Glimpses Into the Life of Ellen White

Author: Jim Nix

©2016 by the Ellen G. White Estate®

Readability Level 3.9 / Points 5

Pages 95 / Word Count: 45,304

1. / Why didn’t Ellen sign the agreement for Revell to publish her books?
a. / An angel indicated that she should not sign with them again.
b. / They were not being honest.
c. / They wanted to change some of what she said.
d. / She needed to rest from her writing.
2. / Why did Ellen stop a preacher in the middle of his sermon?
a. / He was teaching something against what the Bible said.
b. / He was married to two women at the same time
c. / He was communing with the spirits.
d. / He was making himself ill.
3. / How old was Ellen White when she attended her last General Conference?
a. / 80
b. / 95
c. / 85
d. / None of these
4. / When did the Seventh-day Adventist come about?
a. / 1800
b. / 1885
c. / 1860
d. / 1900
5. / Why did Ellen’s grandchildren sneak up the back stairs?
a. / To visit their grandmother
b. / To get something to eat
c. / To get out of the heat
d. / To play with the cat
6. / What was done to the man who humiliated Uriah Smith?
a. / He was sent home
b. / His work was discarded
c. / He was made editor over Smith
d. / He was made GC president
7. / What was the topic of the vision Ellen had about a meeting that was held much later?
a. / How long to preach
b. / What foods to eat
c. / Learning to be kind to each other
d. / Continuing to discuss the Sabbath in the religious liberty magazine.