Golden River Marching Festival

Rules, Regulations and Principles

·  Please attempt to arrive close tothe “Suggested Arrival Time” on your schedule. Your arrival time is one hour before your warm up time.Getting there on time will give you ample time to register, unload, warm-up,change etc. The up-to-date schedule is available on

·  Please do notcook-out with grills on campus.Our fire marshal frowns on open flames in undesignated areas. We do offer ameal deal through our concession stand where yourboosterclub can write one check to cover a meal for everyone in your band.You can also eat inside in our Golden River Café! Please see enclosed form or download from the website.

·  Our band guides are assigned to you to assist. Our guides have been advised to “stay out ofyourway”.They will be near you waiting for you to ask when you need assistance. They will meet you when you arrive and will remain with you until your group gets back to the bus after your performance. .

·  Instrument repair is being provided by Gadsden Music Company.Tell one of your guides if you need these services and one of them will escort you or your student to their tent.

·  If you need facilities to change clothes, they willbe available in the Fine Arts Building.Please ask a few of your chaperones to accompany and monitor your students. Our band guides will lead your students there. The changing facility has restrooms and water fountains.

·  If you complete the Press Box Form and the Golden River Café form before arriving, your time at registration will bedrastically shorter which gives you more time to stay relaxed andfocus on more important things.

·  First Aid services are available when needed.Ask your guide or festival official if you need first aid services.

·  You should receive a complimentary video of your performance in the director’s packet at theend of the event.Additional DVDs are available toorder under the stands.See the enclosed information.

·  A Hospitality Room is open and available for directors, staff, bus/equipment drivers and their spouse. Students, parents, fans, etc. are not allowed the hospitality room. Directors will be given armbands for those designated to present at the door for entrance into the hospitality room.

·  Water will be available for your group at the warm-up area and immediately after you exit the field. Water fountains are also available in the changing facilities.

·  A First Aid Station will be set up on campus at a convenient location. We will have nurses and EMTs available. We keep on hand sunscreen and insect repellent as well. Over-the-counter medication and feminine products are also available.