The accounts for the year ended 31st December 2015 distributed. The accounts have been externally audited by John Cheadle.

Key points:-

  1. We received £5000 grant from County Durham Community Foundation as a contribution towards the new water system.
  1. The shop made a profit of £290.22 on sales of £2015.81 Thanks to Dodie and Lynda for doing most of the work - assisted by Colin and Tony. The Committee would like to urge all members to buy their garden requirements at the shop where prices are competitive compared with commercial shops.
  1. Other sources of income are Rents £1387.50, Bonus Ball £24.00 thanks to Kenny for organising. Sale of timber from building site £41.50 thanks to John B, raffles £150 thanks to those who contributed prizes.
  1. Bank statement at 31stDecember was £12328.38, however we have an outstanding payment to the Council of £11,636.95 for the water installation which will leave us with a balance of £711.43. The seed order had to paidfor when ordering so I paid the invoice to be sure to, be sure, we would be in credit with the bank. We had hoped to get a contribution from the developers of the Lime Grove new builds but the developer CC Housing pulled out of the project. We will try to get a contribution from any new developer but since we will have completed the work before any thinghappens at Lime Grove it is unlikely we could persuade the developer to pay.
  1. Seed order cost to members was £396.30. The Association received a discount of £30.75 which will be added to Association accounts for 2016. The Committee would like to urge all members to buy their seeds through the Association to help boost our funds. Prices charged to members are considerably less than buying direct from retailers.
  1. The Committee has decided to increase rents for 2016 in order to re-build our reserves. New rents will be £45 Full and £35 for concessions. The increase will increase our reserves by £460 compared with last years rent receipts.
  1. Water – our largest expenditure is for water- £370.60. The committee would like to urge members to be economical with water usage and consult your gardening manuals about whether all crops really need watering. Can all member please obtain water butts and collect water from shed and green house rooves.
  1. Yesterday we received a notification from CDCF about an open day where information will be given regarding the possibility to apply for grants of up to £5000 for community projects. If members have any ideas for possible improvements to the site we may be able to get a grant – ie composting toilet.
  1. Any questions?