Golden Needles Quilt Guild

“Quilty Pleasures” Quilt Show- 2018 Quilt Entry Form

Lone Star Convention Center, Conroe, TXPlease Print Legibly

Last Name______First Name______


Phone ______Email______

Year Completed (must be after2013) ______

Current Member ______Non Member______

Name of Quilt ______

Quilt Top Made By ______

Quilted By______

Special Exhibit Quilts Only New Danville ______SUD’s______Other______

For Special Exhibit, Auction, or Miniature Quilt Silent Auction quilts that you want to have judged, please provide the following information: In a Special Exhibit (name of exhibit) ______

Live Auction ______Miniature Quilt Silent Auction ______

Display only and not judged ______(please initial)

Category______(Limit 2 quilts per Category)

Hold Harmless Agreement

I agree to abide by all the conditions stated on the entry form and the Golden Needles Quilt Guild rules on the website. I agree to permit GNQG to display my entry and to photograph it for GNQG files, publicity and or promotional purposes, which may include print, website or video. I understand that GNQG will take every precaution to protect and safeguard my quilt during the time it is in their care and that neither the Lone Star Convention Center nor GNQG guild will be responsible for accidental damage or loss.


Design Source

Commercial Pattern ______

Workshop, Instructor, Date______


Block of the Month______

Original Design______

Your Quilt Story

Please type or print your Quilt Story on the “REVERSE SIDE OF THIS FORM ALONG WITH THE PICTURE OFTHE QUILT”, maximum of 75 words. What attracted you to the pattern, fabric or colors? Why did you make this quilt? Does the Quilt have a special recipient? Did you try a new technique? This information will be placed on the information card attached to your quilt.

2018 Golden Needles Quilt Guild Show Rules

1. Quilts previously shown in a Golden Needles Quilt Guild Show may Not be entered again. (Members/Non-members will be informed if this rule changes for the 2018 show due to 2017 Hurricane Harvey Cancelled show only and that information will be posted on the website when available.)

2. Entry fee Member- $5.00 per entry Non-members $25.00 per entry Youth under 19 – Free

3. Limit of 2 quilts per category

4. Entries are to be turned in at the LSCC Exhibit Hall in Conroe on Wednesday, September 19,2018 between the hours of 8:30am and 4:45pm.

5. Quilts must have been completed after 2013.

6. All entries will be judged unless you initial “Display Only” on Hold Harmless front page and check category on the Show Entry Form.

7. Every Quilt entered in the show must be registered on a separate form. Entry fees for multiple quilts may be combined in one check made payable to the Golden Needles Quilt Guild.

8. Show Entry forms for each quilt must be turned in by June 18th, 2018 guild meeting. No Exceptions!

9. For hanging, quilts must have at least a 4” casing/sleeve stitched across the TOP back of the quilt. (Miniatures in the silent auction do not require sleeves) Quilts LONGER THAN 86” must have the casing/sleeve stitched so that the top of the sleeve is 86” from the bottom of the quilt for display, so that it does not lie on the floor. Two Sleeves are permissible.

10. Each quilt must have a SEWN ON label. Cover all labels with a basted opaque fabric. Absolutely NO pins. As you look at the back of the quilt, sew a fabric label to the lower left corner(Only exception is if a permanent label has already been sewn “into the binding“on the right side of the quilt. The label should include the Name of the quilt (should match your entry form) year made, entrants name, address and phone number.

11. Ribbons will be awarded in each division as well as “Best of Show” and will be determined by the Quilt Show Judge. BEST OF SHOW WILL BE AWARDED only to a GNQG member who has been a member of GNQG prior to the quilt show turn in deadline of June 18, 2018. People’s Choice will be chosen by Friday public attendee’s and any other Special awards will be determined by GNQG or special guests.

12. Each entry must be clean and odor free, in good condition and in a separate, labeled pillowcase or fabric bag of appropriate size for your quilt. Bags other than cloth, bags with handles, etc. will not be accepted. No rolled quilts will be accepted. GNQG reserves the right to REFUSE any quilt that it deems inappropriate or not in compliance with the rules.

