GISD - Ford Elementary School

2017 - 2018 School Supply List

Kindergarten / 1st Grade / 2nd Grade
1-Pair blunt, metalFiskar scissors (child size)
1-Plastic Pencil Box – approximately 8 ½ X 5 ½
12-Elmer’s Glue Sticks
12-#2 wooden pencils (sharpened – not decorative)
2-Boxes Crayola broad-tip washable markers (Classic colors)
3-Solid Color Plastic Pocket Folders with brads
2-Kinder ruled notebooks with a place for picture at the top (Walmart)
2-Boxes Kleenex tissues
1-Full Size Back Pack (NO WHEELS PLEASE!)
1-Box 8 count Crayolacrayons (skinny kind, no florescent, scented or glitter, not washable)
3-Boxes 24 count Crayola crayons (no florescent, scented or glitter)
1-Package 12 x 18 manila paper (no tablets please)-(Boys Only)
1-Package 12 x 18 multi-color construction paper (no tablets please)-(Girls Only)
1-Box watercolor paints
1-Quart Size Ziploc Freezer bags (Boys only)
1-Gallon Size Ziploc Freezer bags (Girls only)
1-Box of wet wipes/baby wipes 80 count
1-Bottle Purell or Germ-X, 15oz or larger size
1-Box of Expo dry erase markers (4 to a box)
2-Large pink erasers
1-Can of Playdoh
2-Wide rule spiral notebooks
1-headphone/earbuds / 12 or more-#2 Ticonderoga wooden pencils sharpened(skinny, solid colored)
1-Bottle of Elmer’s WHITE Glue (4 oz.)
4-Large Glue Sticks (.77oz)
2-Boxes CRAYOLA crayons (24 count-Classic colors)
1-Pair of scissors (pointed)
1-School Box-plastic (standard)
1-Box of Kleenex Tissues (200 count)
2-PLASTIC pocket folders with brads (1 blue, 1 red)
1-Box FAT Crayola markers (classic colors)
1-Box EXPO Dry Erase Markers (four color set)
2-Spiral Notebooks (70 sheet, wide ruled, 1 red, 1 blue
1-Box of Gallon Size ZIP LOCK FREEZER BAGS (Girls only)
1-Box Sandwich size Zip Lock Bags (Boys only)
1-Package of pencil top erasers
2-Composition Books
1-8oz. Hand Sanitizer – (Girls only)
1-Box Baby Wipes – (Boys only)
1-Large Pink Eraser
1-Headphone/ear buds
  • Please label crayon box, marker box, school box and scissors.
  • Supplies will need to be replaced as needed.
  • Individual teachers may request additional items.
/ 3-Plastic pocket folders (blue, green, purple)
2-Pkgs. #2 wooden lead pencils sharpened (replace as needed)
1-Box crayons – (16 or 24 count only)
1-Elmer's Glue – large
2-Boxes Kleenex tissue (large)
1-Small, sturdy pencil box
1-Pair pointed scissors (Fiskar)
2-Packages of pencil top erasers
1-Set of 8 markers (washable)
1-Package of colored pencils

2-Large Elmer's glue stick

1-Pkg. Dry Erase markers
4-Composition Books
1-Hand sanitizer (boys only)
1-Quart bags (girls only)
  • Additional supplies may be requested from the classroom teacher.

3rd Grade / 4th Grade / 5thGrade
1-Package wide ruled notebook paper
3-Pkgs. #2 Wooden Pencils Sharpened
(24 count)
1-Box Crayola Crayons (24 count)
1-Pair Scissors
4-Large Elmer’s Glue Sticks
2-Large Boxes Kleenex Tissue
2-Red Plastic Folders with brads & pockets-heavy duty
2-Large Erasers
2-Spiral Notebooks (non-perforated, if possible) 1 red, 1 purple
3-Composition Books
1-Pkg. Colored Pencils
1-Pkg. Crayola Original Washable Markers
1-Expandable Folder (5 sections)
1-Pkg. 3X5 index cards
1-Quart size bags-Ziploc (boys only)
1-Gallon size bags-Ziploc (girls only)
1-headphone/Ear Buds
  • No Binders
  • No Personal Sharpeners
  • Money will be collected for an Assignment Book
  • Money will be collected for National Geographic Student Magazine
  • We use community supplies, so please do not bring pencil boxes/bags
/ 1-Pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide rule only)
1-3 subject spiral
5-Pocket Folders with brads (assorted colors)
4-Pkgs. #2 wooden pencils sharpened (12 per pkg.)
2-Pkgs. pencil top erasers
1-Pencil sharpener (no battery operated)
1-Pkg. colored pencils
1-Box crayons
1-Box of 8 Crayola wide tip markers
1-Pr. Fiskar scissors
1-Zipper Pencil bag (no boxes)
4-Large glue sticks (OR) 8 Small Glue Sticks
2-Boxes Kleenex tissues
1-Pkg. Antibacterial Wipes (boys only)
1-12” Ruler (inch and centimeters)
1-Expanding Portfolio File (minimum 5 tabs/6 sections)
1-Pkg. Red Stick Pens
1-Pkg. Highlighters (4 assorted colors)
1-Box Gallon size Ziploc bags (girls only)
1-Paper Towels, roll (girls only)
1-Dry Erase Expo Markers, 4 pack
1-Box of Sandwich sized bags (boys only)
4-Composition Books
1-2 inch pink eraser
1-Clear Protractor
  • Money will be collected for an Assignment Book
  • Money will be collected for Texas Studies Weekly Magazine
/ 1-Sturdy trapper keeper or sturdy expandable (not plastic)
1-Plastic pen/pencil Bag (large and sturdy)
2-Pkgs. Notebook paper (WIDE RULED, NO COLLEGE RULED)
4-Pocket folders WITH BRADS (1 blue, 1 red,
1 green, 1 purple)
48-# 2 wooden pencils sharpened
1-Covered, hand-held pencil sharpener
2-Pkgs.Red ballpoint pens (10 or 12 count)
1-Box Colored Pencils
1-12” ruler (metric and standard)
10-Glue sticks
2-Spiral notebooks / 70 pages (blue, yellow)
1-3 Subject Spiral Notebook (red)
1-Box Kleenex tissues (200 count)
1-Roll of paper towels
1-Box gallon Size Ziploc Bags (boys only)
1-Pair scissors (pointed)
1-Lined Composition Book
2-Pkgs. 3X5 index cards
1-2” 3 ring binder (no zipper)
1-Pkg. Crayola Original Markers
10-Dividers (it can be 2 sets of 5)
1-Box of quart size Ziploc bags (girls only)
1-Pkg. of grid paper
1-Pkg of multicolored construction paper 12x18
  • Individual teachers may request additional supplies.
  • Supplies will need to be replenished throughout the year.