Give Me Liberty- Chapter 13- A House Divided, 1840-1861

What were the major factors contributing to U.S. territorial expansion in the 1840s?

  1. Fruits of Manifest Destiny
  2. Continental Expansion
  3. Why did slavery move into the center stage of American politics in the 1840s?
  4. Between 1840 and 1845…
  5. By 1860…
  6. What belief was intensified as people moved west in the 1840s?
  7. The Mexican Frontier: New Mexico and California
  8. Describe what happened once the Santa Fe Trail opened
  9. Explain what Mexico did in 1834 and why
  10. Explain what happened to most of the land
  11. Define Californios
  12. The Texas Revolt
  13. Define Tejanos
  14. Who was Moses Austin and what did he do?
  15. By 1830
  16. How did Mexico respond?
  17. Describe what Santa Anna did and how the Americans responded
  18. On March 13, 1836…
  19. How did Sam Houston respond?
  20. Why did Texas not become a state immediately?
  21. The Election of 1844
  22. When and why did Tyler revive the issue of Texas annexation?
  23. Explain what Calhoun and other Southern states hoped about Texas
  24. How did Clay and Van Buren Respond? What were they concerned about?
  25. How did these letters impact both Clay and Van Buren?
  26. Describe James K. Polk
  27. Summarize the Democratic platform (include Texas and Oregon)
  28. Define “54°40’ or Fight”
  29. The Road to War
  30. What were Polk’s goals as president (at least four)
  31. How was the issued with Oregon decided
  32. How did Northerners react?
  33. Explain how Polk attempted to acquire California
  34. Summarize Zachary Taylor’s role in starting a war
  35. The War and Its Critics
  36. What was unique about the Mexican War?
  37. Summarize how most Americans felt about the war.
  38. Explain why many Northerners feared the war
  39. What did Henry Thoreau write and why?
  40. Explain why Lincoln disagreed with the war
  41. Combat in Mexico
  42. In June 1846…
  43. What was their goal?
  44. Where did most the fighting take place?
  45. What were the terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
  46. What became the name for the land annexed from Mexico
  47. Define Gadsden Purchase-
  48. Race and Manifest Destiny
  49. How many miles were added into the United States at the end of the War?
  50. Explain how manifest destiny impacted the idea of racial superiority
  51. Summarize what the annexation of Texas and conquest of Mexico came to symbolize
  52. Redefining Race
  53. Explain how America’s acquisition of the territories affected the inhabitants of these territories.
  54. Gold-Rush California
  55. Explain what changed the migration pattern from Oregon to California
  56. Summarize the gold-rush population
  57. By 1850
  1. California and the Boundaries of Freedom
  2. Summarize how white miners attempted to limit the rights of foreign immigrants
  3. Explain how the state constitution of 1850 limited the rights of minorities
  4. Explain how the gold rush impacted the Indians in California
  5. The Other Gold Rush
  6. During the 1850s..
  7. How were the California and Australia gold rushes similar
  8. Opening Japan
  9. Explain how America opened up foreign trade to Japan
  10. How did this help America?