Working Well Occupational Health Services are provided by 2gether NHS Foundation Trust, for your Organisation.
New Employee’s Job Title:
Department: / Location / Area of Work:
Start Date: / Hours of Work: Full Time: □ Part Time □ (….Hours)
Contract: Full Time □ / Fixed Term: □ (.… months) Agency / Bank: □
Driving HGV (Heavy Goods Vehicles) / Regular Car Driving / Fork Lift Truck Driving
Significant Manual Handling / 00:00–05:00hrs Night Working / Working Alone
Visual Display Unit (VDU) Work / Other:
Exposure to:
Respiratory Sensitisers / Irritants / Dusts / Significant/Repetitive Noise
Hand Arm Vibration (HAVS) / Skin Sensitisers / Irritants / Chemicals
Other Hazards:
Appointing Manager’s Name: / Manager Tel. No:
Manager’s Address (in full):
Secure Manager E-Mail (if you’d prefer e-fitness slip):
Secure Passcode (for you to access our e-mailed fitness slip)
Appointing Manager’s Signature: / Date:
SURNAME: / Home Address:
Date of Birth: / Postcode:
Gender: / Telephone No:
Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms/Dr: / Mobile No:
Maiden/previous surname: / Private E-Mail:
Name and Address of G.P:
Important information for the applicant
The contents of this questionnaire will remain confidential to your Working Well Occupational Health Service and will not be disclosed without your consent.
The purpose of new employee health screening is to ensure that:
i. New staff do not have a health problem or disability that might impair their ability to carry out the tasks required in their new post
ii. Any necessary adjustments can be made to enable new staff who do have a health problem or disability to carry out their job safely
iii. The need for ongoing health surveillance can be identified
Applicants are advised that any false or misleading answers or failure to give pertinent information may render the individual liable to disciplinary action which may include dismissal.
I certify that the information I have given is true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to notify Working Well and my employer of any change in my health which may affect my ability to undertake my job safely. I understand that if any recommendations are necessary as a result of this assessment, Working Well will discuss the recommendations with me before making them to my employer.
*I give consent for Working Well to make recommendations to my employer, without me having seen a written copy of the recommendations first.
*I would like to see a written copy of any recommendations Working Well may make to my employer before they are sent to my employer.
* Please delete one of the above statements before signing below.
If you choose to see a written copy first, we will email this to you using the email address you provided above. Please note the Passcode provided by your manager on the front of this form to allow you to access this.
Signed / Date
OCCUPATIONAL HISTORY: Please list your previous jobs in chronological order starting with your present position (use a separate sheet if necessary):
Organisation Name / Job Title / Dates (from – to)
Have you worked with, or been exposed to, any of the following: (tick as appropriate)
Computers □ Repetitive work □ Known respiratory sensitisers □
Noise □ Vibration □ Known skin sensitisers □
Other hazards □ If “other”, please give details:
Please indicate in which of the listed employments:
Have you ever applied for compensation for any industrial injury/illness? Yes □ No □
If YES, please give details and continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary:
Are you currently pregnant? Yes □ No □
(This information is required only to protect you under the New and Expectant Mothers at Work Regulations). Please note it is important for your protection that you inform your Manager of your pregnancy as early as possible.
Have you experienced difficulty with reading or written material e.g. dyslexia? Yes □ No □
Do you consider yourself to have a disability? Yes □ No □
If yes, please give details: ………………………………………………………………………………………
(This information is required only to protect you under the Disability Discrimination Act). The Act states that a “person has a disability for the purpose of this Act if they have a physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities”.
Do you have any health condition which you consider could be made worse by working at night?
Yes □ No □
If YES, please give details:
(This information is required only to protect you under the Working Time Directive)
YOUR MEDICAL HISTORYHave you ever suffered from any of the following? (Please tick YES or NO).
Y / N / Y / N1 / Heart disease / 21 / Skin disease
2 / High blood pressure / 22 / Eye disease/visual problems
3 / Lung disease / 23 / Colour blindness
4 / Have you or any of your family suffered from TB? / 24 / Migraine/severe headaches
5 / Asthma/hayfever / 25 / Depression/anxiety
6 / Allergies e.g. latex / 26 / Other psychiatric illness
7 / Jaundice/hepatitis / 27 / Alcohol or drug problem
8 / Typhoid / 28 / Stress related illness
9 / Serious infectious disease / 29 / Serious Accident
10 / ME/Post viral fatigue syndrome / 30 / Other conditions
11 / Kidney/bladder disorder / 31 / Have you undergone any operation?
