Course Data
Angelica Kehayes
September 9, 2010
6th Grade
50 minutes
GLE 0607.T/E.2 Know that the engineering design process involves an ongoing series of events.
TSWBAT explain the different types of engineers by what they invent.
TSWBAT classify different engineers based upon what they create.
TSWBAT apply their prior knowledge about engineers on the white board.
Power Point
Large Graffiti Paper
4 different colored pens
4 different colored stickers to group students
Worksheet with definitions of Engineers
Anticipatory Set/Focus
ABK- Take a few minutes to think of any words that come to mind when you think of the concept of Engineering.
IA- Go around the room and ask 5 students to come up and write their word on the board.
RRL-Put the picture up on the board and ask the children to think of some of the items that have been engineered in the picture. Tell them to think beyond the typical.
IA-Have students write down their items with a partner on a piece of paper.
LL- Today we are going to learn the different types of Engineers and what they are responsible for making/inventing.
1)Review previously learned material. (see set/focus)
2)State objectives. (see set/focus)
3)Present new material.
1)Prepare the graffiti pages with the four different kinds of engineers listed at the top of each page. Write underneath the different engineers what their definition.
- Chemical Engineer—Chemical engineers discover and manufacture (i.e. plastics, paints, medicine etc.)
- Civil Engineer—Civil engineers oversee the construction of the buildings and other structures that make up our world (i.e. highways).
- Electrical Engineers—Electrical engineers make anything that is electronic (i.e. MP3 players, tiny pieces that tell airbags when to inflate).
- Mechanical Engineers—Mechanical engineers work in nearly every area of technology. If an object or system has a moving part, it has benefited from the influence of a mechanical engineer (i.e. bike lock, wheelchair).
2)Split the children into groups when they first walk in the door by placing one of the colored stickers on their shirts.
3)Explain to the children that the underlying question is: What types of Engineers are there and what do they produce?
4)Put students into their groupsand explain the rules.
- Students need to work together in finding the answer.
- Students need to work quietly.
- When the bell rings, students need to move to the next table to their right.
- Students need to bring their designated pen with them as they move.
- Students must give at least one response per person at each engineer.
5)Have students then execute the task with their designated colored pens. Allow 10 minutes at each engineer.
6)After students have completed all four engineers, have students come back to their desks and sit quietly to await further instruction.
Learning Verbalized.
Ask students to name off the four different types of engineers.
Ask students to name different artifacts that the different types of engineers have made.
- For ESL students, provide examples that engineers may have manufactured in their particular country.
- For different leveled groups, accommodate as needed.
- Level I and II (high)—have them brainstorm more ideas
- Level III and IV (low)—have them work with a partner