Web Page 2 Final Exam Review

Go to the class website to answer the following questions.

1. A linear site structure is useful when ______.
A / organizing a large site.
B / teaching a task.
C / linking to all pages.
D / creating single page sites.
2. ______refers to the positioning of text and object on the web page.
A / proximity
B / contrast
C / consistency
D / balance
E / alignment
3. A specific group of individuals that a web site is designed for is referred to as ______.
A / Site Purpose
C / Web Users
D / Target Audience
4. A good web site design has many moving graphics and animations and lots of different colors and fonts to keep the user interested.
A / True
B / False
5. Web sites should be consistent in style?
A / True
B / False
6. What gives a web page a more professional appearance?
A / Lots of graphics
B / Balanced layout
C / Lots of color
D / Adding sound
7. A consistent style of fonts, links, and colors brings all the pages together and gives the visitor a visual connection throughout the entire site.
A / True
B / False
8. The process of defining, designing, creating, and producing web sites.
A / Web design
D / Parsing
9. The ability to arrange all the elements so that no one part or section of the page is overpowering is called ______.
A / Proximity
B / Balance
C / Contrast
D / Alignment
10. A specific group of individuals for which a web site is designed.
A / fonts
B / visitors
C / web page
D / target audience
11. This word describes how the site should look by selecting a visually appealing color scheme that fits the purpose of the site and organization of the site.
A / functionality
B / navigation
C / aesthetics
D / usability
12. If a website's purpose is to establish an organization's presence it is described as ______.
A / informative
B / sales/service
C / entertainment
D / networking/communication
E / research
13. If a website's purpose is to provide humor or online games, which type is it called?
A / networking/communication
B / entertainment
C / research
D / sales/service
E / informative
14. If a website's purpose is to provide a description of the products/services within the site, this is called ______.
A / entertainment
B / networking/communication
C / research
D / sales/service
E / informative
15. HTML uses _____ to tell your web browser how to format text or what to insert into your web page.
A / brackets
B / tags
C / browsers
D / ip addresses
16. Which font type has the appearance of handwriting?
A / serif
B / sans serif
C / script
D / monospace
17. Use the common font faces table in your notes to help you correctly answer this question. All of the following are common font faces except?
A / Tahoma
B / Times New Roman
C / Old English
D / Verdana
18. What should be considered when defining the target audience?
A / age
B / interests
C / sex
D / geographic locations
E / all of the above
19. What is the purpose of the Client Needs Assessment?
A / define specifically the mission or pupose of the company
B / define specifically the mission or pupose of the owners
C / define specifically the mission or pupose of the site
D / define specifically the mission or pupose of the products
20. What is the purpose of the Development Plan?
A / specifies what the purpose should include and how it should look
B / specifies what the site should include and how it should look
C / specifies what the product should include and how it should look
D / specifies what the mission should include and how it should look
21. What is tested in the Test and Revision phase?
A / that the site is on target to achieve its intended goal
B / that the site is pretty
C / that the site attracts only the right customers
D / that the site can be read
22. What should be done during the Final Review phase?
A / client should verify that the site is fully functional
B / client should verify that the site's mission and goals are met
C / client should sign off on the site indicating their acceptance
D / all of the above
23. You should include the words "Under Construction" on your site while you are working on it.
A / True
B / False
24. Navigation should be hard for visitors to locate and figure out.
A / True
B / False
25. Consistency means that each page should be unique.
A / True
B / False
26. Aesthetics means that the site should look nice and visually appealing.
A / True
B / False
27. Contrast refers to the degree of difference in the various objects on your web page.
A / True
B / False
28. Fonts used should be standard and easy to read.
A / True
B / False
29. Balance is achieved by arranging all the elements so that no one part or section of the page is overpowering.
A / True
B / False
30. Which is not a site structure
A / Hierarchical
B / Circular
C / LInear
D / Random
31. Navigation should be found at
A / bottom or right
B / No navigation
C / top or left
32. What is most common website structure used by website designers?
A / Random
B / Hierarchcal
C / Linear
33. Red, green, and blue are:
A / primary colors
B / secondary colors
C / complementary colors
D / triadic colors
34. What refers to the lightness and darkness of a color?
A / Saturation
B / Tone
C / Hue
35. What are the small dots that make up everything you see on the computer?
A / Values
B / Color Wheel
C / Paxels
D / Pixels
36. The monochromatic color scheme gives your web site a clean look but can come across as dull due to the lack of contrast.
A / True
B / False
37. What color combinations would give good contrast
A / white back, dark orange text
B / pink back, white text
C / dark blue back, dark green text
38. What does RGB stand for?
A / rose, grey, blue
B / rose, green, brown
C / red, garnet, black
D / red, green, blue
39. What is a color's Hue?
A / how many pixels are in it
B / base color regardlessof brightness or darkness
C / the mixture of a primary color with another color
40. Quality web sites have an established and consistent color scheme throughout each page of the site.
A / True
B / False
41. What protocol would be used to publish web pages to a web server?
B / ftp
C / http
D / POP3
42. What does FTP stand for?
A / File Transfer Protocol
B / File Transport Protocol
C / File Transmission Proxy
D / Firewall Traceroute Policy
E / Firewall Transcoding Process
43. A domain name is the name of your website that guest will type into their _____?
A / web domain
B / web bracket
C / web page
D / web browser
44. Which of the following web host is more powerful and secure in networking?
A / Unix
B / Windows
C / Microsoft
D / Unit
45. The most common web server application used is?
A / Windows
B / Unix
C / Apache
D / Adobe
46. A good Web designer will have a well written plan for designing their site. This plan is referred to as a?
A / Needs Assessment Plan
B / Internet Safety Plan
C / Quality Assurance Plan
D / Design Process Plan
47. The domain name is the user friendly version of the URL.
A / True
B / False
48. Your responsibility as a website designer includes only designing the website.
A / True
B / False
49. When you are considering a web server, one of the things you should consider is price.
A / True
B / False
50. A company that registers domain names?
A / Host
B / Register
D / Designer

Answer the following from the textbook Project 4

  1. The ______of form processing is efficient because it sends the

data to the application as standard input with no limits.

  1. A(n) ______can be a text box, check box, radio button, list, menu, or

other buttons.

  1. The ______button on the Insert Bar Forms Category provides a

multiline text entry field.

  1. A(n) ______is a form object which users enter a response.
  1. ______allow the Web user to click a box to toggle a value to either

yes or no.

  1. A(n) ______is useful when you have a limited amount of space

because it only occupies a single line of vertical space in the form.

  1. ______control form operations.
  1. ______provide a set of options from which the user can select only

one button.

  1. A(n) ______is a combination of an event and an action.
  2. The ______behavior verifies that the user has entered data into each

designated field.

  1. ______are interactive elements that provide a way for the Web site visitor to interact with the site.
  2. Behaviors
  3. Methods
  4. Forms
  5. Panels

2.The ______tag collects data from check boxes, radio buttons, single-line text fields, and passwords.

  1. <input>
  2. <command>
  3. <select>
  4. <submit>
  1. For label text fields, which of the following means that each character has the same width?
  1. EquaWidth
  2. Monospace
  3. Plain Text
  4. Transparent
  5. To create a password field, insert a(n) ______form object and then select the Password option in the Property inspector.
  1. TextField
  2. PasswordField
  3. ActionField
  4. ClassField
  5. ______identify the type of data to be entered into the text field form object.
  6. Points
  7. Labels
  8. Menus
  9. Radio buttons
  10. A(n) ______menu is a special type of pop-up menu that provides options that link to documents or files.
  1. jump
  2. link
  3. action
  4. file
  5. The Wrap pop-up menu in the Property inspector enables the Web designer to select one of four options: Off, Default, Virtual, and ______.
  6. Base
  7. Physical
  8. Reserved
  9. Wrap
  10. HTML provides three basic types of form buttons: Submit, Reset, and ______.
  11. Action
  12. Clear
  13. Download
  14. Command
  15. Which of the following input tag accessibility attributes determines the placement of the label text in relation to the form object?
  1. Label
  2. Position
  3. Partition
  4. Location
  5. When a behavior is initiated, Dreamweaver uses ______to write the code.
  1. CGI
  2. HTTML
  3. JavaScript
  4. Code Wizard

T / F / 1. An HTML document may contain multiple forms, but you cannot nest forms.
T / F / 2. A common way to process form data is through a Common Gateway Interface script.
T / F / 3. To insert a form, position that insertion point where you want the form to start and then click the Form button on the Forms category Insert bar.
T / F / 4. The Action text box of the Property Inspector contains the mailto address or specifies the URL to the dynamic page or script that will process the form.
T / F / 5. In Dreamweaver, a form must have a name to work.
T / F / 6. A menu provides a scroll bar with up and down arrows that lets a user scroll the list.
T / F / 7. The textarea form object supports multiline objects.
T / F / 8. The Submit button on a form will process a script and clear the form.
T / F / 9. To add a label, select the form object and then double click the Add/Insert button.
T / F / 10. When you are adding multiple radio buttons to a form, the Radio Group form object is the fastest and easiest method to use.