This clinic is for children 3 ½ to 7 years old. The purpose is to give them the basic skills to play soccer in the future. We’ll work on the fundamentals of the game … running appropriately, balance, and coordination, all very important for playing soccer.

The clinic for the 3 ½- to 5-year-olds is on Mondays; the clinic for the 6- and 7-year-olds is on Tuesdays. The clinics run from 3:30 pm to 5:00 pm, and I’ll be at the school at 2:30 to meet the children after their classes. Tennis shoes and shorts will give the children more freedom to exercise. Each child will receive a popsicle every day and a trophy at the end of the semester.

I hope you had a great summer!


3 1/2-5-YEARS-OLD (Mondays) 6-7 YEAR OLDS (Tuesdays)

SEPT. 21 – DEC. 7 SEPT. 22 – DEC. 8


3 1/2-YEARS-OLD (Mondays) 6-7 YEAR OLDS (Tuesdays)

JAN. 25 – MAY 2 JAN. 26 – MAY 3

When the school is closed (work days or bad weather), there is no soccer.

Registration forms can be found in the lobby or online.

The cost of one semester is $250.

If you want to sign up for the whole year, it is $500.

Please make the check payable to: RMS

Leave completed registration form and payment at RMS.

For more information, call Coach Baldini at 598-6348, cell phone 840-5299, or email: