GLCMC Parish Captain Tasks

Below are tasks which we have found to be best practice for parish captains in order to successfully promote the Conference and gather men from your parish to attend with you.

Please try to follow these tasks as best you can.

  1. Meet with Pastor – Between August 10th and 31st
  1. Provide date of Men’s Conference – November 18, 2017 – NIU Holmes Student Center
  2. Ask if he received Fr. Max Striedl’s invitation, if not provide a copy
  3. Provide Pastor with script for pulpit announcement and solicit his support
  4. If Pastor is not willing to provide pulpit support, obtain commitment for date(s) to make announcement yourself at all Sunday Masses.
  5. Solicit Pastor’s support to set a goal for attendance by parish members and purchase a block of tickets in advance. (This will provide incentive to more pro-actively invite male parishioners to attend the conference. At the same time it will help underwrite Conference expenses early.)
  6. Solicit support to hang posters, hand out brochures, and invite male parishioners to attend and provide tickets and/or registration after Masses.
  1. Bulletin Announcements
  1. Know your parish’s process and timing for submitting bulletin announcements well before they are to begin. Run bulletin announcements weekly starting after Labor Day. Meet or talk with the appropriate person to schedule the bulletin announcements.
  1. Recruit volunteers to help you pass out Conference literature and invite male parishioners to attend the conference after all Masses (this is by far the best and most successful way to recruit men to attend)
  1. Plan how you will staff, schedulevolunteers for after Masses and make every effort to hand out literature and solicitations registrations for at least 4 or 5 weekends leading up to the conference.
  1. (Optional) Solicit commitment for list of names and phone numbers of all male members of Parish.
  1. (Optional) Use volunteers for telephone tree (personal conversations work best!)
    Delegate names to be called, Pass out telephone solicitation scripts, Set dates to begin and end telephone solicitation. Suggest beginning September 28, and ending October 12


Please contact your respective Deanery Representative first.

Aurora Deanery: Bob Novak, 630-892-7252DeKalb Deanery:Mark Oleferchik 847-508-1590
Freeport Deanery: Russ Geis, 815-259-2847McHenry Deanery: Butch Pintozzi, 815-385-0969
Rockford Deanery:Max Striedl, Sr. 630-466-3272Elgin Deanery: Ken Weinberg630-336-3522

Sterling Deanery: Deacon Kevin Prunty, 815-857-3585
*If you have further questions or comments, contact Max Striedl, Sr. at 630-466-3272.