Weekly Announcements
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
1.CIES 2014 Call for Proposals – DEADLINE EXTENDED until November 15
2.CIES 2014: Invitation for Nominations for the Joyce Cain Award for Distinguished Research on people of African descent
3.CIES 2014 International Travel Award
4.Current Issues in Education, Special Issue now available
5.New Book Series! Call for Proposals
6.Center for Research and Teaching in Education
1. CIES 2014 Call for Proposals – DEADLINE EXTENDED
CIES 2014 - Call for Proposals - DEADLINE EXTENDED
We are pleased to announce that due to popular demand, we have extended the deadline for submitting proposals for CIES 2014 toNovember 15, 2013. For submission guidelines and link to the proposal submission system, please visit the conference website at
2. CIES 2014: Invitation for Nominations for the Joyce Cain Award for Distinguished Research on people of African descent
Dr. Joyce Lynn Cain, teacher, researcher, practitioner, and international scholar, was one of the early researchers who combined her extraordinary skill as a public school teacher with research focused on the preparation of teachers to teach minority children in school settings. She was a forerunner in conducting comparative research on minority students in the USA and Africa. It was her love of the African culture and heritage that led her to be an advocate and an advisor to African countries, particularly Zimbabwe. She was inspired to plan study trips to Africa for others in the USA and was called on as a consultant for international agencies, such as the U.S. Agency for International Development.
She was a loyal member of thefaculty of Michigan State University, where she served as an Associate Professor of Teacher Education until her passing in 1996. Her focus on, and attention to, the importance of Africa has inspired many researchers and practitioners.
Each year, the Comparative and International Education Society (CIES) recognizes an outstanding scholarly article that explores themes related to people of African descent, with its Joyce Cain Award. This Award was created in 2000 to honor the memory of Joyce Lynn Cain, a colleague whose scholarship on African descendants reflected her dedication to introducing individuals across ethnic boundaries to African culture.
The Award is conferred on an outstanding scholarly article that:
explores themes related to people of African descent; the article may report research concerning Africans in any part of Africa, or in the Diaspora (African descendants in the Americas, Europe, and other venues), in contemporary or historical contexts;
fulfills the requirements of academic excellence, namely originality, methodological, theoretical, and empirical rigor; and,
reflects the scholarly purpose of the Society—comparative, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and international/global studies contributing to the interpretation of developments in education in broad and interrelated economic, political, and social contexts.
To be eligible for the Award, articles must be written by a member of the Comparative and International Education Society. Articles must be published in a refereed journal during the calendar year January 1, 2013– December 31, 2013; articles slated for publication in the final months of 2013may be submitted in manuscript form with a letter from the journal editor stating the intended publication schedule.
Nominations and self-nominations for the Joyce Cain Award are welcome. The deadline for submissions is December1, 2013. Please send articles with a nomination, i.e., cover letterrequesting consideration, for the Joyce Cain Award to with a copy to José Cossa, Joyce Cain Award Committee Chair, at
3. CIES 2014 International Travel Awards
Dear Colleagues,
We are pleased to announce the 2014 CIES International Travel Award for Distinguished Service in Educational Reform. The travel award was established through an endowment from George Soros and the Open Society Institute (OSI) under the leadership of CIES former president Gita Steiner-Khamsi, and expanded under CIES former president RatnaGhosh. This award was established to encourage distinguished researchers and practitioners from developing countries to participate in CIES conferences. Launched at the 2009 CIES conference, the endowment facilitates the participation of international education experts who serve in countries where international projects are implemented.
Up to 10 awards of $1,000 each will be awarded for the 2014 Conference in Toronto. Conference participants from developing countries with at least five (5) years of professional experience in educational development are eligible to apply. Applicants are reminded that they may only receive one CIES award for travel.
Applicants must have submitted their CIES conference presentation abstract by November 15, 2013 through the conference online submission system and a travel award application by December 8, 2013. Applicants who are selected for the travel award will receive $1,000USD provided that their proposal has been accepted for presentation at the conference. The awardees are expected to be notified by December 22, 2013. Only dues-paying members of CIES are eligible for this award. Awardees will be announced on the conference website as well as in the CIES Newsletter.
For information on how to apply for an International Travel Award and to access the application form please visit: Questions about the 2014 International Travel Award can be directed to or to .
CIES 2014 International Travel Award Committee
Fernanda Pineda, Chair
Daniel K. Gakunga
Ana Tristana Solano-Campos
4. Current Issues in Comparative Education, Special Issue now available
The most recent special issue of the open-access journalCurrent Issues in Comparative Education, titled “Education for Social Change and Transformation: Case Studies of Critical Praxis,” is now available. The issue includes seven stories of practitioners and activists working in a variety of geographical contexts with students, youth, and adults to promote progressive social change.
Here is the link to the special issue:
And here is a link to a short blog highlighting the need to link the key principles in initiatives like these to larger global debates on education:
Please share these widely with your networks.
5. New Book Series! Call for Proposals
NEW BOOK SERIES! Call for Proposals
Transnational Migration and Education
(Series Editors: ShibaoGuo and Yan Guo, University of Calgary, Canada)
Transnational Migration and Education aims to bring together international scholars with contributions from new and established scholars to explore the changing landscapes of education in the age of transnational migration. The Series includes authored and edited collections offering multidisciplinary perspectives with a wide range of topics including:
- global and comparative analyses of migration
- the impact of migration on education and society
- processes of exclusion and inclusion in migration and education
- tensions between mobility, knowledge, and recognition
- intersections of race, class, gender, sexual orientation and education
- transnationalism, diaspora, and identity
- transnational migration and youth
- race and ethnic relations
- ethnicity, diversity and education
Please send book proposals or inquires to the series editors, ShibaoGuo at , or Yan Guo at , or Michel Lokhorst at .
Click here for more details:
6. Center for Research and Teaching in Education, Job Opportunities
The Center for Research and Teaching in Education (CIFE) at the Universidad de los Andes (Bogotá, Colombia) is seeking two (2) full-time professors with the following background and experience:
Undergraduate studies in any field
PhD in education
Experience required:
Experience in educational evaluation, program evaluation, or public policy evaluation
Minimum 5 years of teaching and research experience
Research publications in academic journals
Candidates should send the following documents to the e-mail address before November 22, 2013:
1.Cover letter
2.Copies of certificates of any university studies completed
3.Copies of three articles or texts published in the last four years
4.Evidence of experience in research and teaching
western Regional Conference
Disclaimer: All contributions and announcements of the CIES newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are submitted by bona fide members. All statements and opinions included in the newsletters/bulletins/list-serv are strictly the author(s) or submitter(s). CIES is not responsible for the accuracy or publication permissions of any of the contributions.