Glasgow Advanced Communication Skills Courses

16th 17th May 2011

7th8th November 2011

RoyalCollege of Physicians and Surgeons,

St Vincent St, GlasgowG2 5RJ

(11 non clinical CEPD credits)

Consultant Facilitators

  • Dr Fiona CowieOncology, Glasgow
Dr Paul EdgarAnaesthesia, Glasgow
  • Dr Richard Metcalfe Neurology, Glasgow
  • Dr Rachel Thomas Neurology, Glasgow

Course Overview

Good communication is fundamental to successful medical practice, but few senior doctors receive any training in communication skills. There is extensive research evidence that most postgraduate doctors benefit from structured, experiential teaching in clinical communication. Patient outcomes improve, complaints are reduced and doctors have less work-related stress.

Communication Education is delivered most effectively using experiential methods, which allow clinicians to integrate their existing knowledge and experiences with new approaches. This course is particularly suited to Consultants, SeniorTrainees andNCCG Doctors. Senior staff from other disciplines will also benefit.

Participants will work in small peer groups and address communication challenges from their own clinical practice and teaching using role play. Topics usually include:

  • Breaking bad news, giving complex information, consent
  • Handling complaints and hostility
  • Collusion or denial
  • Addressing poor performance by other members of the clinical team

The course is facilitated by practising hospital clinicians experienced in this type of training. The use of video or audio recording is an important part of this.

Learning Outcomes

This course allows participants the opportunity to:

  • Review their own practice in communicating with patients, relatives and colleagues
  • Identify personal communication difficulties and address them in a supportive peer-learning group
  • Learn about published work on clinical communication
  • Incorporate patient and carer perspectives into future communication encounters
  • Exchange ideas and experiences with colleagues from other specialties

Feedback from previous participants

Very helpful course (more so than I thought it would be!)”

Very useful... Great opportunity to act and perform- practice rather than theory-based (we can read the books at home!). Not intimidating at all as very friendly and small groups... Would recommend to colleagues..!”


Course Fee for 2 days will be around £150 (lunch included). It is expected that this will be part subsidised for GGCHB employees.

For further information and to book a place on this course please contact;

Dr Paul EdgarDr Richard Metcalfe

Consultant Consultant

Dept of NeuroanaesthesiaDept of Neurology

Southern GeneralHospitalSouthern GeneralHospital

Glasgow G51 4TFGlasgow G51 4TF

0141 201 19890141 201 2466

or have a look at the website