date: ______
Bible Passage:Genesis 12; 15—16
Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world,
from everlasting to everlasting you are God.
Psalm 90:2
God Is a Covenant Keeper (Part 2)
5–10 minutes
Celebrate & Respond
Large Group
35–55 minutes
Respond & Bless
Small Group
20–25 minutes
In this lesson we see the environment of STORYTELLING in how God kept His covenant with Abram and made salvation available to all people—including us—through Jesus.
I stood in a white lace dress and heels that made my feet ache so badly that I leaned on my soon-to-be husband, whose hands and voice shook with emotion. Our friends and family watched while we took our vows to love and care for each other, come what may.
My husband and I had already made these vows to each other many times before our marriage, though not in the same words. Even so, something different happened while we stood in a church in front of our community that day. That day, the covenant was sealed, and something in my heart knew the difference.
Since then, our new marriage has been sweet and beautiful. But I can honestly say that our love does not compare to the love I have found in Christ. Through Christ’s death on the cross, God has given me a love found nowhere else. He has given me peace that fills me from the inside out. He has given my life meaning by allowing me to play a part in the most important story ever told—His story.
Because of the love I have found in Christ, “my cup overflows” (Psalm 23:5). I am in awe of the fact that He entered into a covenant of love with me and keeps it forever.
Tori Funkhouser
TruStory Team
Before God entered into a covenant with Abram, He told Abram to leave his home and all of his surroundings and go to a new place where God would lead him. So Abram left, not knowing where God would take him. But God’s call came with the promise to bless Abram immensely—to make him a great nation and to bless all of the people of the earth through him (Genesis 12:2–3).
Abram waited 25 long years for God to fulfill His promise. Still, Abram—whose name God would later change to Abraham—chose to believe that God would keep His promises, even when the promises seemed impossible. The Bible says “against all hope, Abraham in hope believed” (Romans 4:18). Paul goes on to say that Abram “did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised” (Romans 4:20–21).
Abram believed God would keep His covenant; we have his testimony and the testimonies of many others. God keeps His promises.
Environment of STORYTELLING
The power of The Big God Story impacts our lives by giving us an accurate and awe-inspiring perspective into how God has been moving throughout history. It further compels us to see how God is using every person’s life and is creating a unique story that deserves to be told for God’s glory.
The 10 Environments guide us in creating a climate that puts God on display. Encourage your families to discover more about creating the environment of STORYTELLING in their homes by checking out HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource and Spiritual Parenting by Michelle Anthony.
As you prepare for this lesson, spend time reading the passage on your own and let the Holy Spirit transform you with the same verses you will bring to the children. Let your teaching be infused with the passion and conviction that comes from an overflow of your own life. Listen for the specific “aha” moment God reveals to you as you prepare for the lesson, and integrate that truth into what you share with the kids.
This lesson is merely a tool. Use it as a guide, but make it personal. Think about times in your own life when you’ve seen God keep His promises, and share your stories with the students. Allow the kids, in turn, to share their own stories with you and their peers.
Pray that God will use you to bring the kids into a time of experiencing Him in the church setting. Also pray that parents and kids experience His realness at home. Pray that your kids will be transformed by their encounter with God—that they will know Him better and respond to Him with faith and obedience. If possible, find a time to pray with the parents for their role as spiritual leaders.
Navigating This Lesson
Below you’ll find descriptions of terms you may encounter throughout the lessons.
Leader Tip: Suggestions for programming and classroom management.
Programming Note: Suggestions for modifying or adjusting programming to best fit your service schedule.
Partner Church Comments: Insightful comments, suggestions, and variations offered for activities and programming provided by our national network of children’s and family ministry leaders.
Optional: Suggestions of ways you can adapt the activities and games to best fit your own church and group of kids.
Host: The Host offers the same spirit of hospitality, generosity, and inclusiveness to the kids that the host of a party would offer to the guests at her home or gathering.
Small Group Leader: The Small Group Leader shepherds the kids through questions about the portion of The Big God Story and biblical truths, engages them in community-building activities, helps them create a remembrance of their experience, and blesses them before they leave. Ideally, Small Group Leaders work week after week with the same group of kids, giving them the opportunity to develop lasting relationships with each child.
Worship Leader: The Worship Leader facilitates individual and corporate worship by listening to the direction of the Holy Spirit and inviting others into the worship experience.
