April 30,2015 6:15pm Alfy’s

Present: Robynn. Lisa, Tamie, Jammie, (and Rob By-Proxy/Phone) (4/7 board members)

All votes/motions AND tasks identified for board members identified in bold text.

  1. PRESIDENT (Rob P):
  2. VICE PRESIDENT (Brent R):
  3. TREASURER (OPEN): Walt officially resigned via email to the board on 4/26/15
  4. SECRETARY (Robynn B): minutes from 4/23/15 provided
  5. FIELD REP (Lisa O’):
  8. REF COORDINATOR (Lisa O’ interim): There is a ref coordinator class on May 16th that will cost the club $60.00. We repeatedly get asked by NCYSA to make sure we have someone there. Either Lisa or Katie will attend and get reimbursed.
  1. FUNDRAISING COORDINATOR (Deon):Has asked for a W-9 to provide to the Sounders (to aid the process of current and future fundraising with the Sounders)
  1. CURRENT business:
  1. Spring/Fall Soccer Update: Rob contactedBonzi and they WILL put a birth certificate acknowledgement box within the registration process. The second updated age chart was sent to coaches (and is on the website).

Lisa has volunteeredto host two more “walk-up” dates at IGA: 5/17 and 6/6 from 11am-2pm.

Robynn has created the mini-flyer squashed with registration info, will add the dates and get them copied for the schools.

Lisa willcheck at her work for “copying” possibilities.

Lisa willget some kid referees or Lowell’s girls on the corner to draw in people during the walk-up/walk-in times.

Robynn will create a flyer to have on-hand at walk in/up dates trying to recruit volunteers. She will create it and run it by the board for approval. The purpose is to actively seek out volunteers willing to do specific things (coach, assistant coach, be on the board, do a VARIETY of tasks for the field prep).

Robynn will emailPorscha’s email address to Tamie and Lisa so they can contact her for students looking for volunteer hours.

  1. Budget Committee:Topic that was tabled in the past. Rob, Brent, Lisa, and Jammie are part of this process. Lisa said she will get the ball rolling on this.
  1. NEW business:
  1. Open Treasurer Position: Tamie nominated Jammie Anderson as treasurer to replace Walt in for the remainder of the term (currently in year 2). Jammie accepted; it was voted on by 3 present board members and one by-proxy. Motion passed! Yay! We have a treasurer! She will meet with Walt to get caught up to speed, and comes to us with experience in accounting.Rob will update Bonzito allow Jammie to have access to the components she needs.
  1. Frequency/Purpose of meetings: Several items of concern came up in this conversation…

Email strings need to stay about one topic for ease of understanding. New topic? Start a new thread.

Meetings for the foreseeable future need to be spend with resolution in mind. Aside from touch-up of current business we will focus on ONE main topic. All members will come with ideas (and possibly share those ideas BEFORE the meeting so others have time to process them. Robynn will create a DOC on the google drive for each topic to facilitate the idea gathering process.)

Possible ideas for meeting MAIN TOPICS: Fundraising Policy, Budget finalization, Incidentals such as: picture day and uniforms, Banking Changes, Coaches Training/Meeting, etc. (The group present suggested that Fundraising Policy be the first topic handled. Once this is done, then we move on to the next topic in the foundation of the club.)

The other parts of the meeting will be given a short time frame such as 5 minutes for quick update on each “current business”. If there are issues to be discussed, we will “table” the topic in order to preserve time to hammer out the details of the main topic.

ALL discussion will be solution-focused, we will look forward…not at what “has happened in the past” but what we will do to create a solid foundation to the future. Lisa and Jammie have agreed to be the “task masters” on this – if board members begin to dwell on past/negative things they will draw them back to the task at hand so we can move forward.

  1. Ref Coordinator position: It was moved and approved to vote Katie O’Brien in as referee coordinator. She is willing to learn and Lisa can guide her through the initial learning phase.
  1. Changes/Updates to website:

Add the ref schedule to the website (Lisa will email it to Robynn to post)

Add the additional walk-in dates to the website (calendar and announcements pages)

  1. Date/Time of next meeting: Either May 14th or May 21st, from 6:15-8pm location TBD

Adjourned 7:55