(Go to any level you need to)

1.They know you: “Hi, Vanessa, this is Karen calling. I am just calling to touch base with you about how things are going.” Let them talk. (At first they may be a little on guard thinking, ‘Why is she calling me’.

“I just have a question for you about your oils. What is your favorite oil and how have you used it? (They answer).

You: “This is why I love to check in with people. I never would have thought to use it for that” (Or something along those lines, based on what they say)

You: “Let me ask you another question. Is there any oil you haven’t tried yet as you’re not sure how to use it”? (They answer). Give them a few tips on how you use it.

You: “While I’ve got you on the phone, I do have another Q for you: Are there any health goal you have that you are working towards? I assume when you came into YL, you came in for a reason. You didn’t just have $150 burning a hole in your pocket. What are some of those goals and how can I help you research that? (they tell you)

You: “OK, let’s work with what you currently have.” Trouble-shoot the issue with them.

Close with: “If you have any other questions, here is my number. And you can also find me on facebook.”

2. Unsupported dowline:

“ Hi Vanessa, this is Karen Trevors. I am a part of your Young Living upline support and I just wanted to call and introduce myself and say hi. We haven’t met yet), and I just want to let you know I am here to help you in any way, shape or form. But first, I have a question for you:

(Get to know them better. If you want success in a conversation, SHUT UP AND LET THEM TALK. ) Then touch base with them on if your call is about something you have noticed about their ordering, if they have started building, etc.) Give them suggestions to meet their needs. Or script as above.

3. Downline who may be missing out on commission or close to free promos:

“Hi Vanessa, this is Karen. (as above if they don’t know you). I’m just calling to give you a heads up that you are $10 away from earning $50 worth of free products. (Check your downline viewer daily for autoship amounts). Or “I’m just wanting to give you a heads up that you will earn commission this month if you place an order.” Let them guide the rest of the conversation. Your purpose is to support them and answer any questions.