OCR Nationals - Level 2 in Media Studies
Unit 2 : Pre Production and Planning
OCR Level 2 Nationals in Media
Unit 2 : Pre-Production and Planning
Resources to support this Unit Brief can be found on
In Unit 1, you carried out investigations into Action and Adventure films and the Newspaper industry.
In this Unit, we are going to look at another genre called “Film Noir”. You are going to make the opening scene for a film, with credits for a film of this genre. You will work as part of a multi skilled team. You will film the sequence, create original sounds and music, and also record the opening narration.
You are also going to contribute to a GCUS Newletter, which will be produced as a Supplement in the Suffolk Free Press, by writing hard and soft news stories, taking photographs and conducting interviews. You will work individually and in groups for this part of the Unit.
You will be required to use a mixture of text/visual based and audio/audio visual based skills.
You will carry out research regarding your intended audience, produce sample materials, learn how to work effectively and safely, as well as producing a Proposal and Treatment for your two intended products (one of which you will take forward into Unit 3) You will then evaluate your work and performance.
You will need to clearly identify your contribution to each task and make sure that you carry out a range of skills across the media and experience different roles.
Assessment Objective 1
Develop basic skills to use in text/visual based and audio/audio-visual products
The tasks below will be set in lessons and you will be shown the appropriate skills needed to complete the tasks.
TWO audio-visual skills
Film Noir
Task 1: Film sequence of shots from given Film Noir monologue
Task 2: Edit sequence in appropriate software – iMovie or Final Cut Express
TWO text/visual skills :
Film Noir
Task 1: Storyboard Film Noir monologue
Task 2: Create titles and opening credits for Film Noir sequence
TWO audio skills
Film Noir
Task 1: Create original sound effects for the Film Noir sequence
Task 2: Add mood music to your sequence
Task 3: Record Monologue narration
TWO text/visual skills :
Task 1 : Create a hand drawn mock up of your Newsletter article
Task 2: Write a hard or soft news story for the Newsletter article
Task 3: Take some photographs that relate to your news story
Assessment Objective 2
Develop basic transferable skills to use in text/visual based and audio/audio-visual products
You need to produce evidence that you can work safely, work professionally both as an individual and as part of a team, together with proving that you can be organised and work to deadlines.
You will be split up into teams of 4 – you will need to complete the tasks below, which are to be completed within a given time limit. You will be assessed on your ability to work as a team and also independently.
- Task 1 : Take photographs showing the do’s and don’t of using digital recording equipment
- Task 2 : Take photographs showing how to set up and take down digital recording equipment
- Task 3 : Make a PowerPoint Presentation about personal safety when Interviewing people
Task 4 : Please discuss how you worked as a team, how you worked independently, how you worked accurately, met deadlines and the use of equipment and materials.
Assessment Objective 4
Conduct research for text/visual based and audio/audio visual products
For Unit 3, you are going to be making either an Action and Adventure trailer or a Newsletter for Year 11. However you will only be taking one of these into production. Before this, you should carry out research, using the following to help you, for both of your products.
- Who are the target audience?
- What products can you compare them to?
- What do the audience like about the product?
- What do the audience dislike about the product?
You will carry out Primary and Secondary research to gather your research.
Task 1
Primary :
- You should put together a Survey using Google forms.
- Carry out a face to face Interview (make sure you record this)
Secondary :
- Use the Internet to see what you can find out about your products
- Use magazines, newspapers to research further
Task 2
After you have carried out your research, you should evaluate what you have found out and how it will help you to produce your products.
Assessment Objective 3
Present proposals for text/visual and audio products
Two separate proposals need to be made for this assessment objective.
Make a Proposal for ONE Audio/visual product (Action and Adventure Trailer) and ONE text/visual product (Media Crew Newsletter)
Proposals include:
- Contact details
- Title
- Type of Product
- Purpose
- Content
- Target Audience
A Proforma will be given to you.
You may also be given the opportunity to present your Proposal to a Dragons Den audience! BUT you must also provide the paper Proposal.
Assessment Objective 5
Review progress in practical skills
It is now time to reflect on your learning over the course of this Unit.
Task 1 : You should also discuss any new skills you have learnt. You may have learnt new software skills, used equipment you have never used before, played a role you have never done before. These all require reflection - did you enjoy anything in particular? Did you not enjoy something? If you particularly enjoyed something, and wanted to take it further – how would you do this? Is it something you would maybe take further at Sixth form, or even work experience?