Gilles-Sweet Elementary School

4320 West 220 Street, Fairview Park, OH 44126

Fifth Grade Supply List


Please make sure everything is clearly marked with your child’s name (except pencils).

One set of durable earphones for use with the iPads. NO EARBUDS. Please keep in mind that inexpensive earphone connectors break easily and often cause damage to the iPads.This damage will result in a $25.00 iPad Repair charge and assessed to the student.

2 dozen #2 pencils (to be replaced throughout the year)

12” ruler: metric and customary units

3 packs wide ruled notebook paper – loose leaf

Colored pencils or markers

Crayons – 24 colors


2, 3-subject notebooks w/folders (different colors)

2 single-subject notebooks (different colors)

2 folders (any design/color)

Several gluesticks

1 Sharpie – fine point, permanent marker for Art Class

2 packs of index cards – lined

2-packs Post-it notes

2 highlighters

2 colored pens

4-pack dry erase markers

Zippered pouch/bag – LARGE enough to carry all coloring supplies, gluesticks, pencils, pens, scissors, highlighters (such as a lunch bag, cosmetic bag, etc.)

2 large boxes of tissues

3 large canisters (Lysol/Clorox) disinfectant wipes

Tennis shoes are needed for gym class (NON-MARKING SOLES, PLEASE!)

Book bag/back pack (wheeled book bags don’t fit into lockers)

NO mechanical pencils, white out or gel pens

Ziploc Baggies: Boys-sandwich size

Girls-gallon size

Please note: There will be additional supplies needed in the fall and at semester break based on individual teacher needs.



22 5:30-6:30 PM Back to School Open House

24 First Day of School, K-12

30 Meet the Teacher Night

6-6:45 PM First Grade

7-7:45 PM Second Grade

9-1 Meet the Teacher Night

6-6:45 PM Fourth Grade plus 3 Chapman and 3 Fleischer

7-7:45 PM Fifth Grade plus 3 Gallagher, 3 Lehman,

3 McDevitt/Potraffke, and 3 Petruzzi


5 Labor Day, No School, K-12

Class assignment letters for the 2016-17 school year are mailed home in mid-August.