Trade Mission to China & South Korea

For ongoing support in international trade, Alabama companies can email, fax, or mail this form to:

Alabama Department of Commerce


ATTN: Beau Lore

International Trade Specialist

Tel: 334-242-0450 Fax: 334-242-0415

401 Adams Avenue, Suite 630

Montgomery, AL 36130


International Trade Questionnaire

In order for us to support you in your success in International Trade, please complete our Export Alabama Partnership Questionnaire. We will keep this form for future reference, in order to better recognize opportunities which may arise for your business around the world. It will not be shared outside the Export AlabamaAlliance without your approval.

Current countries of interest include:
Countries to which you are currently exporting or have exported to in the past few years:
If you are not currently exporting, please explain your concerns or hesitations:
Please identify those areas where you could use some assistance. (Examples: export marketing plan, identifying buyers/distributionchannels, product certifications, export finance training, designing/translation of materials, website development etc.)

A. Contact Information

Company Name:
City: State: Zip Code:
Company Web Site:
Contact Person: / Title:
Contact Tel: / Contact Fax:
Contact E-mail:
Alternate Contact: / Title:
Alternate Contact Tel:
Alternate Contact E-mail:
Year Established: / Corporate HQ in AL? Yes No
Number of Employees: In Alabama ______Worldwide______

B. Company Information

Company Activity: (select all that apply)
Exclusive Distributor
Export Management Company / Service Company
Other (please specify):
What is your export experience?
New to Export  Some Export Experience Experienced Exporter
Total Annual Sales:
Less than $5Million  $5-10 Million More than $10 Million
Estimated percentage of these sales which are exported:
<5% 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%
Has your firm ever been in contact with Alabama Department of Commerce before? Yes No
Name of individual contact: ______
When? / Where?
Are you currently working with a U.S. Export Assistance Center (USEAC)? Yes No
Name of individual USEAC contact: ______

C. Product/Service Information

Export Control Classification Number (ECCN):
HS Code(s) (required): / Product Description(s)
Does your product contain at least 51% U.S. content?  Yes  No
Describe your approach to promoting these products/services, including its competitive advantages and unique selling proposition. Include its applications and unique features that differentiate your product from that of the competition.
Who are your major competitors at home and abroad?
List the most important end-users or end-user industries for this product/service.
How is your product typically distributed and marketed in the United States (and in other countries if applicable)?
What type of licensing or registration does it require in the U.S.?
What related products might an agent/distributor of this product also handle?



What type of business contacts would be of interest in your exporting activity?
Distributor / Wholesaler
Agent / Sales Representative
Franchisee / Joint Venture Partner or Licensee
Direct Sales
Other: _____


Is your firm seeking representation on an exclusive basis in this market? Yes No
Describe any preferences, requirements, or pre-qualifications that the ideal prospect must have, such as English language ability, size, revenue, coverage, client base, investment etc.
Describe any special features of your company's operations, interests, or objectives in the target market that can help us identify potential business partners.
Are there any specific companies, or types of companies, you would like us to contact?
If so, please name them.
Are there any specific companies, or types of companies, you would NOT like us to contact?
If so, please name them.
Is your company currently represented in these countries or regions? /  Yes  No
If yes, is your distributor aware you are seeking additional representation? /  Yes  No
Explain your interest in exporting to China and South Korea in particular. What economic indicators have led you to believe that these are good target markets? What would be your market entry strategy upon finding partners or distributors? How would you assess any risks that you foresee? Please indicate why you find this to be a good opportunity for your business.