Glynwood Newsletter
Issue 151 November 2014
Diary Dates
Monday 3rd Back to School
Tuesday 4th School Discos – 4.00pm Early Years and KS1/5.15pm KS2
Friday 7th Take Over Day
Wednesday 12th Parent’s Evening – Year 1 to Year 6
Thursday 13th Parent’s Evening - Reception
Friday 14th Children in Need
Monday 17th –
Friday 21st Anti-Bullying Week
Friday 21st Shape up in Maths
Thursday 27th Social night for parents and staff at the Plough Inn
Monday 1st Staff Training Day – School Closed
Thursday 4th Nasal Flu Vaccine
Friday 5th Non Uniform Day – Chocolate/Bottle Donations
Tuesday 9th 10.00am and 2.00pm Early Years Christmas Performance
Thursday 11th 10.00am and 2.00pm KS1 Christmas Performance
Friday 12th Spelling Spectrum
pm Christmas Fair
Monday 15th pm KS1 Christmas Party
Tuesday 16th pm KS2 Theatre Visit
pm Early Years Christmas Party
Wednesday 17th pm Year 5 and 6 Christmas Party
Thursday 18th am Reception and KS1 Theatre Visit
pm Year 3 and 4 Christmas Party
Friday 19th 1.30pm Carol Service at St Johns
Break up for Christmas Holidays
Monday 5th Back to School
Friday 16th Shape up in Maths
Friday 23rd Staff Training Day – school closed
Friday 6th Spelling Spectrum
Wednesday 11th School Discos - 4.00pm Early Years and KS1/5.15pm KS2
Friday 13th Break up for Half Term
Monday 23rd Back to School
Monday 2nd – Friday 6th National Storytelling Week
Wednesday 4th Parent’s Evening
Thursday 5th World Book Day
Friday 6th Shape up in Maths
Friday 13th Comic Relief
Friday 27th Spelling Spectrum
Thursday 2nd Autism Awareness Day
Break up for Easter
Monday 20th Back to School
Friday 24th Shape up in Maths
Monday 4th Bank Holiday – School Closed
Monday 11th –
Friday 15th Spelling Spectrum
Wednesday 20th –
Friday 22nd Year 5 visit to London
Break up for Half Term
Monday 1st Back to School
Wednesday 10th pm Early Years and KS1 Sports Afternoon
Thursday 11th pm KS2 Sports Afternoon
Friday 19th Shape up in Maths
Friday 3rd Spelling Spectrum
Wednesday 15th 6.00pm – 8.00pm Leavers Disco
Thursday 16th pm Sports Assembly
Friday 17th pm Leavers Assembly
Break up for Summer Holidays
Improvements to the Site
The following improvements have now been made – thank you for your patience and cooperation while the work was being carried out.
*Basketball shoot in the KS1 yard
*New safety surfacing in the Reception class outdoor area
Unfortunately we are still waiting for the new fencing surrounding the Nursery and Reception outdoor areas. There have been a number of issues beyond our control which has prevented this work from being carried out before now but we have been given a guaranteed start date of 17 November for this work.
Healthy School Meals/ Packed Lunches
We are pleased to report a good take up of the offer of a free school meal for children in Reception and Key Stage 1. The School Meal’s service are obliged to offer a healthy balanced meal to all children and we would like to see those children who stay for packed lunch with a similarly balanced meal. We are concerned to see a number of children with packed lunches containing chocolate bars and crisps. Here are 2 websites that have some really good, healthy ideas/ options of what you could put into your child’s packed lunch. and
Can we also ask that children do not bring nuts into school in order to prevent harm to those who may suffer from a nut allergy.
PE Lessons
Children must wear blue school t- shirts and black/navy shorts or joggers when weather is bad. Blue school t-shirts can be bought from the school office at £3.50 each – we now have our new stock! Children should also have trainers or sandshoes to change into for PE lessons. Please remember to make sure all children in Years 1 to 6 bring their kit to school on a Monday and take it home to be washed on a Friday. No Football kits please!!!