Storyteller: After active involvement with the Scriptures and the lesson, the Storyteller recounts the Bible passage for the kids in an engaging way. He leads out of an overflow of his own life, telling personal stories as prompted and guiding the kids into a time of natural worship response.
AV Technician: This person facilitates the “behind-the-scenes” aspects of programming, including sound, lighting, slides, etc. The AV Technician makes sure things run smoothly and is willing to help with anything—including stepping into any of the other leader roles.
Programming Note
Always feel free to adjust the lesson to fit your service schedule. If you run out of time, consider cutting an activity. To fill time, consider adding a game to CONNECT or adding more worship time to large group RESPOND.
If you need to end the lesson early, consider skipping to the BLESS section to send out the kids with a sense of peace so they can be a blessing to others.
Lesson Overview
Experience / Time / Summary / Supplies/Prepare(Master Supply List at tru.davidccook.com)
Small Group Check-In / 5–10 min. / Encourages interaction among kids, leaders, and parents; engages the kids in curiosity and anticipation of the lesson; and creates an inviting atmosphere. / Grains of Sand
zip-top sandwich bags (1 per child)
sand (enough to fill each bag half full)
stopwatch or timer
Large Group
A Storytelling video is available for this lesson. See page 12 for details. / 20–35 min. / Establishes community and tells stories both personal and biblical in a fun and engaging way. / Traditions
mementos for your church Traditions (rocks, marbles, gumballs, etc.)
Remember Verse cards, slide, and animation
(see tru.davidccook.com)
Connect Question
Connect Question slide (see tru.davidccook.com)
Connect Activity: Color Match (for Younger and Older Kids)
Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com)
Connect Activity: Letter Match (for Older Kids)
Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com)
The Big God Story
Bibles (1 per child)
Timeline slide and animation (see tru.davidccook.com)
small suitcase
star stickers (10–20)
small baby item (pacifier, bottle, blanket, etc.)
medium-sized jar or clear container (with leak-proof lid)
sand (enough to fill jar or container half full)
black butcher paper or poster board
clear bowl (large enough to hold all of the sand you placed in the jar)
*To make metric conversions, search the Internet for a metric conversion chart or calculator.
Lesson Overview
Experience / Time / Summary / Supplies/Prepare(Master Supply List at tru.davidccook.com)
Large Group / 15–20
min. / Creates space for children to respond to the Holy Spirit in worship and community as a large group. / shallow bins or baking pans (1 per 3–4 kids)
sand (from ANTICIPATE)
worship music (suggestion: “Remain,” TruWorship Sincerely Yours)
Small Group / 15–20
min. / Discusses truth, reflects on the lesson, engages in relationships, and creates a project or a piece of art individually or together. / Reflect: God Is a Covenant Keeper
Bibles (1 per child)
Create: Colorful Sand on the Seashore
sand (1 cup per 2 children)
tempera paint powder (in various colors, see
spoons (1 per 2 children)
plastic bowls or cups (1 per 2 children, plus 1 for every tempera paint powder color)
large jar or other clear container (big enough to hold all the sand)
optional: funnel, baby food jars (1 per child)
Small Group / 5 min. / Sends the kids out with a sense of peace and blessing so they can be a blessing to their families and others. / Bible
HomeFront Weekly (1 per child; tru.davidccook.com)
HomeFront: A Spiritual Parenting Resource
(1 per family; tru.davidccook.com or
*To make metric conversions, search the Internet for a metric conversion chart or calculator.
Anticipate// 5–10 min.
Small Group Leaders
An energizing time for parents and kids to start engaging with the material that will be presented in the lesson.
It is intentionally designed to spark curiosity and cultivate a sense of awe and wonder about God.
Encourage parents to participate in this time with their kids.
Grains of Sand
In Genesis 22:17, God promised Abraham—formerly Abram—that He would give him so many descendants that counting them would be like counting the grains of sand on the seashore. Today lead your kids in a fun and sandy activity that challenges them to count grains of sand—a virtually impossible task!
• zip-top sandwich bags (1 per child)
• sand (enough to fill each bag half full)
• stopwatch or timer
Fill the baggies about half full of sand and seal the tops.
