NAESB WGQ Information Requirements Subcommittee Meeting
April 20, 2006 – 8:30 – 4:00 p.m. (Eastern Time)
Richmond, VA
Host: Dominion Transmission Inc
1. Introductions – Roll call was taken.
2. Housekeeping – Iris King provided the housekeeping
3. Anti-trust Guidelines – Dale Davis read the anti-trust guidelines
4. Adoption of Agenda – The agenda was modified to add R01010, R03001, and R98047 after R98047 in order to dispose of the issues identified by Technical in its meeting of April 18-19, 2006.
5. Approval of Prior Meeting Minutes & Attachment
· March 16-17, 2006 – There was a motion to adopt the minutes and the attachment for R00006 as modified and the remaining 9 attachments as posted. Motion passes unanimously.
6. Address Current Requests for Initiation or Enhancement of NAESB Standards and items transferred from other NAESB subcommittees -- Discussion, Q&A and a balanced vote for each item. (The items will be addressed in the order listed. The time allotted for the work of the subcommittee will be divided between the new data sets and the routine maintenance items.)
· Implementation Development in Progress:
R03027 SunGard Energy Systems
Request: Add a Mutually Agreeable data element, Nomination Segment Type(SegType), in the Transaction Specific Data Group (TSDG) of the Nomination and Scheduled Quantity datasets. This element will be used in EDI/EDM and WEB/EDM for all Nomination Model Types. There will be two valid values for Nomination Segment Type: Segmented and Non-Segmented with Non-Segmented being the default. This will also cause an error code to be added to the Nomination Quick Response Dataset with a message of “Invalid Nomination Segment Type”. The new data element will also be added to 1.3.54 and 1.3.61 TSDG of NAESB WGQ Nominations Related Standards.
(Relevant Minutes – BPS - 3/17/04, 4/7/04, 4/16/04; IR 01/19/06, BPS – 2/9/06; IR - 2/22/06, 3/16/06)
IR Discussion:
The chair reported that she had sent the proposed implementation from the March, 2006 IR meeting to the requester and received the following response in an e-mail dated April 18, 2006:
“We have discussed the request and the proposed Implementation and came up with questions and suggestions.
1. For the outstanding question regarding the Capacity Type in the Shipper Imbalance dataset, we researched and discovered that a similar data element that has BC in the Nomination dataset also has M in the Shipper Imbalance dataset. Therefore, as you suggested, change the data element in Shipper Imbalance from MA tomandatory (conditioned on if it is present and processed in the nomination). [Note from the chair: the question posed to the requester had been whether or not they needed the usage of the data element ‘Capacity Type’ needed to be changed for the requester’s purposes from MA to BC]
2. We also request that the segmented and non-segmented code values be added to the Definition section for the Capacity Type Data. Please refer to the attachment.
3. Will the segmented and non-segmented code values be added to the Transaction Set Tables - LQ Segments (Sub-detail) section?
4. And, as you may have already noticed [in the draft minutes from the March, 2006 IR meeting] in Version 1.7 Shipper Imbalance is in 2.4.4, not 2.4.2. “
The group reviewed the above response/suggestions and made changes to the proposed implementation. The final proposed implementation can be found as Attachment 1 to these minutes. Regarding question 3 above, the Technical Subcommittee will determine whether these code values will be added to the Transaction Set Tables - LQ Segments (Sub-detail) section.
Adopt the proposed implementation for R03027 as set forth on the attached work paper.
Vote / Balanced / Balanced / BalancedFor / Against / Total / For / Against / Total
End Users / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
LDCs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Pipelines / 6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Producers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Services / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Motion Passes
R01010 – Enron (Northern Natural)
Request: Add 10 code values for the data element ‘Reduction Reason’ in NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.4 - Confirmation Response, 1.4.5 - Scheduled Quantity and 1.4.6 - Scheduled Quantity for Operator datasets.
(Relevant Minutes: EC - 2/22/01; IR – 11/17/04, 12/14/04, 2/4/05; Technical – 6/28/04; EC – 8/25/05)
IR Discussion:
The proposed implementation for the request was adopted by the EC on August 25, 2005. In the implementation, 10 code values were added for the data element “Reduction Reason” in the Scheduled Quantity (NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.5) and Scheduled Quantity for Operator (NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.6).
At the Technical Subcommittee meeting of April 18, 2006, during discussions on a proposed implementation for R03001 for the addition of code values for the same data element (see IR minutes for August 24, 2005), it was discovered that the implementation for two requests previously processed by IR (R01010 adopted by the EC as indicated above and R03001 which is pending in the Technical Subcommittee) may have inadvertently excluded the review as to whether the code values need to also be added to the Confirmation Response (NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.4). It was decided to review IR’s previous work on these two requests for completeness.
The group reviewed the 10 code values for the data element Reduction Reason as set forth in the implementation adopted by the EC in August 2005 for R01010 to determine if any errors/warnings need to be added to the Confirmation Response.
Upon review of the 10 code values for the data element Reduction Reason as set forth in the implementation adopted by the EC in August 2005 for R01010, no errors/warnings need to be added to the Confirmation Response.
Vote / Balanced / Balanced / BalancedFor / Against / Total / For / Against / Total
End Users / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
LDCs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Pipelines / 6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Producers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Services / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Motion Passes
R03001 El Paso Western Pipelines and Transwestern Pipeline
Request: Add two new data elements in the following data sets:
Request for Confirmation NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.3
Confirmation Response NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.4
Scheduled Quantity for Operators NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.6
(Relevant Minutes – BPS - 7/14/03, 7/30/03; IR - 4/13/05, 6/30/05, 7/13/05; Technical – 4/18/06)
IR Discussion:
As indicated above in the discussion for request R01010, the group decided to review the implementation for R03001 which IR had adopted at its meeting of August 24, 2005.