Children should not wear earrings for school! A number of children have had their ears pierced over the summer – it is important for Health and Safety reasons that earrings are removed for school – if this is not yet possible they should be covered every day for school.
After School Clubs
There are now a number of after school clubs starting/ ongoing: Y2 gymnastics, Y5/6 crafts and choir. Children will receive a letter home for any club which is intended for their year group that they might like to attend. We would appreciate it if you could always ensure that you collect your child promptly at the appropriate finish time of any club.
Film Club
Unfortunately we are having to cancel film club due to technical difficulties with the sound equipment. Once fixed, rather than having a regular Monday night film club it is likely we will have the occasional film night – details to follow.
ParentCarers Council/ Friends of Glynwood
We are organising a couple of events in the run up to Christmas for parents and carers. The first is a social night at The Plough Inn on Thursday 27thNovember, 7pm – Pie & Peas with a few games of bingo and a quiz. Tickets are on sale from the school office at £4.00 each. Numbers are limited, it should be a fun night so get your tickets soon!
Wreath making – this was very successful last year and it would be great if you could come and join us on Tuesday 2nd December in the Angel room at 9.00am to help us make Christmas wreaths in preparation for the Christmas Fair.
Are you able to help –
- volunteers are needed to help run the school discos on Wednesday 4th November.
- we need someone to prepare the raffle tickets for distribution to children in the run up to the Christmas fair
- we will also need volunteers to help run stalls at the Christmas fair
If you are able to help please speak to Mrs. Lonsdale or Mrs. Armstrong.
The next meeting of the Parents & Carers council/ Friends of Glynwood will be on Tuesday 11th November at 9am – come along to the Angel room and have a coffee once you’ve dropped your children off.
Christmas Fair
If you have any donations to be made for the Christmas fair the school would appreciate that they be brought into school and left in the Community room. This may be items for stalls, the tombola or raffle prizes. (We will be having a toy stall). Thank you
Arts and Crafts
We would really appreciate any contributions of the following to boost our arty stocks:
Flour, salt, ribbon, buttons, tinsel, pine cones, wool, hama beads.
Any donations will happily be received by your child’s class teacher.
Cereal Bars are on Sale at morning break for children in Key Stage 2, they are 30p each.
School Bank
Remember our school bank is open in the AngelRoom each Wednesday morning before school. You can save a little or as much as you wish and then collect your money at the end of term to spend on Christmas presents or holiday activities. Get Saving!!!
Will you be shopping online this Christmas?
Please help to raise funds for the school when shopping on-line, go to and support “Glynwood Primary School”. A small % of the purchase value will be donated to the school at no extra cost to you. Many thanks
Are you a childminder dropping off and collecting from Glynwood Primary School. We often get asked in the school office if we can provide details of local childminders, if you would like to be added to a list that we can then provide to parents, please let
Mrs. Lonsdale or Mrs. Handy have your details.
We have a number of ink cartridges which we will not be using as we no longer use printers in school. If you are able to use them we would be happy to sell them to you at £1.00 each. They are all HP363, various colours both manufacturer’s originals and compatibles. Ask at the school office if you are interested.
After School Club Timetable – Autumn Term 2014
Reception / Years1 & 2 / Years
3 & 4 / Years
5 & 6
Year 2 – Mathletics and Spellodrome
3.15 – 4.15
10.11.14 – 8.12.14 / Year 3
Map Reading
3.15 – 4.15
10.11.14 – 8.12.14 / Craft Club in the Angel room
3.15 – 4.15
3.11.14 – 8.12.14
Y5 Cookery
3.15 – 4.15
10.11.14 – 8.12.14
Tuesdays / Year 2
Art club
3.15 – 4.15
11.11.14 – 9.12.14 / Choir
3.15 – 4.30pm
11.11.14 – until further notice
Thursdays / Spanish
3.15 – 4.15
13.11.14 – 11.12.14
Fridays / Year 2
3.15 – 4.15
Last date: 2.12.14