(Welcome children as they arrive and ask them to take a seat at the table.) In today’s portion of The Big God Story we will hear about God’s covenant with Abram, whose name God later changed to Abraham. God promised to give him so many descendants(children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and so on) that counting them would be like trying to count the number of grains of sand on the seashore. Wow! Can any of you guess how many grains of sand you might find on all the beaches of the world?(Allow children to shout out their guesses.) That’s a lot of sand! Let’s see what it’s like to count grains of sand.
Give each child a bag of sand. Then give the kids 60 to 90 seconds to count as many grains of sand as they can. Be enthusiastic, creating a race-like atmosphere. When time is up, see how many grains each child was able to count.
Programming Note
The activity option in ANTICIPATE is designed to take place during your check-in time. Your time frame may range from five to ten minutes, depending on your church’s facility and service-time setup. You can choose the option above or add an idea of your own.
This section is also created to be flexible according to your facility. If it works best to direct kids and their parents to individual small group rooms for this time, set up activities in each room. And if you check kids directly into your large group space, arrange your ANTICIPATE activities accordingly.
Encourage parents to join their children in the activity. This helps with transition, introduces parents to the lesson, and supports parents as the primary nurturers of their children’s faith.
Celebrate// 20–35 min.
Kids get to be a part of the faith community of God’s family.
They participate in traditions and share them with newcomers, connect through fun and interaction, and experience The Big God Story through storytelling.
Welcome and Traditions
After everyone gathers as a large group, open with Traditions. During Traditions, you’re helping the children work toward a common goal and giving them mementos to celebrate accomplishments such as memorizing the Remember Verse, inviting friends to church, or bringing their Bibles.
This week’s Remember Verse comes from the environment of STORYTELLING, which says “God has a big story, and I can be a part of it!” The environment changes every four weeks.
As the children arrive, open a Bible and read the verse together. You’ll find Remember Verse cards, slides, and animations at tru.davidccook.com.
Before the mountains were born or you brought forth the whole world, from everlasting to everlasting you are God. Psalm 90:2
Mementos can be any object, but some examples include rocks, marbles, gumballs, and connecting blocks. Once the children receive their mementos, have them put the objects into a clear container or add them to a structure they’re building. If you have multiple services, use separate containers or building stations for each service. Once the kids fill their container or finish their structure, hold a celebration!
After Traditions, if you have time, choose one or two child volunteers to share praise reports, testimonies, or funny or intriguing events. Or sing familiar worship songs with corresponding motions.
Hoppin’ High Fives
A Community Tradition
Have the children hop on one foot and give as many high fives as they can to other children before putting their other foot down for balance. Each time they give someone a high five, they should say, “High five, [child’s name]!”
Connect gives children time to laugh, play, and enjoy each other’s company. Engaging questions, energizing games, and creative activities encourage the members of your community to get to know one another.
Invite the children to ask each other the following question or one of your own. Encourage them to ask someone they may not know. After a minute or two, ask several children to tell the group their friends’ answers. (See the Connect Question slide at tru.davidccook.com.)
Developmentally Speaking
Elementary-aged children are naturally curious about their families and those who came before them. Some children who are adopted or living with foster families may be especially curious about their birth families. If you have foster children in your class, be particularly aware of them during this CONNECT time. Encourage them to answer the CONNECT question in any way they would like, by listing members of their foster families, their birth families, or even previous foster families they have been a part of.
What do you call your parents’ parents? Share this with a friend.
Activity: Color Match (for Younger and Older Kids)
• Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com)
Do this simple activity to get kids connected with a friend for sharing their answers to the CONNECT question.
On your “Go,” have kids find one other person wearing the same color that they’re wearing. (The color can be anywhere visible on their clothing or accessories.) Once they find a color-matching partner, they can share their answers to the CONNECT Question with each other.
Activity: Letter Match (for Older Kids)
• Connect Activity slide (see tru.davidccook.com)
Do this simple activity to get kids connected with a friend for sharing their answers to the CONNECT question.
On your “Go,” have kids find one other person whose first, middle, or last name begins with the same letter as their first, middle, or last name. Once they find a partner, they can share their answers to the CONNECT Question with each other.
Prayer of Release
The Prayer of Release allows children and leaders to pause, be still, and ask God to quiet their hearts and minds. Before you pray, you might ask the kids to hold out their hands, palms up, in a spirit of releasing their worries and distractions in order to better receive what the Holy Spirit might have for them today. Then encourage the kids to quiet their voices, take a seat, and pray with you.