Ephesians 3:1-12

God’s Secret Plan Revealed

  1. Pray and ask God to reveal truth to you by His Spirit through His Word.
  1. Read Ephesians 3:1-12.
  1. Did you see what God’s secret plan was? What was it? (See verse 4)
  1. Where was Paul as he wrote these words? (see verse 1)
  1. How had Paul been given the wonderful privilege of serving God? (see verse 7)

By God’s special ______and mighty ______I have been given the wonderful privilege of serving Him by spreading the Good News.

Do you realize that God has chosen you for that same privilege? Not later, but now! Right where you are. God has a plan and purpose for you to spread His Good News to those around you today. Pray and ask Him to give you His special favor and mighty power for that purpose! He wants to use you, too!

  1. Verses 10-11 tell us that God’s plan from the very beginning was to show His wisdom to everyone through the joining together of the Jews and the Gentiles in His church and that it has been carried out through ______our Lord.
  1. Why can we now come fearlessly into God’s presence? (verse 12)

Because of ______and our ______in Him, we can now come fearlessly into God’s presence assured of His glad ______.

Don’t you love to go where you know in advance that you’ll be welcome? Praise God for Christ and His empowering us to have faith in Him so that we are welcome in God’s presence!

  1. Don’t you love the way Paul ends this with saying they should be honored and encouraged by his suffering on their behalf?
  1. Read the footnote at the bottom of page 1512 that refers to 3:1-13. I pray that you feel that sense of acceptance in Christ, no matter what you’ve done in the past! He loves you so much and wants to give you a new start!
  1. Now, read “Self-Perception” on page 1513. Do you see what He has in mind for you and how you fit into His plan? If not, pray and ask God to show you how you can serve Him today right where you are. You are part of His body and you are His hands and feet so that others can experience God through you. Allow Him to love those around you through you by His Holy Spirit! Be available for His use today!

“When you know what God is doing in the world, and you work with Him, you can be sure that He will work in you and for you. All of His divine resources are available to those who sincerely want to do His will and help Him accomplish His purposes on earth.”

~ Warren Wiersbe

Isn’t it exciting to be part of the family of God! As you share His love and grace and mercy, you are making a difference for eternity! As you pray for those around you, you are changing the world! How I pray that you will be His light in the darkness today!

You might consider praying the following prayer:

Precious Lord, How I thank You that You knew before the beginning of the world how You would make a way to save me! I want to be part of Your kingdom work here on earth. Please use me to share Your love with others. Fill me completely with Your Holy Spirit and work through me. I want to be Your hands and feet for You to use as You please. I want my life to make a difference for You! In the holy name of Jesus, Amen.

“Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; Give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name. I will praise you, O Lord my God, with all my heart!”

~ Psalm 86:11-12

Oh, how He loves you!!!

Ephesians #6 10/25/18