The Morgan School Mission Statement :The Morgan School cultivates intellect and character in partnership with families and the community. Students learn in a rigorous academic and student-centered environment that prepares them to become resourceful, productive, healthy citizens in a global society.

Chausse 2013-14


A / B/C / C/D / F
clearly and accurately state god’s Greek and Roman name / clearly states the god’s Greek and Roman name with minor errors. / incomplete name information. / fails to clearly state names.
explains with clear, excellent visual the domain of the god or goddess / explains with an accurate visual the domain of the god or goddess. / has incomplete information on the domain of the god or goddess. / does not include accurate images to explain the domain of the god or goddess
One piece of art work by a well known artist god or goddess is recreated superbly / One piece of art work of the god or goddess is clearly recreated / An image associated with a piece of art work depicting the god or goddess is included. / No image of art work depicting the god or goddess is included
includes an image which tells the story associated with god or goddess / includes an image that is clearly from a story associated with the god or goddess. / includes an image that may be from one of the stories about the god or goddess. / No reference to a story depicting the god or goddess is included in the poster
Wonderfully creative and original. / Wonderfully creative or original. / some creative, original aspects. / lacks creativity and originality.
neat, easy to read, easy to see project / with a few exceptions is neat, easy to read and easy to see. / difficult to see or read. It is difficult to make sense of all the images. / quickly put together with no organization or plan.
lists all sources in proper MLA format on a word processed works cited page. / has included all sources and all information. However, the correct MLA format is not used. / includes most sources and information. / fails to list sources in the correct MLA format.

Academic Expectation: The Morgan School student demonstrates creative expression

Level 4
Exemplary / __ Applies previous knowledge and experience and uses new information to create a unique product or presentation.
__ Develops an authentic product or presentation that demonstrates real world application, ingenuity and inventiveness.
__ Dynamic expression of individual interests and talents in his/her work.
__ Makes multiple relevant connections to curriculum.
Level 3
Proficient / __ Applies previous knowledge and experience to create a unique product or presentation.
__ Develops an authentic product or presentation that demonstrates some real world application, ingenuity, or inventiveness.
__ Expresses individual interests and talents in his/her work.
__ Makes relevant connections to curriculum.
Level 2
Developing / __ Demonstrates limited application of previous knowledge and experience to create a unique product or presentation.
__ Limited development of an authentic product or presentation that lacks real world application, ingenuity, or inventiveness.
__ Limited expression of individual interests and talents in his/her work.
__ Makes limited relevant connections to curriculum.
Level 1
Insufficient / __ Fails to demonstrate application of previous knowledge and experience to create a unique product or presentation.
__ Fails to develop an authentic product or presentation with any real world application, ingenuity, or inventiveness.
__ Fails to express individual interests and talents in his/her work.
__ Fails to make relevant connections to curriculum.