Gold Bar Wastewater Treatment Plant
Wednesday, January 12, 2005
5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
GBWWTP (10977 – 50 St.)
ATTENDEES: / Tracy Dubitz, Capilano / K.C. Er, GBWWTPDale Darrah, Highlands / Vince Corkery, GBWWTP
Abdul Mohammed, GBWWTP / Chris O’Brien, GBWWTP
Kurt Sawatzky, Manager, Drainage Services
COPIES: / Laurie Scott, Gold Bar / Bill Burn, General Manager,
Asset Management & Public Works
Wayne Mah, Fulton Place / George Karbonik, Beverly Heights
Councillor Terry Cavanagh,
Ward 6 / Elaine Trudeau, Communications Officer, Drainage Services
Councillor Ed Gibbons,
Ward 3 / Councillor Janice Melnychuk,
Ward 3
Councillor Dave Thiele,
Ward 6
Meeting called to order by K.C. Er at 6:01 p.m.
1. /Introductions – Chris reported that Laurie sent his regrets earlier in the day. George called to say that he had car trouble and wouldn’t be able to make the meeting. Wayne was confirmed but unfortunately was not able to attend.
2. /Approval of Minutes- Meeting minutes of September 8, 2004 were approved. (Moved: Abdul; Seconded: Vince).
3. / Business ARising9.1 Bioreactor #11 – Construction is 90% completed, with the project on schedule for being finished by March 2005. Although most of the major work in this area of the plant is out of the way, construction on the new membrane filtration facility will continue, although on a much reduced scale. (See item 9.2) Since most of this new work involves erecting the structure to house the membrane units, disturbances from this site are expected to be minimal.
9.2Recycled Water/Membrane Filtration Plant – Petro-Canada, the ones who are financing the membrane plant construction along with the pipeline to their refinery, will be holding an open house on Thursday, January 27th at the Gold Bar Plant. The open house will take place in the Centre of Excellence from 4:00-8:00 PM. Although the focus is on the waterline portion of the overall project and to address any concerns regarding its construction, tours of the membrane pilot plant will also be featured. Representatives from Bel·MK , the pipeline design engineers, Ledcor, the pipeline contractor and Zenon, the membrane supplier, will be on hand along with Petro-Canada and Drainage Services staff. Over 6,000 invitations were delivered to local residents and various stakeholders identified by Drainage Services and Petro-Canada. Advertisements were also placed in the Examiner.
9.3Enhanced Primary Treatment (EPT) – Excavation at the west end of the plant is 35% complete and the ICAP portion of project on target for a March 2006 completion. To qualify for full funding under the Infrastructure Canada/Alberta Program (ICAP) the project must be completed by that time. Some of the more challenging aspects of the job have been completed, including shutting off one of the main inlet channels into the plant while flows were at a seasonal low. This work is required for the new bypass channel and screens. The entire project – including non-ICAP funded portions -- is targeted for summer 2006 completion.
Tracy commented that so far she hasn’t received or otherwise heard of complaints about construction noise, etc. If complaints do arise, they can be forwarded to Chris, who will direct them to the respective project managers.
9.53 - 5 Year Capital Plan (2005-09) & Communications Plan – A draft of a new community newsletter was circulated. For its initial installment the topic will be the 3-5 year capital construction plan for Gold Bar WWTP. Subsequent issues will provide more in-depth project descriptions, focusing on one or two projects. One of those future topics will be relocating the main entrance to the plant.
K.C. explained that concerns for personnel safety and site security warrant an alternate entrance to the plant. He discussed the planned relocation of the main gate and consolidated parking facilities. Working with Community Services, Parks Division, and the City Architect, the concept being considered is a new entrance at the midway point along Gold Bar Park road where the Parks compound is now situated. All staff and visitor parking would be moved offsite, with the new lot operating as a secure staff/visitor parking lot during working hours and then opening to the public after hours and on weekends. To achieve one of the project’s objectives, that being to minimize the overall footprint in the river valley, a new joint Parks and Gold Bar WWTP maintenance facility would be integrated with the plant facility. Parks’ maintenance buildings are now located in their compound. Before any of these plans reach the design stage, however, open houses will be held to obtain resident and stakeholder input.
9.6Odour Complaints – Vince reported that there were 19 odour complaints in 2004 attributable to the Gold Bar WWTP, compared with 41 in 2003.
9.7Around The Table --
- Official Opening - the ICAP funding announcement is scheduled for next Thursday, January 20th. All CLC members will be receiving invitations to attend this press conference officially announcing the project kick-off. Gold Bar will play host to the Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan, the provincial Minister of Infrastructure, Dr. Lyle Oberg, and Mayor Mandel. Originally planned for September of last year, it was postponed due to municipal, provincial and federal elections.
- Joint Study – Epcor & Drainage Services – Kurt reported that Epcor/Drainage has jointly commissioned a study into the possible
- Approval To Operate – Kurt noted that Drainage Services is negotiating its new Approval with the Province. As part of the approval process, open houses will be held both inside and outside the city. A tentative date for the local open house is February 15. Newspaper advertisements will announce the time and place.
- Sierra Club Report Card – K.C. referred to Gold Bar’s and Drainage Services’ improved ranking by the Sierra Legal Defense Fund in their annual report card of 22 municipalities. We moved from a B+ to an A-, a ranking shared by only two other jurisdictions. With the CSO / EPT and water re-use projects now underway, moving up another notch at the time of the next survey is a strong possibility. (See attached report card.)
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Next Meeting – TBA.
Meeting adjourned: 7:30 p.m.Please notify Chris O’Brien of any errors or omissions.
Attachments – Sierra Legal Defense Fund: Excremental Progress at A Glance