Girl Guides of Canada

Thompson Nicola Area

Annual General Meeting

May 26, 2011

Singing of O Canada

Guiding members were asked to stand and repeat the promise.

  • Presentation of Awards by Maryann Brock and Joyce Perrie

Team Award – presented to Judy Crawford, Debra Desjardins, Linda Taylor (Donna Samson previously presented) as committee members for the 2010 National Trefoil Guild Gathering held in Kamloops.

·  Introductions

Area Council Introductions by Mary Lester

District Commissioners introduced their Guiders

Trefoil members

Mary Lester called to order the annual general meeting of Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for 2010.

Confirmation was received that notice of this meeting has been sent and a quorum present.

As the notice of meeting had been circulated in accordance with the by-laws of the Girl Guides of Canada-Guides du Canada, Mary Lester declared this annual general meeting of Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council, to be duly constituted.

·  Approval of minutes

The minutes of April 10, 2010, have been circulated to our members. Mary Lester called for any corrections or additions. Mary Lester declared the minutes of the 2009 Annual General Meeting of Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council, held April 10, 2010, to be approved as circulated.

  • Correspondence: No correspondence to report.
  • Anne Cameron introduced Maryann Brock, Deputy Provincial Commissioner, who extended a message from Province
  • Anne Cameron extended a message from Area

·  Financial report

Mary Lester called on Pam Black to present the Financial Report that is in the Area Annual report. Pam Black reported that there is an error in the Annual Report income statement and a corrected version is available.

Pam Black reported that not all units have applied for GST and HST returns.

Motion: I move that the audited financial statements of the Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for the year 2010, be accepted as presented to the Council.

This motion has been moved by Pam Black and seconded by Tara Decker.


·  Appointment of Reviewer

A motion is in order to appoint the reviewer for the 2011 fiscal year.

Motion: I move that Diana Pearse, CMA be appointed as reviewer for the Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for the 2011 fiscal year.

This motion has been moved by Pam Black and seconded by Donna Samson.


·  Appointment of Treasurer

A motion is in order to appoint a Treasurer for Thompson Nicola Area for a one-year term.

Motion: I move that Pam Black be appointed as Treasurer for Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for the 2011 fiscal year.

This motion has been moved by Judy Crawford and seconded by Wendy LaBrie. Carried.

·  Appointment of Signing Officers

The signing officers for Thompson Nicola Area Council were changed in October of 2010 and will remain unchanged.

Motion: I move that Pam Black, Anne Cameron and Mary Lester have signing authority for Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada Thompson Nicola Area for 2011.

This motion has been moved by Joyce Perrie and seconded byTerri Lynn Day.


·  Appointment of Secretary

A motion is in order to appoint a Secretary for Thompson Nicola Area for a one-year term. Geraldine – will you let your name stand as secretary once again?

Motion: I move that Geraldine Nelson be appointed as Secretary for Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for the 2010 fiscal year.

This motion has been moved by Anne Fox and seconded by Debbie Jestin.


·  Annual Report

Anne Cameron, Area Commissioner presented the Annual Report.

The annual report of the Thompson Nicola Area Council, for the year ending December 31, 2010, has been distributed to Council members. A motion is in order for its acceptance.

Motion: I move that the annual report of Girl Guides of Canada – Guides du Canada, Thompson Nicola Area Council for 2010 be accepted.

This motion has been moved by Anne Cameron and seconded by Tara Decker.


Anne Cameron thanked Colleen Christensen who put together our Annual Report this year.

·  Resolution of Thanks

Anne Cameron called upon this Council to propose a resolution of thanks to all of the Guiders in our Area who volunteer untold hours to make Guiding successful in our communities.

Motion: I move that we propose a resolution of thanks to all of the Guiders in Thompson Nicola Area.

This motion has been moved by Anne Cameron and seconded by Mary Lester.


·  Presentation of Awards

5-year pin presented to Tara Decker

20-year pin presented to Pam Black

40-year pin presented to Donna Samson

Kim Gardner is to receive a 10-year pin; Sharlene Puhallo, a 12-year pin; Danielle Coates, a 13-year pin; Leslie Hall, a 30-year pin; Heather Smith, a 35-year pin.

Angela Juettner previously received an 11-year pin.

Wendy LaBrie, Area Awards Adviser, presented the Area Awards Committee with thanks: Ashe Colton, Donna Samson, Linda Taylor ( Linda Legg, Heather Smith, Debra Desjardins not present)

Mary Lester presented the B.C. Guider Appreciation Pin to Geraldine Nelson

Anne Cameron presented the Gold Merit Award to Joyce Perrie.

Mary Lester presented Commissioner pins and gifts to Brigitte Bennett, Joyce Perrie and Donna Samson.

Anne Cameron presented Joy Gregorash with the Camp Adviser Pin.

Mary Lester presented Jackie Onufreychuk, retired Customer Service Representative, with a gift of thanks.

·  Announcements

Rebecca Anderson was announced as Membership Adviser. She presented a report from the Membership Committee.

Terri Lynn Day was announced as the Area website designer. She presented features of the website.

·  Adjournment

As this concluded the business of the meeting, Mary Lester declared the 2010 Annual General meeting of Thompson Nicola Area Council adjourned.

The meeting was followed with draws for door prizes, all money going to CWFF.

Coffee, tea and dessert were served before Judy Crawford led the campfire.

·  Attendance:

Rebecca Anderson

Brigitte Bennett

Norma Bent

Pam Black

Anne Cameron

Annette Cameron

Terri Lynn Day

Ashe Colton

Judy Crawford

Tara Decker

Deb Desjardins

Brenda Edgeworth

Anne Fox

Joy Gregorash

Sandee Hayre

Peggy Haywood-Farmer

Debbie Jestin

Angela Juettner

Mairi MacKay

Wendy LaBrie

Mary Lester

Geraldine Nelson

Jean Nelson

Jackie Onufreychuk

Joyce Perrie

Valerie Prociuk

Janis Renner

Monique Reisev

Pat Robertson

Donna Samson

Linda Taylor

Maryann Brock, Deputy Provincial Commissioner