God Summons the Devil


Six days passed without night. Followed by six nights without day. On the sixth dayless night God threw six balls of fire down from heaven, which burned across the sky and exploded one on each landmass. Fire and brimstone erupted consuming plant, animal, and man alike. When the smoke cleared many lay dead and charred on the ground. From them came a stench of burnt flesh and rot so unbearable that relatives were unable to bury the bodies. Scavengers ate the flesh of their unguarded corpses for many days. This is how god summoned the devil for the first time.

God Instructs The devil


The stench of burnt flesh and rotting meat was heavy in the world and eventually sunk into the depths of hell and the nostrils of the Beast. Satan called to his chief minions and instructed them to prepare for his absence. When this was done and the netherworld in order Satan climbed up out of the bowels of hell. Treading on the souls of the damned with each step Satan climbed out of Hell to meet his master. With a hollow scream the devil announced his arrival at the gates of Heaven. Angels hid as Satan banged on the gates his howls echoing throughout the kingdom.

God appeared next to the Devil and quieted him by laying a hand on his shoulder. God said to the devil “ you will go forth to the land of the living and bear me a son in the belly of a virgin. He shall live in the world as my son until his death upon a cross. At this time he will be returned to you, Damian, his father, and return with you to Hell where he shall assist you in your rule. For assistance you will need, as your dungeons will soon overflow with the souls of the damned. The Devil nodded, tearing the sky with his horns, and told God “Yes master, for I am your wrath”. “Go then” said God and the devil took flight into the world were he found a virgin called Mary, whom God blessed so that she would feel no pain as the devil raped her violently from behind, for he is the beast.

The Origin of the Beast


God created Man and gave him freewill so that he may choose what is righteous and in this way earn a place in heaven next to his creator. God placed pain, hurt, and shame in the world of man to assist him with these choices. There was no room in heaven for these feelings however, for it is eternal paradise, so God called together his angels to ask who would carry his burden of violence, hate, and fear.

“Who will suffer for me?” asked God of his Angels. “Who will be cast out of my kingdom and be hated?” The angels were silent. “Who will burn for me?” God asked. “Who will take on my loneliness and despair so that there may be a kingdom of heaven?” “Who will dwell in the abyss?” asked God and showed them pools of fire. Three angels stepped forward.

God Dismissed the first named Joshua for God said, “ you are not strong enough to carry my burden. You would be crushed and hell would run rampant across the heavens and the earth.” God spoke to the second named Jonathan and said, “ You do not posses the wisdom to manage all that is sorrow and hell would slip from your grasp, again Chaos.” That left only Damian, the strongest and wisest angel in God’s kingdom, as well as the most loyal.

God apologized to Damian and told him “You Damian will bear all that is evil in me, my fear, disgust, and loathing. Yours will be a world of torment, but as each new soul enters your kingdom you will place a piece of your anguish in them. In this way, as your kingdom grows your pain will subside. Finally, when I am done with the world of man and the last soul falls screaming into the pools of fire you will be released from your charge. At this time you will return gloriously to the kingdom of heaven to sit by my side, my most faithful servant. The sinners of man will then carry my misery for me, should I need it again. God spoke and it was done. Damian burst into flames and was sucked downward crying out in pain to his kingdom of hell.

Father and son united


Six days after Jesus died on the cross he rose from the dead. Six days later six angels were sent from heaven to fetch him. They carried him away: one on each arm, one on each leg, one holding his head, and another pushing him up to heaven by his chest. The angels wailed in agony, for Jesus burned in their arms as they held him. This is how God summoned the Devil for the second time.

Damian arrived at the gates of hell to find Jesus weeping before God, for he was not allowed to pass through the gates of the holy kingdom. When Damian made himself known Jesus attempted to hide himself behind God. Damian grabbed him round the neck and forced his son to look into his father’s eyes. Jesus saw the fire in them and in their reflection he saw the fire in his own eyes and knew. Damian released his child who no longer attempted to hide, but stood by his father’s side. Damian and Jesus turned to their creator and master.

God said to Jesus, ”go now to hell with your father and tend to the souls of the damned. They will be numerous now that mankind believes itself saved by the Son of God, Jesus, who died on a cross for their sins. This is what the church of man will teach and on each seventh day the priests of these churches will distribute your body to be consumed by the masses and your blood to be drunk by them. In this way your father’s blood shall flood the earth and humanity shall fall into despair. Man shall burn for eternity in your father’s kingdom, even after he himself has left, and you Jesus have left, and are in Heaven at my side. Of man only the select few who live righteously of their own accord and do not follow mindlessly like lambs to the slaughter shall join us in my glorious kingdom.

Go now Damian, take with you your son and return to the baths of fire in which you dwell. Go now for there is work to be done. Leave and let my angels tremble no longer.

Jesus Enters His Father’s Kingdom

Jesus walked into Hell naked except for the crown of thorns on his head. A cry went up from those souls of the damned who saw him and spread throughout the kingdom. For these souls thought they were to be freed by their prince, who had already died once for them upon a cross, for their sins on earth. They prayed he take them away from the fire and carry them with him to the kingdom of God and the thrones they had been promised.

Jesus looked upon these souls as a father looks upon a child that he must punish, an angry father. The flames in his eyes bellowed like a furnace. Jesus reached within himself to find the suitable punishment and produced hopelessness. Placing this upon the souls Jesus was pleased, as was his father.