Global Prayer Requests


3 October 2017

MOBILIZE LABORERS: The fields are ripe for harvest!

John 4:35

Always observed on the:

·  Fourth Tuesday of April.

·  First Tuesday of October.

Each staff member, volunteer and disciple--as well as every team--has some needs in common: So, we pray for one another’s faith, growth, fruitfulness, re-vitalized first love, walking in the Spirit, a heart that is God-attentive/God-dependent/God-responsive, refreshed vision, conviction of God’s calling, unfailing love, team unity, additional laborers, full funding, health, protection in travels and protection of families, along with our global goal of 10 million Christ-centered, multiplying disciples and 5 million new churches by the end of the year 2020.


3G A God-attentive, God-dependent and God-responsive way of life

4G A God-attentive, God-dependent, God-responsive and God-expectant way of life

3M Mold-Multiply-Mobilize: The elements of Pray2020.

ACTS Africa Centre for Theological Studies

AE Agapé Europe (the Western Europe Area)

AIA Athletes in Action (sometimes shown as AiA)

ALT Area Leadership Team

ATL Area Team Leader

BPMT Building Powerful Ministry Teams training

Cada Uno LAC all-Area staff conference held after the Solo Uno 2015 student conference

CAM Capacity-Accelerated Movements, i.e., Operations

CCCI Campus Crusade for Christ International

CCVN A new staff training program including elements of NLTC (El Salvador)

CE Christian Embassy

CFD Consolidated Fund Development

CFM Campus Field Ministry of Cru Campus

CLM Church-led Movements (more commonly known now as Global Church Movements)

CLT Campus Leadership Team (local)

CMD Christ-centered, Multiplying Disciples

CNEF The New Staff Training Center (same as GCTC) in DRC

CPMI Church Planting Movement Initiative

CrossRoads Youth at the CrossRoads trains teachers in Biblically based ethics and life skills

Cru The umbrella name for US-based ministries, Latin America, and Singapore

Design The Design Movement: Cru Campus ministry to/through South Asian American students

Destino Latino outreach of Cru Campus

Domains Influential parts of society (usually seven), e.g. media or government

DPMD Discipleship Ministry Partner Development training for missionary support

DS Digital Strategies (formerly known as Virtually-led Movements; see GDS)

EAOrt The East Asia Orient Area

ELI Emerging (or Emergent) Leaders Initiative

Epic The Epic Movement is the Asian American outreach of Cru Campus.

FAT Faithful, Available, Teachable

FLT FamilyLife Today radio program

GAC The group of committed disciples on any campus in Francophone Africa

GACX Global Alliance for Church Multiplication

GAiN Global Aid Network expresses the love of Jesus Christ in the toughest places on earth by relieving suffering and restoring dignity

GCM Global Church Movements, one of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs)

GCM Great Commission Movement: Campus Crusade for Christ in the West Africa Area

GCML Great Commission Movement Leaders (students in West Africa)

GCMT Great Commission Ministry Training (for church leaders in parts of Africa)

GCTC Great Commission Training Center (usually a new staff training program)

GFD Global Fund Development

GDS Global Digital Strategies (DS); one of our five MCCs

GMA Global Measurement Application

HomeBuilders Small groups meeting in informal surroundings, usually as follow-up to larger

FamilyLife conferences and events

IBS Institute of Biblical Studies

IGSL International Graduate School of Leadership (formerly ISOT-Asia) located in the Philippines

ILF International Leadership Foundation

Indigitous The public face of GDS

IR International Representative, i.e. an expat missionary

IR-ROS International Representative – Representative Office in Singapore

IMPACT The IMPACT Movement: Cru Campus outreach partner to African-American students

L21 A LAC short-term mission project designed to launch a spiritual movement in 21 days

LAC Latin America and the Caribbean Area

LD Leadership Development

LDHR Leadership Development Human Resources (sometimes seen as LD/HR or LD-HR)

LeaderImpact One of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs), focused on reaching leaders in seven domains of society

LTI Leadership Training Institute

MC2 Multiplying Churches and Communities (a GCM training program) (also used as MC2)

MCC Mission Critical Component, a major strategy such as SLM, GCM, etc.