13. There will be no early release of quilts and quilt pickup will be between 6:15 and 6:45 on Saturday after the show closes. Entries may be picked up by the entrant or by a substitute designated at the time the quilt is delivered for the show. The only exception to this rule is the miniature silent auction quilts that are won during the silent auction on Friday and Saturday.

13. Live Auction quilts will be awarded to their winners after the auction is over and payment has been paid.

2018 Category Entry Form

Title of Entry______

Quilt Size: Width______Length______

Self-Quilted Non-Professional______Professionally Quilted______

Check One for your entry in the category, size and quilter definition.

The Quilt Show Committee reserves the right to change the quilts category. Please review the 2018 GNQG Show Categories definitions on our website or attached for more details.


_____ Hand Quilted ______Art/Innovative Design

_____ Mixed Technique ______Other Technique

_____ Traditionally Pieced______Wearables, 3D, Home Decor

_____ Paper Pieced______Group Quilts

_____ Appliqued ______Youth (5 to 12)

_____ Modern Design______Youth (13 to 19)

_____ Miniature______Display Only

SIZE: (To figure size add the top of the quilt measurement to the measurement of one side of quilt then total)

S ______Small (W+L= 49 to 119 inches)

M ______Medium (W+L = 120 to 150 inches)

L______Large (W+L = 150 to 180 inches)

XL______X-Large (W+L =180 to 240 inches)

MI______Miniature (W+L = 48 inches or less)


1.______Self-Quilted Non Professional

2.______Professionally Quilted

Contact: Mail Entry form and Category form along with your Story, Picture and Check to Lou Ann Nichols, 127 Lake View Circle, Montgomery, TX 77356or give to Lou Ann at Guild Meetings. Deadline for entries is June 18, 2018.

Committee Use Only

Date Received ______Received By ______

Entry Complete______Fee: Check #______Cash______


Hand Quilted- This category includes any quilt that is entirely hand quilted.

Mixed Technique- Any quilt with equal parts piecing and/or applique or embroidery or any other technique.

Traditionally Pieced – Any quilt made up of different fabrics using a patchwork technique sewn together by hand or machine

Paper Pieced– Technique of machine stitching your fabric directly onto a paper foundation

Appliqued- The quilt must have a majority of either machine or hand applique.

Modern Design- The use of bold colors and prints, high contrast and graphic areas of solid color, improvisational piecing, expansive negative spaces and alternate grid work.

Miniature –The scale of design should be miniature in size using any technique and can be hand or machine quilted.

Art/Innovative Design- Your ORIGINAL design reflecting innovative construction and design techniques, theme or subject matter or materials. No commercial patterns or copies of previous works. Quilts must be made of fabric, have three layers, and contain quilting. A quilt based on traditional patterns and designs should be entered in another category.

Other Technique-Whole Cloth, red work, crazy quilts, embroidery, cathedral windows, English paper piecing or any quilt that doesn’t fit into another category.

Wearables, 3D, Home Décor- Purses, Totes, Clothing, Table Runners, Table Toppers, Framed Pictures

Group Quilts- Quilts created by three or more people. Includes block exchanges, swaps, round robins and lottery blocks.

Youth- Ages 5 to 12 Any technique.

Youth- Ages 13 to 19 Any technique.

Display Only- Quilts for viewing only. These quilts will not be judged and are not eligible for ribbons. Entry must follow quilt show rules.

Quilting Definitions:

Divisions are determined by the eligibility of the person(s) that made the quilt top.

  1. Self- Quilted Non-Professional – All sizes of quilts that are quilted by a member or non-member who do their own personal quilting either by hand, domestic machine, a mid-arm or a long arm.
  2. Professionally Quilted - All sizes of quilts that are quilted by a member or non-member by hand, domestic machine, mid-arm or a long arm and machine quiltedby themselves or another person who quilts professionally. A Professional designation is based on a quilter who has received compensation for his/her work on the quilt, has a business quilting for the public or if you teach quilting classes. The professional quilters name must be acknowledged on the Entry form and when the quilt is entered and shown.