Glasby, Connell, Holloway & Hewitt1

S1. Taxa collected in studies done in SydneyHarbour 1) Connell and Glasby (1999), 2) Holloway unpubl. data, 3) Glasby and Connell (2001), 4) Glasby (2000), 5) Glasby (2001). Native (N), introduced (I) or cryptogenic (C) status assigned based loosely on a restricted set of the Chapman and Carlton (1991) criteria (excluding their criterion number five; the species is most prevalent in, or restricted to, new or artificial environments) or based on specific reference or comments. Note that cryptogenic species were not included in analyses, but have been included here for completeness. The Chapman and Carlton criteria were assigned as: i) sudden local appearance; ii) subsequent local spread; iii) distribution associated with human mechanisms of dispersal; iv) the species is trophically or symbiotically dependent on other known introduced species; vi) distribution restricted in comparison with natives; vii) disjunctive global distribution; viii) dispersal mechanisms are inadequate to reach Australia without human aid; and ix) the species is most similar morphologically or genetically to species in other regions of the world. Criterion five was not scored for this analysis.

Division/Phylum / Study
(1, 2, 3, 4, 5) / Status
(N/I/C) / Chapman & Carlton
criteria met / Reference or Comment
Calothrix sp. / 3 / C
Oscillatoria sp. / 3 / C
Chlorophyta / 1 / C / Known cryptogenicand introduced Chlorophyte species; Lewis (1999)
Bryopsis sp. / 2 / C / B. plumosa is cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Caulerpa filiformis / 2 / C
Chaetomorpha sp. / 2 / C / C. aerea and C. linum are cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Cladophora sp. / 2 / C / C. lehmanniana is cryptogenicLewis (1999)
Codium fragile / 2, 3, 5 / C / C. fragile tomentosoides and a native subspecies are both present in Sydney; Trowbridge (1996)
Codium lucasii / 2, 4 / N
Enteromorpha spp. / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / C / Known cryptogenic Enteromorpha species; Lewis (1999)
Ulvales / 3, 4 / C / Known introduced Ulva species
Ulva lactuca / 1, 2, 5 / I / i, iii, vi, vii, viii, ix / Lewis (1999)
Bachelotia antillarum / 3 / C / Widespread in warm temperate to tropical seas; Womersley (1987)
Colpomenia sinuosa / 1, 2, 5 / I / iii, vi, vii, viii, ix / Lewis (1999)
Dictyota spp. / 3, 4 / C / D. dichotoma is a known invasive; Lewis (1999)
Dictyota dichotoma / 1, 2, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii, ix / Lewis (1999)
Ectocarpus sp. / 2 / C / E. fasciculatus and E. siliculosus are cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Ecklonia radiata / 2, 5 / N
Feldmania sp. / 3, 4, 5 / N
Lobophora sp. / 2 / N
Padina sp. / 2 / N
Ralfsia sp. / 2 / N
Sargassum sp. / 1,2 / N / The invasive S. muticum is not known from Australia
Sphacelaria rigidula / 2, 3, 4, 5 / N
Zonaria sp. / 1, 2, 5 / N
Amphiroa anceps / 2, 5 / C
Antithamnion sp / 2 / C / A. cruciatum is introduced Lewis (1999), Womersley (2003)
Antithamnionella sp. / 2 / C / A. spirographidis is introduced and A. ternifolia is cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Ceramiales complex / 1, 3 / C / Known cryptogenicand introduced Ceramiales; Lewis (1999)
Ceramium sp. / 2 / C / C. flaccidum and C. virgatum are cryptogenic Lewis (1999)

Champia viridis

/ 2 / N
Chondria sp. / 2 / C / C. arcuata is introduced Lewis (1999)
Corallina officinalis / 1, 2, 5 / N
Gelidiumaustrale / 2, 5 / N
Gracilaria sp. / 2 / C / G. salicornia is cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Griffithsia sp. / 2 / C / G. crassiuscula is introduced to New Zealand Cranfield et al. (1998)

Herpisiphonia subdisticha

/ 2 / N
Hildenbrandia sp. / 2 / C / H. occidentalis and H. rubra are cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Hypnea sp. / 3, 4 / N
Laurencia sp. / 2, 3, 4, 5 / N
Martensia sp. / 5 / N
Peyssonnelia spp. / 1 / N
Phycodrys australasica / 5 / N
Polysiphonia sp. / 2, 4, 5 / C / P. brodiaei, P senticulosa are introduced and P. constricta, P. infestans, P. sertularioides and P. subtilissima are cryptogenic Lewis (1999)
Porphyra sp. / 2 / C
Rhodymenia sp. / 2, 3, 4 / N
Rhodymeniaaustralis / 1 / N

