Glenn and Sally Stevens Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award

This award is presented to a Faculty Advisor in the Pennsylvania District who has unselfishly contributed time and effort to promote Circle K during the past administrative year. This award was dedicated in 1980 for past Circle K Administrator Glenn Stevens and his wife, Sally. Mr. Stevens, who is a member of the State College Kiwanis, was administrator during the mid 1970’s, the period in which women first became involved in Circle K. Mrs. Stevens is also honored by this award for her steadfast appearance at her husband’s side and dedication to Circle K. Mr. McCutcheon was a Circle K Administrator during the late 1970's. His administration was a period of growth and achievement in Circle K that has not been surpassed with 50 clubs.

General Contest Guidelines:

  • Read the entire form carefully before beginning work on your application.
  • Read and adhere to all information mentioned in the Contest Overview Guide. Note: Not adhering to items in the guide will lead to disqualification.
  • Candidates are ineligible for this award if they are nominated for the George McCutcheon Outstanding Kiwanis Advisor Award.
  • A Pennsylvania Circle K Club may nominate one (1) person for this award.
  • One award is presented at the District Convention.
  • Total Points of the Award – 100
  • Club Participation 30 points max
  • District/International Participation 15 points max
  • Kiwanis Family Participation15 points max
  • Narrative40 points max

I. General Information

Circle K Club of
Name of Nominee

II. Verification Signatures

Type / First and Last Name / Signature / Date
Circle K
Club President
Circle K
Club Secretary
Circle K Kiwanis or Faculty Advisor

III. Nomination Information

  1. Club Participation

Total Number of Club Meetings Held
Number the Nominee Attended
Total Number of Service Projects the Club Held
Number the Nominee Attended
Total Number of Fundraisers the Club Held
Number the Nominee Attended
Total Number of Club Socials the Club Held
Number the Nominee Attended
  1. District and International Participation

List all the District and International Events the nominee has attended. (Add additional lines as needed to the table below.)

(District or International) / Name of Event/Activity / Date
  1. Kiwanis Family Participation

List all of the Kiwanis Family Events the nominee has attended. Kiwanis Family Events include events hosted by Kiwanis, Key Club, Circle K, Builders Club, K-Kids, and Aktion Clubs. (Add additional lines as needed to the table below.)

Name of Event/Activity / Kiwanis Family Members Attended / Date

III. Narratives

Please answer the following question. The narrative should be at least 250 words but no more than 500 words each.

Why does the nominee deserve to be named the Glenn and Sally Stevens Outstanding Faculty Advisor? Include why the nominee has demonstrated outstanding service to the ideals and objectives of CKI.

PACK District Convention 2017 – Glenn and Sally Stevens Outstanding Faculty Advisor Award 1