
The PocketMod is a small book with guides on each page. These guides or templates, combined with a unique folding style, enable a normal piece of paper to become the ultimate note card. You can use them for vocabulary, creating social stories, math concepts and so much more.

1. Before you can create your own PocketMod you will need to download the PDF to PocketMod Converter.

Go to the Pocket Mod Website download the “New PDF to PocketMod Converter

(You may also want to download the Win or Mac offline templates. These are already create PocketMods that contain Writing guides, Organizers Reference, and games)

2. You will also need a document to PDF converter such as Adobe Professional OR you can download a free PDF Converter such as Primo

Once you have both downloads in place you are ready to begin creating your own PocketMod

  1. Open a new Microsoft Word Document
  2. Create an 8 page document in Microsoft Word. Set the font size between 48 -72 depending how much information will go on each page. You may also add clipart if you wish

*To add pages in Word be sure your cursor is at the end of the last text on the page and press the Control key + the Enter key. You MUST have 8 Pages in the document in order for this to work.

3. Convert to PDF by printing to a Pdf File

Drag down the File menu to Print and choose Adobe PDF, Primo or whatever PDF converter you have as the Printer. Click OK

If you use Adobe Professional it will ask you to Save and name the document. Be sure to save it where you will be able to find it such as the desktop

If you use PrimoPDF you will get the following screen. At the end of the Save As Line you will see three grayed out dots.

Click on the dots and choose the Save location and name the document. Click OK

4. Close the newly created PDF.

OpenPDFtoPocketMod.EXE you downloaded.

Click the “Run” Button

5.Click on the Open PDF button

Click on your file.

Choose open

This will load the file

6.Then Click on the Save as PocketMod

Name the file and remember where you Save it to.

Hint: You may want to add the word pocketmod to the end of your title so you don’t get mixed up with the PDF or original Word document

You will get a message that reads the PocketMod does not exist and do you want to create one. Choose Yes.

7. Print and follow the fold directions.

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