EXPECTATIONS:Honors Biologyrequires that students have access to and utilize a computer to conduct research and to produce various products outside of class time. The intent of this assignment is to improve your high level thinking skills essential to the development of science literacy. “Global Biology News” will also help you develop an awareness of life science topics, directing you to become a responsible consumer of our world and its resources.Class Policies regarding emailing and late work. It is expected that you will have computer printer access on your own time!
1. Find and read one Internet article that is related to Biology. It can be about any of the topics we are studying this semester as outlined in your course syllabus and description. You can find the article or on the Internet using pre-approved, acceptable sites-no more than 1month old!
-Here is a listing of acceptable ‘Net sites: If you have other ideas, pre-clear them with the teacher!
-Be sure to attach a hard copy of the entire article with your discussion!
· The New York Times science news:
· The Boston Globe science news:
· ABC's science and technology news:
· MSNBC's environmental news:
· Science Daily news:
· The WHY Files--Science Behind the News:
· News Scientist:
· Science Magazine:
· Scientific American news:
· CNN:
· PBS:
· – under “Latest Articles”
___ Appropriate, acceptable Internet website with attached, hardcopy of entire article (0-5 points)
2. Create a 1 page discussion of the article to include a summary of topic(s) covered, your personal reflections about the article, how this article pertains to a current, and global life science topic. The discussion needs to be typed, double spaced, 10 size Arial font or Times New Roman. See teacher if typing is an issue! Otherwise, TYPING IS EXPECTED! NO CUT AND PASTING – PLAGARISM=0!!!
____ Written in your own words (0-5 points)
____ discussion, typed, double spaced, 10 size Arial fontor Times New Roman (0-5 points)
____ personal reflection (0-5 points)
____ how does this article pertain to a current, global, life science topic (0-5 pints)
3. At the very end of your discussion, cite your electronic sources as follows:
the author-last name first, followed by a comma for their first name, title of the article in quotation marks, date of the publication, name of sponsoring organization as applicable, electronic address-URL – in brackets – example: Hanson-Smith, Elizabeth. “Technology in the Classroom.” TESOL
Publications. 10 Oct. 1997. TESOL. 9 Apr. 1998 <>.
___ Correct format for citing electronic source (0-5 points)
Global Biology News
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