12 / Back pain / 32 / Have you contacted a doctor in the last 6 months?
13 / Joint or muscle pain / 33 / In the last year, have you had a cough for more than three weeks or coughed up blood?
14 / Ear/nose/throat disease / 34 / In the last year have you had any unexplained weight loss or night sweats or fevers?
15 / Fits/blackouts/faints / 35 / Are you at present taking medication?
16 / Menstrual/gynae problems / 36 / Are you waiting for any medical treatment or test?
17 / Indigestion/bowel disorder / 37 / Have you lost time from work or school due to illness in the past two years?
18 / Diabetes / 38 / Have you in the last five years been treated in hospital either as an in-patient, outpatient, day case?
19 / Cancer / 39 / Have you ever been retired on an ill-health pension?
20 / Hernia / 40 / Have you ever suffered from HAVS, Raynauds Disease or Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?
If you have answered YES to any of the above, please give details and continue on a separate sheet of paper if necessary:
Have you lived abroad continuously for more than 1 month within the last 5 years? Yes □ No □
If YES, please state which country/ countries involved:
Please now read the following which tells you the further information that we require in order to health clear you for your job. If you have any questions about this – please ring Working Well on 08454 225165 and ask to speak to a Nurse Practitioner about your New Employee Health Screen. It is in your interests to provide this information or contact us as soon as possible so that your start date is not delayed.
The Department of Health (DH) require you to be screened before taking up post in the NHS to establish that you are protected against and not suffering from, certain infectious diseases. If this has been undertaken before in other NHS employment or at university or college you will not need it repeating but we do need documentary evidence of previous screening. We would be grateful therefore if you could provide copies of previous tests as outlined below AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. If you are unable to provide this information, we will need to see you in Working Well to undertake the necessary tests and THIS MAY DELAY YOUR HEALTH CLEARANCE AND START DATE.
For all staff in contact with patients or specimens, we require the following:
Tuberculosis / OROR / Documentary proof of BCG vaccination
Documentary evidence of BCG scar from OH dept
Documentary evidence of Heaf / Mantoux result within the last 5 years
Rubella (German measles) / Immune status/vaccination details
Varicella (Chicken Pox) / Immune status/vaccination details
Mumps / Immune status/vaccination details
Measles / Immune status/vaccination details
Hepatitis B / Immune status AND vaccination details
Staff from abroad
If you have lived or worked abroad in the last 5 years for more than a month we may also require a chest x-ray and mantoux (skin test). Please indicate on your New Employee Health Questionnare where you have lived and we will advise you.
Additional Health clearance for Exposure Prone Procedures (see definition below)
Hepatitis B surface antigen / Documentary evidence (IVS)* / ))
Hepatitis C antibody / Documentary evidence (IVS)* / ) Any post involving exposure prone procedures
HIV antibody / Documentary evidence (IVS)* / )
Exposure prone procedures (EPP) are defined as procedures where injury to you may result in contamination of the patient’s open tissues with your blood. These include work in:
Surgery/theatre / Dentistry / Some anaesthetic proceduresPodiatry / Accident & emergency work / Some interventional cardiology procedures
Midwifery / Obstetrics & Gynaecology / Ambulance technician and paramedic
If you are uncertain whether EPP work applies to your post, please contact us.
*Tests to confirm fitness for EPP must be carried out in a UK laboratory on “identified validated samples” (IVS), ie your identity needs to have been confirmed by an occupational health department at the time of the blood sample and this should be indicated on the lab report. If you do not have the above documentation we will need to see you in OH to test you before we can clear you to undertake those parts of your job that involve EPP. When you attend OH please bring photo identification with you e.g. photo driving licence, passport or employee photo identity badge.
It is in your interests to retain all documentation about your vaccinations and immunity checks for future use because there may be a charge for repeat copies.
Please return your completed form with any supporting information to our address on Page 1.
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