Symphocladia marchantoides

/ 2 / C
Austromegabalanus imperator / 2 / N

Amphibalanus amphitrite

/ 2 / C / Keough & Ross (1999), Cranfield et al. (1998)
Amphibalanus variegatus / 3, 4, 5 / N
Balanus trigonus / 1, 2, 4, 5 / N
Tesseropora rosea / 2 / N
Tetraclitella sp. / 2 / N
Anthothoe albocincta / 2 / N
Anthozoa sp. / 1 / C / Known introduced Anthozoan species
Culicia sp. / 3 / N
Oulactis muscosa / 2 / N
Amathia distans / 2 / I / iii, iv, vii, viii / Campbell et al. (2004)
Arachnopusia unicornis / 2 / N
Beania magellanica / 2, 3, 4 / N
Bowerbankia sp. / 3, 4 / C / Bowerbankia gracilis is introduced to Sydney; Keough & Ross 1999
Bugula avicularia / 2 / I / i, iii, vi, vii, viii / Campbell et al. (2004)
Bugula flabellata / 2, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Allen (1953); Pollard & Hutchings (1990); Keough & Ross (1999)
Bugula neritina / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, vi, vii, viii / Bock (1982); Keough & Ross (1999)
Bugula stolonifera / 2, 3, 4 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Keough & Ross (1999)
Calloporina lunata / 2 / N
Celleporaria sp. / 2, 3, 4, 5 / C / Known cryptogenic Celleporaria spp; Keough & Ross (1999); Campbell et al. (2004)
Conopeum seurati / 3, 4, 5 / I / i, iii, iv, vi, vii, viii / Hayward & Ryland 1996; Keough & Ross (1999)
Crisia ramosa / 2 / N
Cryptosula pallasiana / 3, 4 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Keough & Ross (1999)
Fenestrulina mutabilis / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / N
Gigantipora sp. / 2 / N
Lichenopora sp. / 2 / N
Membranipora sp. / 2 / C / Known cryptogenic species Keough & Ross (1999); Campbell et al. (2004)
Microporella sp. / 3, 4 / C / Known introduced Microporella spp.; Keough & Ross (1999)
Mucropetraliella ellerii / 2, 5 / N
Schizoporella errata / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Keough & Ross (1999)

Scruparia ambigua

/ 2 / I / iii, vii, viii / Campbell et al. (2004)
Tricellaria catalinensis / 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Keough & Ross (1999)
Watersipora arcuata / 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Pollard & Hutchings (1990); Keough & Ross (1999)
Watersipora subtorquata / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii / Keough & Ross (1999)
Anomia sp. / 1, 2 / N

Brachidontes hirsutus

/ 2 / N

Cleidothaerus albidus

/ 2 / N
Mytilus galloprovincialis / 1, 2, 3, 4 / I / iii, viii, ix / McDonald et al. (1991); Beu (2004); Gardner (2004)
Saccostrea glomerata / 1, 2, 3 / N
Ficopomatus enigmaticus / 4 / I / i, ii, iii, vi, vii, viii, ix / Keough & Ross (1999)

Filograna implexa

/ 2 / N
Galeolaria caespitosa / 2, 4, 5 / N
Hydroides elegans / 1, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, iii, iv, vi, viii, ix / Hutchings et al. (1989)
Hydroides ezoensis / 4 / I / i, ii, iii, iv, vi, viii, ix / Hewitt (2002)
Hydroides spp. / 2 / C / Known introduced Hydroides species; Hutchings et al. (1989); Hewitt (2002)
Spirobranchus spp. / 4, 5 / N
Spirorbidae / 1, 2, 3, 4 / C / Known introduced spirorbid species
Numerous unidentified / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / C
Cliona sp. / 2 / C
Leucandra sp. / 3, 4 / N
Leucoselenia sp. / 2 / C
Tethya sp. / 2 / C
Sycon sp. / 2 / C

Botrylloides leachi

/ 2 / C / Cranfield et al. (1998); Keough & Ross (1999)

Botrylloides perspecum

/ 2 / N
Didemnum spp. / 3 / C / Known introduced Didemnum species in other regions including New Zealand; Cranfield et al. (1988)
Diplosoma listerianum / 2, 3, 4, 5 / C / i, ii, vi, vii, viii / Recognised introduction in New Zealand; Cranfield et al. (1988)
Pyura spp. / 1, 2 / N
Styela plicata / 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 / I / i, ii, vi, vii, viii / Kott (1985); Pollard & Hutchings (1990); Keough & Ross (1999)
Symplegma sp. / 2 / N


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