Modify the proposed implementation for R03001 which was adopted by IR at its August 24, 2005 meeting as follows:
· Delete the word “quantity” in the Code Value Descriptions as indicated below:
Document Set: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.7 – Confirmation Response Quick Response
Data Element Validation Code (Detail)
Code Value / Code Value Description / Code Value Definition /ECRQR / Invalid Location Capacity Quantity / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Invalid Location Capacity Quantity Flow Indicator / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Missing Location Capacity Quantity / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Missing Location Capacity Quantity Flow Indicator / [no definition necessary]
WCRQR / Missing Location Capacity Quantity / [no definition necessary]
· Add the following Validation Codes as indicated below:
Document Set: NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 – Confirmation Response
Data Element Validation Code (Detail)
Code Value / Code Value Description / Code Value Definition /ECRQR / Invalid Location Capacity / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Invalid Location Capacity Flow Indicator / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Missing Location Capacity / [no definition necessary]
ECRQR / Missing Location Capacity Flow Indicator / [no definition necessary]
· Add the code values for the data element “Reduction Reason” to NAESB WGQ Std. 1.4.4 – Confirmation Response (in addition to the Scheduled Quantity and the Scheduled Quantity for Operator)
Document Set:
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.4 – Confirmation Response
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.5 Scheduled Quantity
NAESB WGQ Standard No. 1.4.6 Scheduled Quantity for Operator
Data Element: Reduction Reason
Code Value Description / Code Value Definition / Code Value /Location Capacity Quantity - Delivery / Reduction due to maximum net capacity available at delivery location.
Location Capacity Quantity - Receipt / Reduction due to maximum net capacity available at receipt location.
Vote / Balanced / Balanced / Balanced
For / Against / Total / For / Against / Total
End Users / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
LDCs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Pipelines / 6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Producers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Services / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Motion Passes
R98047 TransCapacity / Skipping Stone
Request: A new dataset, called "Supported Code Value Information," and the code value addition to the Data Sets Requested data element in the Upload of Request for Download dataset to support NAESB WGQ Standard. 4.3.53
(Relevant Minutes: EIITF 11/4/98 – IR Instruction 8; IR - 12/10/02, 1/14/03, 2/18/03, 4/2/03, 5/6/03, 6/3/03, 7/10/03; 3/31/04; BPS - 7/22/03, 7/30/03, 3/31/04; IR - 7/13/05, 8/24/05, 10/26/05; Technical – 4/18/06)
IR Discussion:
The chair reported that at the Technical Subcommittee meeting of April 18-19, 2006, it was suggested that modifications be made to the Technical Implementation of Business Process for the proposed data set NAESB WGQ Std. 0.4.z2 – Supported Code Values and NAESB WGQ Std. 2.4.7 – request for Information.
Modify the proposed implementation for R98047 adopted by IR at its October 25, 2005 meeting as following:
· Modify the TIBP for the new data set – Supported Code Values Information as indicated below
The Supported Code Values Information is a document sent by the tTransportation Sservice Pprovider (TSP) to the statement recipient to provide a list of code values utilized by the TSP for the upload data sets and data elements that it supports. This document is a complete listing of code values supported by the transportation service provider.The data set represents a complete listing of code values for the upload data set(s) that the TSP supports.
The statement date/time will indicate the date and time at which the statement was produced. The transportation service providerTSP is identified by an industry common code. The statement recipient ID is identified by an industry common code indicating the party who is to receive the statement. Parties should mutually agree to use the TSP’s proprietary entity code when the D-U-N-S® Number is not available.
The data set represents the upload data set(s) that the TSP supports.
The data elements included are those that the TSP supports within the specified upload data set. Such data elements are limited to those that have code values. The all code values supported indicator tells whether the TSP supports all the code values for the specified data element for the identified data set. If the TSP does not support all the code values for the specific data element, then, for the data element code value, the TSP will provide a complete list of the specific code values that are supported. If the TSP does support all the code values for the specific data element, then, no code values are provided in this document and the statement recipient should refer to the appropriate NAESB code values dictionary.
· Modify the quick guide to data elements at the end of the TIBP for Request For Information (2.4.7) as highlighted below:
Business Name(Abbreviation) / Storage Information
0.4.z1 / Supported Code Values Information
0.4.z2 / Allocation
2.4.3 / Scheduled Quantity
1.4.5 / Shipper Imbalance
2.4.4 /
Allocation Transaction Type Code / nu / nu / CM / nu / nu
Data Sets Requested / M / M / M / M / M
Information Requested Begin Date / M / nu / M / M / M
Information Requested End Date / SO / nu / SO / SO / CSO
Location Data / nu / nu / C / nu / nu
Request ID / M / M / M / M / M
Requester Data / M / M / M / M / M
Service Requester Data / M / nu / nu / M / M
Service Requester Contract / nu / nu / nu / M / M
Statement Recipient Data / nu / M / M / nu / nu
Transportation Service Provider Data / M / M / M / M / M
Vote / Balanced / Balanced / Balanced
For / Against / Total / For / Against / Total
End Users / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
LDCs / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Pipelines / 6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Producers / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
Services / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0.00 / 0.00 / 0
6 / 0 / 6 / 2.00 / 0.00 / 2
Motion Passes
R05005 Northern Natural Gas
Request: Add new transaction type codes to the Nomination 1.4.1, Shipper Scheduled Quantity 1.4.5, and Transportation Sales Invoice 3.4.1 data sets.
(Relevant Minutes – Triage / EC – 4/20/05, IR – 2/22/06, 3/16/06)
IR Discussion:
The group reviewed the work from the previous IR meetings, the questions sent to the requester and the answers received by the chair from the requester as indicated below: