Date: Thursday, December 3, 2015

Good Morning Stallions and Staff!

I am ______, ______, ______we are your fellow Morning Announcers

Please kindly stand for the pledge of allegiance to our American Flag: P A U S E AND COUNT

I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic

For which it stands, One nation Under God, Indivisible, with liberty and justice for all

Thanks! You may now be seated.

  • WSLI will be on the airways of channel 19. Be sure to tune in when we will share a welcome back to all 6th Graders who had an outdoor experience this week. In addition, there will be a Charlie Brown presentation. Thanks!
  • “Art Club will be meeting next Wednesday the 9th.”
  • Spirit Day Friday TOMORROW! From the Desk of Principal Dimmick: Friday will be another Sligo Spirit Day…this Friday, wear your favorite sports clothing to school….this can be your own team, your favorite college team, or a professional team. Help celebrate our school spirit by wearing your favorite clothing to school on Friday.
  • Students at all grade levels are encouraged to participate in the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Literary Contest and Visual Arts Show. The 2016 theme is “Renewing the Dream: Hope in Today’s Times.” The essays and artwork should reflect an understanding and appreciation of the ideals of Dr. King’s life, achievements and aspirations. Literary entries should be 150 words or less and are due by 5 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 11. Submit them to the MLK Essay Contest, for additional information, please check out this bulletin in the lobby.
  • Attention Sligo students! Get ready for Hour of Code! This is an exciting global educational event with millions of students from around the world students signed up to participate in some stimulating online coding (computer programming) activities.

Next week from December 7 to December 11 is Computer Science Education Week and Hour of Code, sponsored by and supported by every major tech company including

Microsoft, Google, Apple, etc.

All of our students are invited to participate in the online coding activities during lunch,class, after school, and at home. Students will have received an Hour of Code flyer that gives the website to use to access coding activities. Please also check out the Sligo Middle School website for more information.Our goal is to have every student participate in this computer programming opportunity. Thank you for your support! If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Campo-Abdoun.

  • Attention S'TEAM Sligo members and 8th grade volunteers of the current year 2015 - 2016!

Please remember that Monday, December 7 is the first day of the S'TEAM Sligo after school program. When the 3pm dismissal bell rings, please go to your lockers, pick up your belongings, and take them to the cafeteria for an early supper. We will have the Grammy-award-winning beat-boxing, musician and spoken word artist Christylez Bacon performing and facilitating our communications and team-building session. We will dismiss at 5:20pm. If you have any questions, please visit or email Ms. Campo-Abdoun, S'TEAM Sligo Coordinator. Looking forward to seeing you then!

Thanks for sharing with us your undivided attention. We appreciate your kindness and respect. Make today and each day your VERY BEST DAY!