and complementary services are performed by the state on adjacent state or private lands. All agreements will have expiration dates no later than 9/30/2018.

Authorized Activities:Allowable activities include reconstruction, repair, or restoration of paved or permanent roads or parking areas and alteration, repair, or replacement of public works. Timber Sales are not incorporated under the standalone instrument and must be executed in a SPA under Master Good Neighbor Agreement (See above).