MD Multiplying disciple(s)

MDE Spanish for SLM: Movimientos Dirigido por Estudiantes

MIT Missions Impact Taiwan

MPD Ministry Partner Development (raising and maintaining of prayer and financial support)

MTL Movement Team Leader (Ministry Team Leader in some places) (Missional Team Leader in the Cru Campus Field Ministries)

ND National Director

NLT National Leadership Team

NLTC New Life Training Center

NTL National Team Leader

PCS Prayer Care Share groups, as in South Asia

PIRT Pacific Islands Regional Team

SI Student Impact in East Asia

SLM Student-led Movements, one of our five Mission Critical Components (MCCs)

Só1o Uno LAC all-Area student conference, July 29 - August 3, 2015

SOFT Shaping Our Future Together, comprising five elements of CCCI culture change

SPC Student Population Center - may be a school or place of dense student housing

SPP Strategic Planning Process

STINT Division of Cru Campus that sends missionaries on one to two-year assignments (Short Term INTernational originally); sometimes seen as “Stint”

StoryRunners takes the gospel to oral people, with story groups becoming new churches.

Student Venture is the name for middle school and/or high school ministry in some nations.

TLGS The ILF’s Transforming Leadership and Governance Seminar

TSW The Significant Woman training resource to minister to and mobilize for the Kingdom

USCM United States Campus Ministry now known as Cru Campus

VEM90 A LAC 90-day missions team to support national leaders and launch new movements

VP Vice President and/or the team they lead

WBS Cru overall mission: Win, build, and send Christ-centered multiplying disciples who launch spiritual movements

W-B-S Sometimes used as W/B/S. See WBS

WSN Worldwide Student Network, the international sending division of Cru Campus

WTR FamilyLife’s Weekend to Remember event

XChange Cross-cultural training in East Asia

(* Indicates a Stage 3 Country, with self-sustaining resources for a movement of win, build and send.)


VP Team – Area Team Leaders

·  Pray for the Area Team Leaders as they help keep national ministries following God's agenda.

·  Lift up the Area Team Leaders in prayer as they help the national ministries be the best stewards of the resources that God has given them.

·  Intercede for the Area Team Leaders to be effective in developing the National Team Leaders.

VP Team – Global Advancement

·  Fund Development Training for Local Ministry Teams: Pray for the many teams that have been trained in 2017 to step out in faith and raise their team budgets from local partners. Pray that this will result in hundreds of new ministry partners who will become part of the vision of reaching their countries for Christ.More trainings are planned for 2018 - pray for curriculum development and trainers and coaches to deliver the training.

·  Global Advancement: Pray for our events team as they seek to find the best venue for the 2019 Global Briefing for ministry partners and a strategy to acquire new major donors. Pray for our Global Reps as they minister to ministry partners and fundraise throughout the year end.

·  VP Team: Pray for God to raise up leaders for our team. We have several positions that need to be filled. Pray that the Lord provides the best people for those roles on our VP team.

VP Team – Global Church Movements

VP Team - Global Digital Strategies

·  Please pray for our three Wildly Important Goals (by December 31, 2018): For Win-Build-Send Innovation - pray for 2 million people known and moving through our spiritual multiplication pathways. For Digital Maturity - pray that 25 countries or MCC strategy teams are using an integrated digital content strategy to increase ministry impact. For Indigitous - pray for 20,000 engaged in digital missions worldwide.

·  Praise God for raising up 42 locations for Indigitous #HACK, which will take place October 20-22. Pray that God will use these hackathon locations as on-ramps to continuing Indigitous communities that are using their talents for God in the digital space to make disciples.

·  Pray that the Lord will provide the needed funding to close a $3 million funding gap, allowing us to use the full resources that are needed to lead the organization forward in digital maturity.

VP Team - Global LDHR

VP Team - Global SLM

International Leadership Foundation (ILF)

·  Pray for the African Forum on Religion and Government (AFReG-4), held October 2-5at the Elimina Slave Castle in Ghana. Intercede for God’s work in the lives of the 300 leaders from Africa and the Diaspora who will inspire others to spearhead long-lasting healing and impact in the areas of reconciliation and nation building for His glory.

·  Praise the Lord for the expansion of ILF in Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe and Washington, DC. Pray for the development of more Spirit-filled facilitators for the TransformingLeadership and Governance Programs (seminars, transformational projects) in these regions of the world. Pray for more certified coaches to help with the spiritual transformation of lives and communities.

·  Pray for the expansion of the Leadership and Development Studies for young and potential leaders into four countries during 2017-2018.

Global Prayer

·  Ask God to raise up additional qualified liaisons to facilitate communications with and support for each Area Prayer Champion.

