God Stuff Happening In Our Churches – July 2012

Mission Projects

Ø  On May 23rd Newmarket Community Church held a grand reopening of the town’s food pantry which has been relocated to the church. They served more than 30 families the first week they were opened!

Ø  This summer Antrim Baptist Church will open their hearts and Church home to the townspeople for refreshment and rest. To begin with they planned to open their Fellowship Hall on Tuesdays, June 19 and 25 from 8 to10 a.m. for coffee and juice and donuts and muffins. More dates will be planned depending on the response.

Ø  The kids at the Madison Church were busy this year with a number of service projects. In September they made care packages for disabled veterans at the Bedford VA and donated them through an event called Vettes to Vets. In October and November they made ornaments to send to soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan through a local organization called Socks for Soldiers. They made over 100 ornaments and then went to the sock stuffing event and helped stuff and pack 500 Christmas stockings for the troops.

In January and February they made Valentines which were passed out to veterans that came to the Conway VA to thank them for their service and to spread some love. In April and May they learned about the environment and did some fundraising to buy a bush for the town offices. They were then invited to participate in the Memorial Day service and dedicate their bush during the ceremony as the selectmen felt this would be the most appropriate way to dedicate a bush.

Ø  Franklin Baptist Church: The Board of Christian Education and Missions committee have combined efforts and are planning some new and exciting happenings. They have begun cleaning and renovating the “Youth building” outside the church. They are very excited about their plans to use this building as an outreach to the Franklin Community. They have many ideas, and many needs. It is their hope that this vacant building will soon be filled with non-food supplies to be distributed to those in need. They are also hoping to provide an even more pressing need in this community – the Message of God’s everlasting Love and His Gift of Salvation.

They also hope to provide a place for those in need to come and learn about the Gospel in a loving and understanding environment. They will try to meet some tangible needs while also meeting the spiritual need that they may not know they have. Their first project will be to supply local youth with back-packs filled with back to school items in the fall.

Church News and Events

Ø  Rev. Jim Harrington (First Baptist Church, Hudson) has announced his intent to retire at the end of September.

Ø  This spring Franklin Baptist Church welcomed three new members: Tyler Fogg, Ruth Gifford & Patsy Lemire.

Ø  Congratulations to Rev. Shirley Marcroft who received her Masters in Theological Studies from Bethel Seminary on June 16, 2012.

Ø  Rev. David O’Brien celebrated his last Sunday as pastor of First Baptist Church, Burlington on June 3, closing out 14 years of ministry at the church. Rev. Leroy Dixon of New Alpha Missionary Baptist Church in Burlington read the Scripture. Members of the Karen congregation that meets in the church sang special music. Following the service a retirement luncheon was held. Several people brought greetings, including members of Rev. O’Brien’s former churches in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Rev. O’Brien received a number of gifts from the congregation, including a beautiful handmade quilt and potted plants that the Sunday school kids had decorated.

Ø  Rev. Mel Burrowes celebrated his last Sunday as pastor of Canturbury United Community Church on June 3. He and his wife Linda will be traveling thorughout the United States focusing on national parks and monuments but traveling “blue highways” (the rural back roads, colored blue on old maps).

Ø  Rev. Manasseh Bewry has resigned as pastor of First Baptist Church, Bellows Falls. His last Sunday will be July 8.

Ø  On May 26 The French Speaking Baptist Church, Manchester celebrated the baptism of six of their youth. Those baptized were Paul Sirene, Lamience Faverdieu, Ruth Fontaine, Joseph Desrosiers, Carl Jean Baptist, and Dorthy Dumont, Pastor Renaud Dumont’s daughter. The church also welcomed Acmonnor Ernest as a new member by letter of transfer.

Rev. Dumont baptizing his daughter, Dorothy at the First Baptist Church of Manchester.

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