·  Pray for the Area Prayer Champions as they seek to identify National Prayer Champions who will accelerate their national plans by developing a culture of prayer.

·  May Pray2020 develop as an encouragement for the body of Christ to partner in strategic, persistent intercession for the fulfillment of the Great Commission.

Women’s Resources

·  Significance Project: We appreciate your prayers as a team designs, proofs and edits' QUEST', the evangelistic life-coaching resource for men and 'Man of Impact', the discipleship life-coaching resource for men. A team of men did writing and editing, field tested, chose the names and design, etc. The field tests are being used extensively on two continents, so many are waiting for the final editions to translate and print.

·  Websites: Pray that we will understand and meet the needs of the members of our online communities .

·  Facebook: Praise God,after initially denying our name change,six weeks later FB has allowed us to change our name Global Staff Women toGlobal Women on Mission. Praise God, our fan base is steadily growing. Pray for wisdom as we experiment with content and types of post designed to increase our followers. Ask God to give us wisdom on our content strategy, designed to encourage and equip our fans to walk more closely with God, so everyone knows someone who truly follows Jesus!


Area Team Leaders:

Sung-Min Park (South Korea* NTL)

Kok Hiang Lam (Singapore* NTL)

Stephen Wang (Taiwan* NTL)

·  MOLD: Thank God for the August Fasting and Prayer Chain among the EAOrt countries. Pray that our spiritual appetite will increase as a result of using this month to seek Him wholeheartedly. “Like newborn babies, you must crave for pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment.” (1Peter 2:2 NLT)

·  MULTIPLY: Pray for all our staff members and disciples to be Christ-centered and truly follow Jesus. Pray for us to trust God to raise up more spiritual multipliers to fulfill God’s entrusted mission. “Take the things you heard me, say it in front of many other witnesses and pass them on to faithful people who are also capable of teaching others.” (2Timothy 2:2 CEB)

·  MOBILIZE: Pray that we will learn from Apostle Paul “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” (1Corinthians 1:11 NIV). Our exemplary life can be the major element to mobilize others for God’s Kingdom.

East Asia School of Theology (EAST)

·  MOLD: EAST gives thanks to God for the 25 years of His faithfulness and also for the renewed vision to be a mission hub to the sending nations. Please pray that the EAST community will continue to reflect God’s mission heart in how we live.

·  MULTIPLY: Please pray that God blesses EAST as it equips servant leaders to build spiritual movements.

·  MOBILIZE: Pray that EAST (including alumni) will enjoy His favor mobilizing and raising more laborers to serve as His leaders, workers, church pastors and planters on the mission frontiers.


·  MOLD: Thank God for a blessed time of Global Fasting and Prayer in August, and for the successful summer missions and summer camps.

·  MULTIPLY: Thank God for the new Leadership Team (Atsushi, Seiji, Hohei, and Masayoshi) who have served JCCC for the past six months. Thank God for opportunities for them to meet and encourage area team leaders from Aug 28-Sept 1. May all the administrative preparation be carried out smoothly for JCCC All-Staff Conference, Dec. 26-29.

·  MOBILIZE: Pray for God to use Milton and Angela as they share with the staff family about the 3G Lifestyle. Pray for God to renew our energy and strength in order to serve and to pray.



·  Thank God for the successful completion of several summer projects (e.g., Team Strategy Meeting, GCTC 37th Field Training, National Leaders Retreat).

·  SLM HQ is recruiting new staff to join the team. Pray and ask the Lord to lead those who have a burden to plan and resource SLM staff members to join the team. Pray for God's protection over our staff members and also for good physical and spiritual health in the midst of a continuously busy schedule.

·  A new semester has started and new student leadership has started their ministry in every district and campuses. They made new direction, plan, and strategies. Pray for God’s leading and works according to His will, and pray for the new group leaders who have committed themselves to serve that they will be faithful in completing the leaders’ training.

Prayer Movement:

·  Thank God for intercessors who served at the Summer Student Conference. Thank God for His grace, which sustained us throughout the week.

·  Pray for wisdom, publicity and strong network to share the 1.1.1. Prayer App to the whole Christian community. Pray for a growth in prayer awareness and expansion of a prayer movement as more download and use this. The 1.1.1. prayer movement is a prayer initiative to pause for ONE minute @ ONE o’clock to pray for ONE focus on praying for the nation and world mission.